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Game of November 25, 2011 at 05:22, 4 players
1. 136 pts Hasni
2. 79 pts iwhist
3. 45 pts Snook

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeoprw   H4    26    26   powre
 2. ?immntz   6H    36    62   wizen
 3. ?iinprr   8B    59   121   inspirer
 4. adfgotu   5K    28   149   fagot
 5. aceglnu   4L    35   184   cage
 6. aeimoty   3M    39   223   yam
 7. adelsuv   B7    90   313   disvalue
 8. abeiimn  C11    32   345   bima
 9. aeeiils   O3    30   375   metalise
10. abfnotu  N10    45   420   futon
11. adelost   E5    94   514   tadpoles
12. acdenor   A1    92   606   dracone
13. iiknosw  15K    51   657   nkosi
14. eeiortv  12H    28   685   viretot
15. einorux   F4    53   738   rex
16. aeeghuw   3C    44   782   waugh
17. eeinquy  14E    75   857   queynie
18. bdeelot  15G    32   889   dee
19. bhijlot   D1    38   927   jiao

Remaining tiles: bhltt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5957 FileHasni       0  8:36  -791  136     1.6460 iwhist      1  2:55  -848   79 
  2.6460 Fileiwhist      1  2:55  -848   79            Group: novice
  3.5193 FileSnook       0  2:38  -882   45     1.5957 Hasni       0  8:36  -791  136 
  4.5093 Filefatcat      0  0:58  -915   12     2.5193 Snook       0  2:38  -882   45 
                                             3.5093 fatcat      0  0:58  -915   12 

On 1st draw, POWRE H4 26 --- POWRE to pour [v]
Other tops: PAWER H4 26, POWER H4 26
Other moves: PAWER H8 22, POWER H8 22, POWRE H8 22, PAREO H4 20, PAWER H5 20
POWER H4 26 iwhist
WEEP H5 18 Hasni

On 2nd draw, WIZ(E)N 6H 36 --- WIZEN to shrivel [v]
Other moves: WIZ 6H 35, (S)WIZ 6G 35, W(I)Z 6H 34, MOZIN(G) 5G 32, NIZ(A)M I1 32
Z(O) G5 25 iwhist
Z(A) G5 25 Hasni

On 3rd draw, IN(S)PIRER 8B 59 --- INSPIRER one that inspires [n]
Other moves: PIRN(S) M2 28, R(E)PIN(E)R K5 28, R(E)PRIN(T) K5 28, NIP(S) M3 26, PIN(S) M3 26
PIN(S) M3 26 Hasni
PRIN(T) L3 12 iwhist

On 4th draw, FAGOT 5K 28 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other moves: FADO 5K 26, FOUAT 5K 26, FOUD 5K 26, GANOF L4 26, FAD 5K 24
FOND L4 16 iwhist

On 5th draw, CAGE 4L 35 --- CAGE to confine [v]
Other moves: CANE 4L 32, ENACT O1 30, CAG 4L 28, GALE 4L 28, GANE 4L 28
ANE 7J 22 Hasni

On 6th draw, YAM 3M 39 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: MAY 3M 38, ANYTIME C7 34, MOIETY O1 33, MY 3M 33, YET 3M 33

On 7th draw, DISVALUE B7 90 --- DISVALUE to treat as of little value [v]
Other moves: DISVALUE F7 72, METALED O3 30, ADS 7J 27, SAVED J8 27, UNSAVED C7 26

On 8th draw, BIMA C11 32 --- BIMA a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: AMEN 7J 31, AMEN A12 30, BAM C11 28, EMMET O1 27, BINMAN C3 26
AM 7J 22 Hasni

On 9th draw, METALISE O3 30 --- METALISE to treat with metal [v]
Other moves: WIZ(E)NS 6H 25, YAGS M3 25, METALS O3 24, ZAS J6 22, AS 15A 19

On 10th draw, FUTON N10 45 --- FUTON a cotton filled mattress for use as a bed [n]
Other tops: FOUAT N10 45, FOUNT N10 45
Other moves: TABUN D10 37, BAFT N8 36, BANTU N10 36, BATON N10 36, BUFO N8 36

On 11th draw, TADPOLES E5 94 --- TADPOLE the aquatic larva of an amphibian [n]
Other moves: SALTOED 15C 86, SOLATED 15C 86, SALTOED J8 74, SOLATED J8 74, TOADLES(S) D1 68

On 12th draw, DRACONE A1 92 --- DRACONE a container used for transporting liquids by sea [n]
Other moves: RANCORED G8 63, RANCORED I8 63, CODEINA F4 34, ARED 7J 29, CANOED D1 29
AD 15A 23 Hasni

On 13th draw, NKOSI 15K 51 --- NKOSI (South Africa) term of address to a superior [n]
Other moves: WOK O13 37, KIWIS D1 36, KNOWS D1 36, KNOW F3 34, KOW M13 34

On 14th draw, VIRETOT 12H 28 --- VIRETOT a rush or a dash [n]
Other moves: ORE 7J 25, ORT 7J 25, VERITE(S) D2 25, RIVERET 2A 24, RIVETER 2A 24

On 15th draw, REX F4 53 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: NIX F4 53, NOX F4 53
Other moves: EX F5 52, OX F5 52, EXON 13L 42, EXO 13L 40, OXO 13L 40

On 16th draw, WAUGH 3C 44 --- WAUGH damp [adj] --- WAUGH to bark [v]
Other moves: HAW 11I 35, HEW 11I 35, HAW D4 34, AWEE 7J 33, VUGH H12 33

On 17th draw, QUEYNIE 14E 75 --- QUEYNIE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUAY D1 52, QUAI D1 46, QI 14J 33, QUEY K10 32, EYE D10 31

On 18th draw, DEE 15G 32 --- DEE the letter D [n] --- DEE to die [v]
Other tops: DOE 15G 32
Other moves: DEBE 11I 29, BEDE 11I 28, BODE 11I 28, LEE 15G 28, TEE 15F 28
DEB 7K 21 Snook

On 19th draw, JIAO D1 38 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: BOH 11I 32, HOB 11I 31, HOI 15C 30, TOHO 13K 30, JOHN C5 29
JAB D2 24 Snook
JAB 11A 12 fatcat

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