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Game of November 29, 2011 at 12:22, 3 players
1. 207 pts churchill
2. 92 pts reynaritz
3. 23 pts Oasthouse1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceglru   H4    22    22   cudgel
 2. adeinux   4H    32    54   caudex
 3. aehlrrs   3L    37    91   hear
 4. acfooty   O1    48   139   farcy
 5. ?adenpt   8A    89   228   diapente
 6. dhjostu   2J    49   277   josh
 7. aaeilrs   A1    80   357   salaried
 8. deinrtt   1A    80   437   strident
 9. aeefgir   B6    33   470   feirie
10. eglnost   5F    34   504   lounges
11. bilmnot  A11    32   536   timbo
12. aeiinpv   N5    21   557   avine
13. eilmoru   O8    38   595   oleum
14. egnsvwy  B13    38   633   yew
15. inortuz   M9    45   678   zori
16. abdkopr  L12    38   716   boak
17. adiotuw  15J    33   749   dakoit
18. ginoptw  14J    33   782   inapt
19. ginrsuv   I7    26   808   using

Remaining tiles: oqrvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5803 Filechurchill   2  9:57  -601  207     1.6965 reynaritz   0  3:37  -716   92 
  2.6965 Filereynaritz   0  3:37  -716   92            Group: novice
  3.5250 FileOasthouse1  0  1:05  -785   23     1.5803 churchill   2  9:57  -601  207 
                                             2.5250 Oasthouse1  0  1:05  -785   23 

On 1st draw, CU(D)GEL H4 22 --- CUDGEL to beat with a heavy club [v]
Other tops: CLERG(Y) H4 22, CLEUG(H) H4 22
Other moves: CERG(E) H4 20, CERUL(E) H4 20, CLEG(S) H4 20, CLERG(Y) H8 20, CLEUG(H) H8 20
GL(A)CE H4 18 churchill

On 2nd draw, CAUDEX 4H 32 --- CAUDEX the woody base of some plants [n]
Other moves: AUXIN I6 31, AXENIC 4C 30, IN(D)EX 6F 29, ADIEUX 5D 28, UNAXED 5H 28
CANED 4H 16 churchill

On 3rd draw, HEAR 3L 37 --- HEAR to perceive by the ear [v]
Other tops: HAES 3L 37, HALE 3L 37, HARE 3L 37, HARL 3L 37, HEAL 3L 37, HERL 3L 37, HERS 3L 37
Other moves: HAE 3L 35, HAS 3L 35, HER 3L 35, HES 3L 35, RAHS 3L 34
HEAR 3L 37 churchill

On 4th draw, FARCY O1 48 --- FARCY a chronic horse disease [n]
Other moves: FORCAT O1 42, TOYO 5J 41, CORF O1 39, CORY O1 39, YARCO O1 39
FARCY O1 48 churchill

On 5th draw, D(I)APENTE 8A 89 --- DIAPENTE a medicine of five ingredients [n]
Other tops: ENDP(L)ATE 8A 89
Other moves: TAPEN(A)DE 8A 83, T(A)PENADE 8A 83, ENDP(L)ATE 8H 80, PANDE(C)T 2G 78, PEDANT(S) 2G 76
DEP(E)ND K4 18 churchill

On 6th draw, JOSH 2J 49 --- JOSH to tease [v]
Other moves: JUDO 7C 46, JOTS 2J 43, JUD 7C 43, JUST 2J 43, JUTS 2J 43
JA N2 36 churchill

On 7th draw, SALARIED A1 80 --- SALARY to be paid periodically for non-manual labour [v]
Other moves: AERIALS 10B 70, AERIALS N5 66, AERIALS I9 62, GASALIER 7H 61, SALARIE(D) 6A 61
PLEAS D8 14 churchill

On 8th draw, STRIDENT 1A 80 --- STRIDENT shrill [adj]
Other moves: RETINTED E2 68, RETINTED E7 68, NITRATED C4 61, TRINED B1 41, TINED B2 37
PRINTED D8 20 churchill

On 9th draw, FE(I)RIE B6 33 --- FEIRIE nimble [adj]
Other moves: FAE 2F 31, FEE 2F 31, REF B4 31, FRiG B6 30, EF 2E 29

On 10th draw, LOUNGES 5F 34 --- LOUNGE to recline or lean in a relaxed, lazy manner [v]
Other moves: LUNGES 5G 32, UNGET 5H 30, UNGOT 5H 30, GOSLET A10 29, LONGES A10 28
TONES A11 20 reynaritz

On 11th draw, TIMBO A11 32 --- TIMBO a South American plant [n]
Other moves: BIONT A11 28, NIM 2D 26, NOM 2D 26, TIMON A11 26, T*M 2D 26
NOM 2D 26 reynaritz

On 12th draw, AVINE N5 21 --- AVINE pertaining to birds [adj]
Other tops: NAEVI C10 21, NAIVE C10 21
Other moves: AIN B13 20, BAVIN 14A 20, BIVIA 14A 20, EAN B13 20, MAVEN 13A 20
NAIVE C11 19 reynaritz

On 13th draw, OLEUM O8 38 --- OLEUM a corrosive liquid [n] --- OLEUM oil [n]
Other moves: LUMINE 8J 33, MOILER M9 29, EMIR O8 28, OMER O8 28, MENO 8L 27
MINE 8L 27 reynaritz

On 14th draw, YEW B13 38 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: GYVES M9 34, GYVES 13K 32, GYVES 10D 29, YEN B13 29, YES B13 29

On 15th draw, ZORI M9 45 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: ZIN M9 44, ZIT M9 44, ZO M9 43, PONZU D8 32, UNZIP D4 32

On 16th draw, BOAK L12 38 --- BOAK to belch [v]
Other tops: BARK L12 38, BORK L12 38, BRAK L12 38, KOAP L12 38, KRAB L12 38, PARK L12 38, PORK L12 38
Other moves: BOK L10 36, DARK L12 34, DORK L12 34, KAB L10 34, KBAR L12 34

On 17th draw, DAKOIT 15J 33 --- DAKOIT a member of an Indian robber gang [n]
Other moves: DOWT K11 28, TW*T B1 28, TWIT B1 28, KADI 15L 27, KAID 15L 27

On 18th draw, INAPT 14J 33 --- INAPT unsuitable [adj]
Other moves: GITANO 14I 31, TWIG B1 31, LOWPING 3A 30, WOPPING D6 30, DEWPOINT K4 28

On 19th draw, USING I7 26 --- USE to put into service [v]
Other moves: VIS 10F 23, GUVS C3 22, SERVING E7 22, VERSING E7 22, VIGS C3 22
VIS 10F 23 Oasthouse1

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