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Game of December 1, 2011 at 00:55, 2 players
1. 619 pts musdrive
2. 237 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deloort   H6    70    70   rootled
 2. aeilpty  11E    36   106   pileate
 3. ?fiijns  12A    46   152   jinnis
 4. begkmou  A12    45   197   jouk
 5. abegipr   C7    28   225   bearing
 6. ?ceehrx   9A    71   296   exarchate
 7. adeessv   J6    36   332   vees
 8. aenpqst   6B    44   376   qats
 9. abilnuz   G5    45   421   luz
10. adeimst   L8    87   508   misdate
11. ainotuy   8A    42   550   yae
12. adelntv  14F    66   616   levanted
13. aceinpr   M2    78   694   caprine
14. abiorww   8L    27   721   meow
15. aegioor   2J    24   745   grice
16. abdhnow  15K    52   797   adown
17. aoortuu   O1    24   821   urao
18. befhiot   N6    34   855   footie
19. bfgmouy  B14    31   886   my
20. fghinou   D1    34   920   fought

Remaining tiles: binn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7179 Filemusdrive    4 17:27  -301  619     1.7179 musdrive    4 17:27  -301  619 
  2.5313 Filepaulineasb  1 13:17  -683  237            Group: novice
                                             1.5313 paulineasb  1 13:17  -683  237 

On 1st draw, ROOTLED H6 70 --- ROOTLE to dig in the ground as with the snout [v]
Other moves: ROOTLED H2 68, ROOTLED H3 68, ROOTLED H4 68, ROOTLED H7 68, ROOTLED H8 68
TOOLED H7 18 musdrive

On 2nd draw, PILEATE 11E 36 --- PILEATE having a pileus [adj]
Other moves: PLEAT G7 27, PYA G7 27, PYA I7 27, PYE G7 27, PYE I7 27
PLAYED 12C 24 musdrive

On 3rd draw, JIN(N)IS 12A 46 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: F(U)JIS G5 46, JI(N)NIS 12A 46
Other moves: JIN(N)I 12A 42, JI(N)NI 12A 42, F(U)JI G5 41, F(U)JIS 12K 35, F(U)JIS 12B 34
F(U)JIS 12B 34 musdrive

On 4th draw, JOUK A12 45 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other tops: JOKE A12 45, JUKE A12 45
Other moves: JOBE A12 39, JUBE A12 39, KEMBO I5 33, KOMBU G5 33, BEGUNK C8 28
JOKE A12 45 musdrive

On 5th draw, BEARING C7 28 --- BEARING demeanor [n]
Other tops: GAPIER B9 28
Other moves: BALE 10F 27, PALE 10F 27, PELA 10F 27, BAL 10F 24, BEL 10F 24
BALE 10F 27 musdrive

On 6th draw, EXARCH(A)TE 9A 71 --- EXARCHATE [n]
Other moves: RHEXE(S) 8A 69, C(A)REX D4 63, RE(M)EX D4 59, (G)REX 8A 54, (P)REX 8A 54
HEX D6 42 musdrive

On 7th draw, VEES J6 36 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other tops: VAES J6 36
Other moves: DEAVES J4 33, DEVS J6 33, EVADES J4 33, EVADES L8 33, DEEVS J5 32
VEES J6 36 musdrive

On 8th draw, QATS 6B 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6B 43, UNSTEP 14A 39, PEE 8A 36, PENATES A4 36, UPSENT 14A 31
UPSENT 14A 31 musdrive

On 9th draw, LUZ G5 45 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: BEZ A8 42, L*Z A8 36, ZEA A8 36, ZEL A8 36, BAIZ(A) G5 32
ZO 7G 21 musdrive

On 10th draw, MISDATE L8 87 --- MISDATE to date incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MAE 8A 36, MEE 8A 36, DEISM L11 33, MAIDS L8 33, MEADS L8 33
MISDATE D1 30 musdrive

On 11th draw, YAE 8A 42 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other moves: ENMITY 8J 33, TOEA 8A 33, MANY 8L 27, MATY 8L 27, MAYO 8L 27
YAE 8A 42 musdrive
MANY 8L 27 paulineasb

On 12th draw, LEVANTED 14F 66 --- LEVANT to avoid a debt [v]
Other moves: LAVED 15H 47, VANED 15H 47, DEVA 15L 44, ANTED 15H 38, ELAND 15H 38
VANED 15H 47 musdrive
DEVA 15L 44 paulineasb

On 13th draw, CAPRINE M2 78 --- CAPRINE pertaining to a goat [adj]
Other moves: PIETA 13I 37, PICANTE D1 32, PICRATE D1 32, PRANCE M3 30, PRINCE M3 30
CAPRINE M2 28 musdrive
MACE 8L 24 paulineasb

On 14th draw, MEOW 8L 27 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: WADI M12 25, WAW N8 25, WOW N8 25, BOA L3 24, WAD M12 23
MEOW 8L 27 paulineasb
WOW N8 25 musdrive

On 15th draw, GRICE 2J 24 --- GRICE a little pig [n] --- GRICE to spot trains [v]
Other tops: GRACE 2J 24
Other moves: OATER 13J 20, GADE M12 19, GADI M12 19, ERICA 2J 18, GAPER 4K 18
GAPER 4K 18 musdrive
GROPE 4J 16 paulineasb

On 16th draw, ADOWN 15K 52 --- ADOWN downward [adv]
Other moves: ADOWN O1 49, DAWN 15L 47, DOWN 15L 47, ODAH O1 46, DOAB 15L 44
DAWN 15L 47 musdrive
ODAH O1 46 paulineasb

On 17th draw, URAO O1 24 --- URAO a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AITU L1 20, ART O1 18, OAT L4 18, OOT L4 18, ORA O1 18
ART O1 18 musdrive
ORT O1 18 paulineasb

On 18th draw, FOOTIE N6 34 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other moves: FOOT N6 30, HER 10A 29, BITO L1 28, EF N5 28, HI B14 26
FOOTIE N6 34 musdrive
WHO O8 9 paulineasb

On 19th draw, MY B14 31 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: OMBU 1G 27, BOYFS E2 26, FUBSY E3 26, GOUTY D3 25, BUMFS E2 24
BUOYS E2 20 musdrive
WOF O8 16 paulineasb

On 20th draw, FOUGHT D1 34 --- FECHT to fight [v] --- FIGHT to contend in war, battle or single combat [v]
Other moves: FINO L1 32, HOGNUT D1 28, HOUT 13I 25, FIGHT D2 24, FOHNS E2 22
FINO L1 32 musdrive
WIN O8 10 paulineasb

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