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Game of November 28, 2011 at 01:17, 3 players
1. 599 pts Gypsylady
2. 168 pts Zweep
3. 30 pts soccer1313

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??adkoo   H6    80    80   bandook
 2. ahlmost  13H    41   121   shalom
 3. bejnruy  12L    58   179   jury
 4. eefiosu   G7    28   207   feis
 5. acefnor   O8    39   246   fancy
 6. acdeiil   J7    65   311   aecidial
 7. eioprst   N2    77   388   prostie
 8. beglorw  12B    30   418   legwork
 9. adirstw   C6    80   498   tawdries
10. abdeeio   O1    43   541   dieb
11. emnnpty  14L    42   583   ympe
12. aegiltu   D1    74   657   glutaei
13. aeiotux  15N    58   715   ex
14. aenqtuv   1A    42   757   quag
15. aeghnrt   E3    40   797   rehang
16. aeoortv  14A    29   826   voter
17. aennttu  15D    26   852   tenant
18. binouvz   A1    32   884   quiz
19. beinoov   M3    29   913   oboe

Remaining tiles: innv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6836 FileGypsylady   5 21:37  -314  599     1.6836 Gypsylady   5 21:37  -314  599 
  2.6425 FileZweep       1  3:59  -745  168     2.6425 Zweep       1  3:59  -745  168 
  3.6399 Filesoccer1313  0  1:18  -883   30     3.6399 soccer1313  0  1:18  -883   30 

On 1st draw, (B)A(N)DOOK H6 80 --- BANDOOK a type of rifle [n]
Other tops: DA(Y)(B)OOK H6 80
Other moves: DA(Y)(B)OOK H4 74, (M)O(C)KADO H7 74, DA(Y)(B)OOK H3 72, DA(Y)(B)OOK H7 72, DA(Y)(B)OOK H8 72
(C)(L)OAK H8 24 Gypsylady

On 2nd draw, SHALOM 13H 41 --- SHALOM a word used as a Jewish greeting or farewell [n]
Other tops: OMLAHS 13C 41
Other moves: LOTAHS 13C 37, SHALOT 13H 37, SMALTO 13H 33, HOAST G7 31, MATLOS 13C 29
ALMOST 13D 21 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, JURY 12L 58 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: BENJ 12L 54, JUBE 12L 50, JURE 12L 46, JEU 12L 42, JUN 12L 42
JURY 12L 58 Gypsylady

On 4th draw, FEIS G7 28 --- FEIS an ancient assembly [n]
Other tops: FEES G7 28, FOES G7 28
Other moves: FIRS N10 27, FURS N10 27, FEE G7 25, FIE G7 25, FOE G7 25
FEE G7 25 Gypsylady

On 5th draw, FANCY O8 39 --- FANCY ornamental [adj] --- FANCY to take a liking to [v]
Other tops: FARCY O8 39
Other moves: AREFY O8 33, CARNEY O7 33, FAERY O8 33, FERNY O8 33, FORAY O8 33
FAERY O8 33 Gypsylady

On 6th draw, AECIDIAL J7 65 --- AECIDIAL pertaining to the aecium [adj]
Other moves: DAE 14J 27, DAL 14J 27, DIE 14J 27, CEILI N6 26, CALID I3 23
DAE 14J 27 Gypsylady

On 7th draw, PROSTIE N2 77 --- PROSTIE a prostitute [n]
Other tops: RIPOSTE N2 77
Other moves: PERIOST K2 72, PORIEST K2 72, PROSTIE K2 72, REPOSIT K2 72, RIPOSTE F9 72
ROPIEST K2 72 Gypsylady

On 8th draw, LEGWORK 12B 30 --- LEGWORK work that involves extensive walking [n]
Other moves: BELOW 4K 28, BLOWER 3I 28, BOWLER 3I 28, ELBOW 4K 28, REGLOW 4J 28
BROW 4L 26 Gypsylady

On 9th draw, TAWDRIES C6 80 --- TAWDRY gaudy finery [n]
Other moves: DAWTIES C7 34, WALDS B10 34, WILDS B10 34, WAISTED C7 32, WALIS B10 32

On 10th draw, DIEB O1 43 --- DIEB a North African jackal [n]
Other tops: BEEDI O1 43
Other moves: OBIED M3 37, BAWD 8A 36, BOWED 8A 36, BOWIE 8A 33, ABLED B10 30
BAWD 8A 36 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, YMPE 14L 42 --- YMPE to graft [v]
Other tops: YMPT 14L 42
Other moves: PYE M3 36, EMPT 14L 33, TYMP 14C 30, EMPTY K3 29, TEMP 14C 27
PEW 8A 24 Gypsylady

On 12th draw, GLUTAEI D1 74 --- GLUTAEUS a hip muscle [n]
Other moves: GLUTAEI K1 68, TAWIE 8A 27, UTILE 14B 27, AGUE M3 26, AUGITE D3 26
AGILE K3 14 Gypsylady

On 13th draw, EX 15N 58 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX 15N 58, OX 15N 58
Other moves: AXE E4 43, AXE C2 42, TAX E3 42, TEX E3 42, TIX E3 42
AX 15N 58 Gypsylady

On 14th draw, QUAG 1A 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QAT 14A 37, QUENA B2 37, EQUANT K3 34, EQUANT 3B 32, EQUANT K2 32
QUAG 1A 42 Gypsylady, Zweep
QUANT 3C 30 soccer1313

On 15th draw, REHANG E3 40 --- HANG to attach from above only [v] --- REHANG to hang again [v]
Other moves: GATHER 14A 37, HANGER E5 36, ANTHER 14A 35, AHENT E4 34, HALTER 2B 34
HAW 8A 27 Zweep, Gypsylady

On 16th draw, VOTER 14A 29 --- VOTER one that votes [n]
Other tops: TRAVE 14C 29, TROVE 14C 29
Other moves: VAW 8A 27, VETO 14A 27, VOTE 14A 27, VOW 8A 27, REV I5 25
VAW 8A 27 Zweep
VOW 8A 27 Gypsylady

On 17th draw, TENANT 15D 26 --- TENANT to inhabit [v]
Other moves: ETAT F3 24, NEAT F3 24, EAT F4 20, NAT F4 20, TAT F4 20
TENANT 15D 26 Gypsylady
AVE A13 18 Zweep

On 18th draw, QUIZ A1 32 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other tops: ZOBUS 5J 32
Other moves: ZONURE 3J 30, VOW 8A 27, ZIN K5 26, ZINS 5K 26, OBI M3 25
QUIZ A1 32 Gypsylady
VOW 8A 27 Zweep

On 19th draw, OBOE M3 29 --- OBOE a woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: VOW 8A 27, BOVINE K3 26, OBE M3 25, OBI M3 25, OBO M3 25
VOW 8A 27 Zweep, Gypsylady

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