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Game of December 2, 2011 at 08:13, 8 players
1. 571 pts mylover81
2. 519 pts charmz
3. 222 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefitv   H7    82    82   festive
 2. aeginot  12H    22   104   vintage
 3. ?adhnrr  13B    81   185   reharden
 4. aaefgnr  O10    46   231   agrafe
 5. aeoostz   N8    63   294   sez
 6. gilorrs   J8    23   317   logins
 7. aeeinos  12A    23   340   sena
 8. deilmnn   A6    30   370   mildens
 9. aeostwy   B1    55   425   sweaty
10. aeikopr   O4    48   473   korai
11. abinoru   5B    70   543   tabourin
12. bhinopt   H1    42   585   tophi
13. ilmntux   K5    39   624   unmix
14. cioprtw   4A    38   662   capot
15. bdeeoot   1A    33   695   dsobo
16. ejlrtuu   4L    30   725   jerk
17. adeilov  11H    31   756   ivied
18. ceelotw   C3    34   790   epact
19. aelquwy   H7    51   841   festively
20. aeiilow   N1    28   869   lowrie

Remaining tiles: aiquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7220 Filemylover81   2 18:04  -298  571     1.7220 mylover81   2 18:04  -298  571 
  2.6517 Filecharmz      1 19:23  -350  519     2.7068 yab         0 12:07  -647  222 
  3.7068 Fileyab         0 12:07  -647  222            Group: intermediate
  4.6389 Filedragons11   0  5:57  -696  173     1.6517 charmz      1 19:23  -350  519 
  5.5130 Filecailah      0 11:53  -703  166     2.6389 dragons11   0  5:57  -696  173 
  6.5420 Filemarigold    0  6:13  -753  116            Group: novice
  7.3692 FileZEHAVARON   0  4:31  -817   52     1.5130 cailah      0 11:53  -703  166 
  8.5706 Filejimbo       0  1:05  -833   36     2.5420 marigold    0  6:13  -753  116 
                                             3.5706 jimbo       0  1:05  -833   36 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3692 ZEHAVARON   0  4:31  -817   52 

On 1st draw, FE(S)TIVE H7 82 --- FESTIVE of or befitting a festival [adj]
Other tops: FE(S)TIVE H4 82
Other moves: FE(S)TIVE H3 76, FE(S)TIVE H6 76, FE(S)TIVE H8 76, FE(S)TIVE H2 74, FE(S)TIVE H5 74
FIVE(S) H4 28 mylover81
FIVE(R) H4 28 cailah

On 2nd draw, VINTAGE 12H 22 --- VINTAGE a season's yield of wine from a vineyard [n] --- VINTAGE to strip of grapes [v]
Other tops: OVATING 12G 22, VETOING 12H 22
Other moves: GENOA G6 20, GENOA I6 20, GONIA G6 20, VOTING 12H 20, GITANO I4 19
VINTAGE 12H 22 mylover81
EATING 13H 16 cailah

On 3rd draw, R(E)HARDEN 13B 81 --- HARDEN to make hard [v] --- REHARDEN to harden again [v]
Other moves: HARDEN(E)R N8 76, HARD(E)NER N6 69, HARDEN(E)R 8D 65, R(E)HARDEN 8B 65, R(E)HARDEN N6 65
HAR(E)D O8 45 mylover81
(S)HARD O8 45 charmz
HARD(E)N O9 26 cailah

On 4th draw, AGRAFE O10 46 --- AGRAFE an ornamental clasp [n]
Other moves: AFEAR O8 40, FRENA O11 40, GANEF 12A 40, FANE 12A 35, FARE 12A 35
RAGE O12 31 charmz, mylover81

On 5th draw, SEZ N8 63 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: SAZ N8 63, ZOOEA 12A 63
Other moves: ZEAS 12A 59, ZETA 12A 59, ZOEA 12A 59, ZOOS 12A 59, OOZE 12C 50
SEZ N8 63 mylover81, charmz
ZEA 14A 29 cailah

On 6th draw, LOGINS J8 23 --- LOGIN the process of identifying oneself to a computer [n] --- LOGIN to access a computer system by name and password (no inflections) [v]
Other moves: OGRISH D8 22, GILA 13L 21, GINS J10 21, GIRO O5 21, GIRONS J8 21
GROSS 8K 21 charmz, jimbo, mylover81

On 7th draw, SENA 12A 23 --- SENA an army [n]
Other tops: AEON 12B 23, EANS 12A 23, EASE 12B 23, EOAN 12B 23, EONS 12A 23, ESNE 12C 23, IONS 12A 23, NAOS 12A 23, NOES 12A 23, SANE 12A 23, SENE 12A 23, SONE 12A 23
Other moves: AINEE 14C 22, LAISSE 8J 21, LANOSE 8J 21, ANE 12D 20, ENE 12D 20
NOSE 8L 15 charmz, jimbo, mylover81

On 8th draw, MILDENS A6 30 --- MILDEN to make or become mild [v]
Other moves: DENIMS A7 27, MISE 8L 27, DIME 14C 26, DIMES A8 24, DINNLES A6 24
MISE 8L 27 mylover81, charmz
MINDS A8 24 marigold
MED 14A 21 dragons11

On 9th draw, SWEATY B1 55 --- SWEATY covered with perspiration [adj]
Other moves: STEWY B2 53, TOWSY B2 53, SWAY 14B 42, YEAST O4 42, LAWEST 8J 39
WASE 8L 33 mylover81
SWAY B3 33 charmz
YAW 11D 27 marigold
YO O7 21 dragons11

On 10th draw, KORAI O4 48 --- KORE an ancient Greek statue of a young woman [n]
Other tops: PARKI O4 48
Other moves: OKAPI O4 42, SPARKIE 1B 42, KEIR 14B 40, KEA 14B 36, KEPI 14A 36
KAPA 4A 30 marigold
SOAPIER 1B 30 yab
ASKER 1A 30 charmz
KO O7 24 dragons11
ASK 8M 21 mylover81

On 11th draw, TABOURIN 5B 70 --- TABOURIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: ISOBAR 1A 33, UNBAR 14A 32, URBAN 14A 32, URBIA 14A 32, EBON N12 28
BUNT K9 23 dragons11
OAR A1 22 mylover81, charmz
BRA 11D 18 marigold
OW 2A 5 yab

On 12th draw, TOPHI H1 42 --- TOPHUS a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint [n]
Other moves: BATON 4A 32, OHIA C2 31, HOER B10 30, BIONT 4H 29, OH B9 29
HOER B10 30 mylover81
OH 6E 28 charmz
HINT K9 26 dragons11
PHOBIA L7 17 marigold
OH A2 15 yab

On 13th draw, UNMIX K5 39 --- UNMIX to separate from a mixture [v]
Other moves: XI 13L 33, XU 13L 33, LINUX F2 30, XENIUM 3A 30, EMIT N12 28
XU 13L 33 yab
XI 13L 33 dragons11
MUX F4 28 mylover81
EX 10A 25 charmz

On 14th draw, CAPOT 4A 38 --- CAPOT to win all the tricks [v]
Other moves: CAPO 4A 34, PSORIC 1A 33, POW L8 29, PORTA L8 28, ATOP 4B 26
OW N14 25 dragons11, mylover81
WEPT 3A 18 charmz
CROW 2F 15 cailah
OW A2 15 yab

On 15th draw, DSOBO 1A 33 --- DSOBO a male DSO [n]
Other moves: BOORDE G2 31, OBOE L7 31, OBO L7 30, DEERE B10 29, BOD L8 27
OB N14 22 mylover81
BED 14A 21 charmz
BEEF 14L 18 yab
BODE 15L 10 cailah

On 16th draw, JERK 4L 30 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other moves: JET 14A 28, JET 10F 26, JURE L3 26, JUT 10F 26, JUTE L3 26
JET 14A 28 charmz, yab
JET L3 22 mylover81
JOT 2G 10 cailah

On 17th draw, IVIED 11H 31 --- IVIED covered with ivy [adj]
Other moves: IDOL L7 27, ADO L7 26, OVOIDAL 2H 26, DOLIA L8 24, LAERED B10 24
DIV 11D 21 charmz, mylover81
ALIVE 15K 9 cailah

On 18th draw, EPACT C3 34 --- EPACT the difference between the lengths of the solar and lunar years [n]
Other moves: OW N14 25, EWT 6D 23, LEUCO F3 23, LEW 14A 23, OWT 6D 23
OW N14 25 mylover81
LEW 14A 23 yab
WO 13L 23 charmz
WET M3 12 cailah

On 19th draw, FE(S)TIVELY H7 51 --- FESTIVELY [adv]
Other moves: QUERY F10 45, QUERY N1 39, WAQF 14L 38, QUARE F10 36, EQUAL 10A 34
QUERY F10 45 charmz, mylover81
QUEY M2 32 yab

On 20th draw, LOWRIE N1 28 --- LOWRIE a small parrot [n]
Other moves: OWRIE N2 26, WALE 14C 26, WILE 14C 26, OW N14 25, AWE 14D 23
OW N14 25 mylover81
LAW 14A 23 yab
WO 13L 23 charmz
WALE 15L 11 cailah

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