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Game of November 27, 2011 at 13:11, 4 players
1. 621 pts yab
2. 417 pts strykyster
3. 389 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adegklr   H4    26    26   darkle
 2. ?begiqt  10F    42    68   qis
 3. cegisst   5E    36   104   ectasis
 4. ?agiopw   4J    32   136   pawing
 5. adegmnv   O1    36   172   vagged
 6. aadnotu   N2    32   204   danton
 7. abcemoz   4A    58   262   zambo
 8. ehmnsuu   8J    49   311   unmesh
 9. aefioru   A1    51   362   froze
10. eillnor   B4    64   426   allerion
11. acdoptt  A11    35   461   octad
12. aefhost   8A    48   509   trefah
13. aaeopru   7E    22   531   pouke
14. abeinrt  14A    74   605   atabrine
15. ginotuy  15H    39   644   toying
16. aeelnox   6H    57   701   rex
17. aeinuwy   2A    40   741   runway
18. iijorsu   1E    50   791   jours
19. eeiilrv  13H    78   869   veilier

Remaining tile: i

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7070 Fileyab         8 23:44  -248  621     1.7070 yab         8 23:44  -248  621 
  2.4907 Filestrykyster  0 19:26  -452  417            Group: intermediate
  3.6978 Filereynaritz   2 15:46  -480  389     1.6978 reynaritz   2 15:46  -480  389 
  4.5235 Fileleobill     1 13:07  -563  306            Group: novice
                                             1.5235 leobill     1 13:07  -563  306 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4907 strykyster  0 19:26  -452  417 

On 1st draw, DARKLE H4 26 --- DARKLE to become dark [v]
Other tops: GRAKLE H4 26, LARKED H7 26
Other moves: ARKED H8 24, DAKER H4 24, DARKLE H3 24, DARKLE H7 24, DARKLE H8 24
DARKLE H4 26 yab

On 2nd draw, QI(S) 10F 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BRIQ(U)ET 6G 37, (M)EGABIT 5E 36, REQ(U)IT 6H 34, QIB(L)A 5D 30, Q(U)ITED 4C 30
QI(S) 10F 42 reynaritz, yab
BE(A)K 7E 9 strykyster

On 3rd draw, ECTASIS 5E 36 --- ECTASIS the lengthening of a usually short syllable [n]
Other moves: CESTI 11B 25, CIS 11E 23, CIT 11E 23, EGIS 11D 23, GEIT 11D 23
ECTASIS 5E 36 yab
CIS 11E 23 strykyster
CIT 11E 23 reynaritz

On 4th draw, PAWI(N)G 4J 32 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: POWI(N) 11C 30, PI(L)AW 4A 29, PI(L)OW 4A 29, WO(N)GI 11B 27, AG(L)OW 4K 26
PAWI(N)G 4J 32 yab
WI(N) 11E 22 strykyster
POW 4J 22 reynaritz

On 5th draw, VAGGED O1 36 --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: VADE 3K 34, MAGGED O1 33, DAME 3K 32, GAME 3K 32, GA(N)EV N2 32
GAME 3K 32 strykyster
MANGED O1 30 yab, leobill
VANG O1 24 reynaritz

On 6th draw, DA(N)TON N2 32 --- DANTON daunton [v]
Other moves: DU(N)NO N2 30, TA(N)NA N2 26, NOD 3K 22, TAD 3K 22, TOD 3K 22
TAD 3K 22 strykyster
TOD 3K 22 reynaritz
DAUNT 4A 18 yab
QUAD F10 14 leobill

On 7th draw, ZAMBO 4A 58 --- ZAMBO a Latin-American of mixed black and Indian ancestry [n]
Other moves: CAPIZ J2 44, COBZA 4A 44, COBZA M6 38, COBIA M1 37, EPIZOA J3 37
MAZE 4B 32 strykyster
ZOEA 4B 28 yab
ZA 3K 28 reynaritz
LAZE 8H 13 leobill

On 8th draw, UNMESH 8J 49 --- UNMESH to disentangle [v]
Other moves: MESH 8L 43, MUSH 8L 43, MENSCH F1 42, MENSH 6B 42, MENSH 8K 40
MUSE 8L 34 leobill
HER 6F 31 yab
HI M3 24 reynaritz
SH 8N 22 strykyster

On 9th draw, FROZE A1 51 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v]
Other tops: FORZA A1 51, FORZE A1 51, FRIZE A1 51, FURZE A1 51
Other moves: FRIZ A1 48, ZAIRE A4 42, FIAR M3 35, FEAR 3B 34, OAF 3C 30
FROZE A1 51 leobill, reynaritz
FURZE A1 51 yab
FRIZ A1 48 strykyster

On 10th draw, ALLERION B4 64 --- ALLERION in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak [n]
Other moves: NILL 6A 24, NIRL 6A 24, NOEL 6A 24, NOIL 6A 24, NOIR 6A 24
NOEL 6A 24 yab
NIL 6A 23 reynaritz
REIN 11D 21 leobill
RIN 11E 19 strykyster

On 11th draw, OCTAD A11 35 --- OCTAD a group of eight [n]
Other moves: CRAP 8A 33, CROP 8A 33, DATTO A7 33, DRACO 8A 33, DROPT 8A 33
CRAP 8A 33 reynaritz
DAP A7 31 strykyster
TRACT 8A 30 yab
PROD 8A 27 leobill

On 12th draw, TREFAH 8A 48 --- TREFAH not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREIFA [adj]
Other tops: HAFTS 3C 48
Other moves: HAFT 3C 44, HAROS 6F 44, HARTS 6F 44, HEROS 6F 44, FAH A7 43
FAH A7 43 reynaritz
FROTHS 8A 39 yab
FRESH 8A 36 leobill
HI M3 24 strykyster

On 13th draw, POUKE 7E 22 --- POUKE a goblin [n]
Other tops: PARKA 7E 22, PEARE 9G 22, POAKA 7E 22, POAKE 7E 22, ROUP 6H 22
Other moves: EAR 3C 21, OAR 3C 21, PORAE C10 21, FRAPE D8 20, PARK 7E 20
QUARE F10 16 leobill
FEUAR D8 16 yab
PIP J4 13 reynaritz
QUA F10 12 strykyster

On 14th draw, ATABRINE 14A 74 --- ATABRINE a drug to treat malaria [n]
Other moves: URBANITE J8 68, BAIT 11D 25, BEIN 11D 25, BRIN 11D 25, BRIT 11D 25
BRIT 11D 25 leobill
BRIN 11D 25 yab
BIT 11E 23 reynaritz
BEAM C1 16 strykyster

On 15th draw, TOYING 15H 39 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v] --- TOYING the act of toying [n]
Other tops: TYING 15H 39
Other moves: UNITY 15G 32, OUTING 15F 31, TONY 15F 31, TUNY 15F 31, GOEY H12 30
TOYING 15H 39 yab
NY 15H 21 strykyster
YEN H13 18 reynaritz

On 16th draw, REX 6H 57 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: RAX 6H 57
Other moves: OXEN C6 42, AX 9L 38, EX 9L 38, OX 9L 38, AXE C6 37
REX 6H 57 yab
DEX 15A 22 strykyster
EX M8 17 leobill

On 17th draw, RUNWAY 2A 40 --- RUNWAY a landing and takeoff strip for aircraft [n]
Other moves: DEWY 15A 33, WYE 15C 31, FAWNY D8 28, YAE 13C 28, AYIN 11D 27
AYIN 11D 27 yab
YIN 11E 25 strykyster

On 18th draw, JOURS 1E 50 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: ROJI M1 48, JORS 1E 47, JOUR 1E 47, JO 13C 40, JOURS N11 35
JOURS 1E 50 yab
JO 1E 23 strykyster
JOIN L12 22 leobill

On 19th draw, VEILIER 13H 78 --- VEILY like a veil [adj]
Other moves: EVILER M8 26, VEILER 13H 26, VIRILE 13H 26, LEVIER 13H 23, LIEVER 13H 23
VIBE D12 20 yab
VEG M13 14 strykyster

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