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Game of November 24, 2011 at 09:30, 3 players
1. 463 pts mylover81
2. 181 pts churchill
3. 22 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeefot   H4    76    76   foveate
 2. ?ailorz   6H    87   163   valorize
 3. bdnoort   O3    33   196   obtend
 4. eilnrtu   8A    77   273   retinula
 5. adiilnr  11F    25   298   aldrin
 6. aeprssw  L11    36   334   sprew
 7. aaimosy  15K    39   373   swamy
 8. aejktuy   5G    56   429   jokey
 9. acinosu   C6    74   503   anticous
10. abehios   N8    87   590   obeahism
11. egimnor   B2    38   628   genom
12. adeeoru   A1    32   660   eared
13. acegqtv   C1    37   697   cave
14. dginoqw  10J    64   761   qi
15. adfgiot  D12    32   793   goaf
16. denotvw   1C    36   829   covent
17. eghlttu  15A    33   862   theft
18. gilruwx   2F    52   914   xu
19. dgilpru   M3    27   941   upgird

Remaining tiles: iiilw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7167 Filemylover81   2  9:07  -478  463     1.7167 mylover81   2  9:07  -478  463 
  2.5798 Filechurchill   0  7:31  -760  181            Group: novice
  3.5434 Filemarigold    0  0:56  -919   22     1.5798 churchill   0  7:31  -760  181 
                                             2.5434 marigold    0  0:56  -919   22 

On 1st draw, FO(V)EATE H4 76 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEATE pertaining to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: FO(V)EATE H3 70, FO(V)EATE H6 70, FO(V)EATE H7 70, FO(V)EATE H8 70, FO(V)EATE H2 68
FEATE(D) H4 24 churchill
FATE(D) H4 22 marigold

On 2nd draw, (V)ALORIZ(E) 6H 87 --- VALORIZE to establish and maintain the price of by governmental action [v]
Other moves: (C)ALORIZE 7A 77, (M)ORALIZE 7A 77, (P)OLARIZE 7A 77, (S)OLARIZE 7A 77, (V)ALORIZE 7A 77
FROZ(E) 4H 32 churchill

On 3rd draw, OBT(E)ND O3 33 --- OBTEND to allege [v]
Other moves: BORTZ N2 32, BR(E)TON O4 30, TROOZ N2 28, BOORD 11D 27, BOORD(E) O1 27
D(E)BTOR O5 24 churchill

On 4th draw, RETINULA 8A 77 --- RETINULA a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye [n]
Other moves: OUTLINER K6 66, TENURIAL 8B 59, ROUTINE K5 28, TORULIN K5 28, RATLINE I5 21
FLUTER 4H 18 churchill

On 5th draw, ALDRIN 11F 25 --- ALDRIN an insecticide [n]
Other tops: INLAID 11C 25, IRIDAL 11E 25
Other moves: DINAR 11H 23, DRAIL 11H 23, DRAIN 11H 23, ILIAD 11D 23, LAIRD 11D 23
DRAIN 11H 23 churchill

On 6th draw, SPREW L11 36 --- SPREW inferior asparagus [n]
Other moves: WRASSE L8 34, SEWARS I3 33, WAP 5K 32, WARPERS L1 32, AWARE I4 31
WAP 5K 32 mylover81
SWAPS L11 30 churchill

On 7th draw, SWAMY 15K 39 --- SWAMY a Hindu religious teacher [n]
Other moves: AWAYS 15K 33, MIAOWS 15H 33, YAMS I5 33, YAM 5K 32, YOM 5K 32
YAM 5K 32 mylover81
WAYS 15L 30 churchill

On 8th draw, JOKEY 5G 56 --- JOKEY amusing [adj]
Other tops: JAKEY 10B 56
Other moves: AJEE 10E 54, JAK 5K 54, JEE 10F 53, TAJ 10D 51, JERKY L4 46
AJEE 10E 54 mylover81

On 9th draw, ANTICOUS C6 74 --- ANTICOUS on the anterior side [adj]
Other moves: AUCTIONS C5 64, CAUTIONS C5 62, CONIUM N10 32, EUCAINS B8 30, ASINICO M2 24
CION 10C 12 mylover81

On 10th draw, OBEAHISM N8 87 --- OBEAHISM the use of obeah [n]
Other moves: OBEAH B2 49, BEKAHS I3 45, SAHEB B2 42, SAHIB B2 42, BEKAH I3 35
HO 14N 29 mylover81

On 11th draw, GENOM B2 38 --- GENOM a haploid set of chromosomes [n]
Other moves: ENORM B2 36, INERM B2 36, EMONG D11 32, KAME I5 29, ENORM D11 28
CRIM 10C 24 mylover81

On 12th draw, EARED A1 32 --- EAR to form the fruiting head of a cereal [v] --- EARED having ears [adj]
Other tops: OARED A1 32
Other moves: DEKARE I3 31, RADE A1 27, RUDE A1 27, DARE A1 26, DURA A1 26
DARE A1 26 mylover81

On 13th draw, CAVE C1 37 --- CAVE to hollow out [v]
Other moves: GAVE C1 35, QAT C1 34, QAT F10 32, AVE C2 31, QI J10 31
QAT F10 32 mylover81

On 14th draw, QI 10J 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: COWING 1C 39, QADI F10 34, QAID F10 34, WIG D4 34, W*G D4 34
QI 10J 64 mylover81

On 15th draw, GOAF D12 32 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: COIF 10C 30, FAE 10F 29, EFT 7H 27, GIFT D12 26, IF 10E 26
FAE 10F 29 mylover81

On 16th draw, COVENT 1C 36 --- COVENT a convent [n]
Other moves: WED D4 34, DOWF 15A 33, WEN D4 31, WET D4 31, WOE D4 31
WEEDS 14J 22 mylover81

On 17th draw, THEFT 15A 33 --- THEFT the act of stealing [n]
Other moves: GHEE 10E 31, HUE 2F 31, THEE 10E 30, HE 2F 28, FUGLE 15D 27
HUE 2F 31 mylover81

On 18th draw, XU 2F 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: WIG D4 34, EXUL F1 27, EX F1 25, XI O11 25, WAX F10 21
XU 2F 52 mylover81

On 19th draw, UPGIRD M3 27 --- UPGIRD to gird completely [v]
Other moves: CLIP 10C 24, EILD 7H 24, DUPING E4 20, LIPID M3 20, PURLING E3 20
CLIP 10C 24 mylover81

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