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Game of December 1, 2011 at 13:56, 4 players
1. 677 pts PIThompson
2. 543 pts raggedy01
3. 369 pts churchill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeefgt   H4    22    22   beget
 2. ?aeiprs   8H    86   108   traipses
 3. eiknnss   K5    98   206   inkiness
 4. adintuv   L1    29   235   viand
 5. aabilrt  12E    72   307   arbalist
 6. ?agiuux  H10    39   346   guanxi
 7. deflmor   2J    36   382   foiled
 8. cehinot   E7    76   458   inchoate
 9. aceilrt   O8    86   544   selictar
10. aegituw  J10    33   577   waite
11. adhmoos  15A    53   630   odahs
12. aeglnoy   O1    39   669   edgy
13. eflnotv  F12    29   698   ref
14. ioortuw  14A    25   723   wot
15. amoprrz  N13    50   773   azo
16. iijlnou   6F    27   800   jug
17. aeimoru   I5    28   828   marri
18. dilmoru   1E    32   860   moduli
19. eenruvy   2B    55   915   veney
20. noopqru   N6    39   954   quep

Remaining tiles: noorr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7665 FilePIThompson  8 17:16  -277  677     1.7665 PIThompson  8 17:16  -277  677 
  2.6200 Fileraggedy01   5 25:21  -411  543            Group: intermediate
  3.5780 Filechurchill   3 18:29  -585  369     1.6200 raggedy01   5 25:21  -411  543 
  4.5140 Filecailah      0  4:33  -914   40            Group: novice
                                             1.5780 churchill   3 18:29  -585  369 
                                             2.5140 cailah      0  4:33  -914   40 

On 1st draw, BEGET H4 22 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other tops: BEGAT H4 22
Other moves: BAFT H5 18, BAFT H6 18, BAFT H7 18, BAFT H8 18, BEEF H5 18
BEGAT H4 22 raggedy01, PIThompson
BEAT H5 12 cailah

On 2nd draw, TRAIPSE(S) 8H 86 --- TRAIPSE to walk about in an idle or aimless manner [v]
Other tops: PARIE(T)ES 5D 86, PEREI(R)AS 5E 86, PE(R)EIRAS 5E 86, RASPIE(S)T 8A 86, RA(S)PIEST 8A 86, TRAIPSE(D) 8H 86, TRAIP(S)ES 8H 86, (C)RAPIEST 8A 86, (G)RAPIEST 8A 86, (J)APERIES 5E 86, (N)APERIES 5E 86
Other moves: RAPI(D)EST 8A 80, TARSIPE(D) 8H 80, PAR(K)IEST 8A 77, TRIP(H)ASE 8H 77, PARISE(S) I3 76
RAPIE(R)S G5 26 PIThompson
PARIS I3 23 raggedy01
REPAI(R)S G7 18 cailah

On 3rd draw, INKINESS K5 98 --- INKINESS the state of being inky [n]
Other moves: PINKNESS L8 80, INKINESS K8 74, KINESES 5E 44, SKEINS M8 30, ENSKIES N8 26
INKINESS K5 48 PIThompson
PINKENS L8 26 raggedy01
SPINKS L7 24 churchill
SINKS M8 10 cailah

On 4th draw, VIAND L1 29 --- VIAND an article of food [n]
Other moves: VAUNT L1 26, DAVIT L1 24, DIVAN L1 24, VAUNTIE N2 24, VIANDS M3 24
VAUNT L1 26 PIThompson
DAUNT J10 23 raggedy01
VINED 5E 18 churchill

On 5th draw, ARBALIST 12E 72 --- ARBALIST a type of crossbow [n]
Other moves: ARBALIST 11E 70, ARBITRAL I7 68, ARBALI(S)T O2 62, RATABLE N2 30, TRAVAIL 1I 30
BAIL J10 26 PIThompson
BAIT J10 26 raggedy01
VIAL 1L 21 churchill

On 6th draw, GUA(N)XI H10 39 --- GUANXI a Chinese social concept based on the exchange of favours [n]
Other moves: XU M3 38, GA(L)AX H11 36, X(U) M3 35, (O)X M2 35, AXI(N)G J1 33
XU M3 38 PIThompson
(N)IX 13C 27 raggedy01
(T)AXI 3K 20 churchill

On 7th draw, FOILED 2J 36 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other moves: FOILED J10 35, FLIED 2J 34, FRIED 2J 34, FLIER 2J 32, FOID J10 31
FOILED J10 35 PIThompson
FRAMED 3J 24 churchill
FORMAL E8 22 raggedy01

On 8th draw, INCHOATE E7 76 --- INCHOATE being in an early stage [adj] --- INCHOATE to begin [v]
Other moves: NOTCHIER F5 67, CHOENIX 14B 42, TECHNO 1E 38, CHINE 1F 35, CHINO 1F 35
CHINE 1F 35 PIThompson
VETO 1L 34 raggedy01
EDIT O1 18 churchill

On 9th draw, (S)ELICTAR O8 86 --- SELICTAR a sword-bearer [n]
Other moves: ARTICLE 1D 85, (S)TERICAL O8 80, ARTICLE D2 75, RECITAL D1 72, VARE 1L 34
VARE 1L 34 raggedy01
EDICT O1 33 PIThompson
TRAIN 8A 18 churchill

On 10th draw, WAITE J10 33 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other tops: AWEING 8A 33, TAWING 8A 33, TEWING 8A 33
Other moves: AWAIT 3J 32, TAWAI 3I 32, WAIT J10 30, WAITE 3K 30, WIGAN 8A 30
WAITE J10 33 PIThompson
TAWING 8A 33 churchill
EXIT 14G 13 raggedy01

On 11th draw, ODAHS 15A 53 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: DOOMS 15A 47, HOMAS 15A 47, HOMOS 15A 47, HOODS 15A 47, OMRAHS F10 47
HOMOS 15A 47 churchill
HOODS 15A 47 PIThompson
SHAMED 14A 32 raggedy01

On 12th draw, EDGY O1 39 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other moves: LYNAGE 1E 35, VANE 1L 34, VENA 1L 34, ADENYL O1 33, GYNAE 1F 32
EDGY O1 39 churchill, PIThompson
VANE 1L 34 raggedy01

On 13th draw, REF F12 29 --- REF to referee [v]
Other tops: FLOTE 1F 29, VOLTE 1F 29
Other moves: FELON 8A 27, OFTEN 8A 27, FLOE 1G 26, FONE 1G 26, LEVO 1G 26
REF F12 29 PIThompson
VOLVE 1I 20 raggedy01
VOTED B11 18 churchill

On 14th draw, WOT 14A 25 --- WOT to know [v]
Other tops: WIT 14A 25
Other moves: TWO 1H 23, WOO 1H 23, WAI 3K 21, WO 14A 21, OUTRO 1F 20
WOT 14A 25 PIThompson
WIT 14A 25 raggedy01
WORD B12 16 churchill

On 15th draw, AZO N13 50 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZA N14 46, ZO N14 46, AZO 1H 41, MOZ N4 41, APOZEM 5D 38
AZO N13 50 raggedy01, PIThompson
ZO N14 46 churchill

On 16th draw, JUG 6F 27 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other tops: JIG 6F 27, JO F6 27, JOG 6F 27
Other moves: JOE N6 26, JIN I3 24, JOL I3 24, JOULE 5D 24, JUNTA C11 24
JUG 6F 27 churchill
JO F6 27 raggedy01, PIThompson

On 17th draw, MARRI I5 28 --- MARRI (Aborig.) a eucalyptus of West Australia, with coloured flowers [n]
Other moves: MARINE 8A 27, MERINO 8A 27, MORA I3 27, MURENA 8A 27, MURINE 8A 27
MURINE 8A 27 raggedy01
MORA I3 27 PIThompson

On 18th draw, MODULI 1E 32 --- MODULUS a number that produces the same remainder when divided into each of two numbers [n]
Other moves: DUOMI 1F 29, MODI 1G 26, DUOMI D4 25, MODULI D3 25, MOURN 8A 24
MILO 1G 23 PIThompson
MAT 13M 10 raggedy01

On 19th draw, VENEY 2B 55 --- VENEY the chosen location for an event [n]
Other moves: RENEY 2B 49, EYEN 2E 37, EYER 2E 37, YEVEN 8A 36, EYE 2E 34
RENEY 2B 49 PIThompson
EVERY 2A 29 raggedy01

On 20th draw, QUEP N6 39 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: QOPH 10B 38, QUOP D4 34, QUOTA C11 28, PRONOTA C9 24, QAT 13M 24
QUEP N6 39 PIThompson, raggedy01

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