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Game of November 24, 2011 at 05:46, 5 players
1. 356 pts reynaritz
2. 199 pts strykyster
3. 193 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehijlt   H4    40    40   jillet
 2. ademnou   5D    94   134   eudaimon
 3. ?abcnnx   6H    55   189   lax
 4. aaenpsu   4H    49   238   japans
 5. aeiorst   8H    77   315   etaerios
 6. eeehlns   3K    28   343   heels
 7. cegintu   L7    72   415   eructing
 8. aiknorw   4A    42   457   know
 9. ahirrty   3C    46   503   hairy
10. eimnort   N7    74   577   motioner
11. ?bdiost  10B    80   657   biodots
12. acerrty   A1   203   860   racketry
13. fgilnou   O1    33   893   fusing
14. adegilw  O11    42   935   waled
15. eiopqrv   9C    43   978   qi
16. aeilprv   D8    24  1002   violer
17. adegiuv   6C    25  1027   vega
18. deioopz   2A    41  1068   adz
19. befoopu  13C    28  1096   proof

Remaining tiles: beiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7010 Filereynaritz   2 10:29  -740  356     1.7010 reynaritz   2 10:29  -740  356 
  2.4906 Filestrykyster  1 12:12  -897  199            Group: intermediate
  3.5133 Filespellcheck  2  8:48  -903  193     1.6400 dragons11   2  2:44  -908  188 
  4.6400 Filedragons11   2  2:44  -908  188            Group: novice
  5.  -  Fileashleezy11  0  5:45 -1031   65     1.5133 spellcheck  2  8:48  -903  193 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4906 strykyster  1 12:12  -897  199 
                                             2.  -  ashleezy11  0  5:45 -1031   65 

On 1st draw, JIL(L)ET H4 40 --- JILLET a loose young woman [n]
Other tops: JILTE(D) H4 40, JILTE(R) H4 40, JI(L)LET H4 40
Other moves: JILT(S) H4 38, H(A)JI H5 26, H(A)JI H6 26, H(A)JI H7 26, H(A)JI H8 26
JILTE(D) H4 40 dragons11

On 2nd draw, EUDAIMON 5D 94 --- EUDAIMON a good spirit [n]
Other moves: EUDAEMON 8H 86, OUTNAMED 9F 65, AMOUNTED 9C 64, EUDAEMON 8D 62, UNAIMED 5E 40
DEMON I1 22 dragons11

On 3rd draw, LAX 6H 55 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other moves: L(A)X 6H 53, L(E)X 6H 53, L(O)X 6H 53, L(U)X 6H 53, X(U) 6J 50
LAX 6H 55 dragons11

On 4th draw, JAPANS 4H 49 --- JAPAN to coat with a glossy, black lacquer [v]
Other moves: JAPAN 4H 47, JAPES 4H 47, JANES 4H 41, JAPE 4H 32, PAEANS 4J 32
PANES 4J 28 dragons11

On 5th draw, ETAERIOS 8H 77 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: OTARIES 10B 74, OARIEST 10C 72, ETAERIOS D2 68, ETAERIOS D5 68, OUTRAISE E4 66
TEARS 10D 20 dragons11

On 6th draw, HEELS 3K 28 --- HEEL to supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) [v]
Other moves: HES 10F 27, HEEL 3K 26, HELE 4A 26, NESH 4A 26, SHEEN 4A 24
SHEEN 10H 23 dragons11
HEELS D4 18 ashleezy11

On 7th draw, ERUCTING L7 72 --- ERUCT to belch out [v]
Other moves: GESTIC O1 30, CUING 4A 29, CESTUI O1 27, INSECT O1 27, EUGENIC D2 26
GUST O1 18 reynaritz
GIN M7 7 ashleezy11

On 8th draw, KNOW 4A 42 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other moves: RISK O1 39, KNOWER D1 36, KNAWE D1 34, KNOWE D1 34, WAGON 14J 34
RISK O1 39 reynaritz
KNOW N6 21 ashleezy11

On 9th draw, HAIRY 3C 46 --- HAIRY covered with hair [adj]
Other tops: HARRY 3C 46
Other moves: HASTY O1 36, RHYTINA 13G 36, HAY 3C 34, TARRY 3C 34, YAH 3C 34
HARK A1 33 reynaritz
HAIRY 12J 11 ashleezy11

On 10th draw, MOTIONER N7 74 --- MOTIONER one that motions [n]
Other moves: DORMIENT F5 65, REMOTION N5 64, MERKIN A1 36, MORKIN A1 36, MESTINOS O1 33
TINKER A1 30 reynaritz
MINOR 12K 8 ashleezy11

On 11th draw, BI(O)DOTS 10B 80 --- BIODOT a tempearature sensor stuck to the skin [n]
Other moves: BIOD(O)TS 10B 78, O(U)TBIDS 10B 76, BODKI(N)S A1 39, BODKI(N) A1 36, BOD(E)S O11 35
BOD(E)S O11 35 reynaritz
BINDE(R) 13J 16 strykyster
MOTIONERS N7 11 spellcheck

On 12th draw, RACKETRY A1 203 --- RACKETRY illegal interference [n]
Other moves: RETIRACY C7 80, RACKETY A1 48, TACKEY A1 45, YACKER A1 45, TACKY A1 42
YACK A1 39 strykyster
CRAKE A1 33 reynaritz
BEATY B10 20 spellcheck

On 13th draw, FUSING O1 33 --- FUSE to equip with a fuse (a detonating device) [v]
Other moves: FUSION O1 30, INFO 11B 30, FILING C9 28, FINO 11D 28, FOIN 11C 28
FUSING O1 33 spellcheck
GUS O1 12 strykyster

On 14th draw, WALED O11 42 --- WALE to mark with welts [v]
Other moves: ALEW O12 31, DEAW 11C 31, WADE 11D 31, WADI 11D 31, WIDE 11D 31
WALED O11 42 reynaritz
WIT 11J 12 strykyster
WEY G1 9 spellcheck

On 15th draw, QI 9C 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PO(O)VIER D8 28, VIPER C9 28, PERI 11D 25, PORE 11D 25, REPO 11D 25
QI 9C 43 strykyster, reynaritz
QI C9 21 spellcheck

On 16th draw, VI(O)LER D8 24 --- VIOLER a fiddler [n]
Other tops: PRAU 2L 24
Other moves: VERA 6C 23, APE 11E 22, PEARL 2E 22, PERI 6C 22, VI(O)LA D8 22
DIAPER E10 18 strykyster
RIVER 1A 9 spellcheck

On 17th draw, VEGA 6C 25 --- VEGA a low fertile plain [n]
Other moves: EVANGEL 13I 24, GRAVED 13C 24, GRAVID 13C 24, VARIED 13B 24, DEVA C12 23
GRAVED 13C 24 spellcheck, reynaritz
DAD E10 17 strykyster

On 18th draw, ADZ 2A 41 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: PRIZED 13C 38, BOOZED B10 36, ODORIZE 13A 36, POZ C12 36, DOZE C12 35
PRIZED 13C 38 spellcheck
BOOZED B10 36 strykyster
ZIG 14J 33 reynaritz

On 19th draw, PROOF 13C 28 --- PROOF to examine for errors [v]
Other moves: BUFO 2E 27, BUFO C12 26, P**F C12 26, POUF C12 26, FOB C12 25
PROOF 13C 28 spellcheck
P**F C12 26 reynaritz
FES M2 6 strykyster

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