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Game of December 2, 2011 at 09:47, 5 players
1. 349 pts strykyster
2. 344 pts cailah
3. 309 pts churchill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeioptu   H3    22    22   opiate
 2. aeeiopt   I3    29    51   potae
 3. adeiotu   G2    21    72   toad
 4. acgilmr   4G    30   102   apogamic
 5. ailnort   K3    66   168   rational
 6. ?elrrvx  11J    46   214   vexil
 7. ?eemnuv   M6    80   294   mauveine
 8. beinoss   O9    95   389   besoins
 9. cehirty   N2    57   446   itchy
10. abeloor   1L    37   483   robe
11. adeilsu  15H    80   563   deasiuls
12. aehlrsw   9B    77   640   whalers
13. aadeqrw   1H    42   682   wardrobe
14. efinoqy   8A    37   719   foen
15. adfikoy  14J    39   758   kid
16. aegiqrz  14F    35   793   zea
17. ggjnory   7A    34   827   ony
18. efgiqtu   F6    36   863   quiet
19. efijrru  12L    22   885   in
20. cefgnru   O5    20   905   ecu

Remaining tiles: fggjnrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4957 Filestrykyster  0 17:44  -556  349     1.6407 iwhist      1  7:57  -696  209 
  2.5120 Filecailah      1 21:13  -561  344            Group: novice
  3.5772 Filechurchill   1 16:10  -596  309     1.5120 cailah      1 21:13  -561  344 
  4.6407 Fileiwhist      1  7:57  -696  209     2.5772 churchill   1 16:10  -596  309 
  5.5299 Fileleobill     0  3:35  -862   43     3.5299 leobill     0  3:35  -862   43 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4957 strykyster  0 17:44  -556  349 

On 1st draw, OPIATE H3 22 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: PATIO H4 20, PIETA H4 20, POTAE H4 20, OPIATE H4 18, OPIATE H7 18
UTOPIA H8 18 churchill
TAUPE H4 16 cailah

On 2nd draw, POTAE I3 29 --- POTAE (Maori) a hat [n]
Other tops: PATIO I3 29, POTAE G3 29
Other moves: TOPEE G3 25, PATE I3 24, PITA I3 24, POTE G3 24, POTE I3 24
OPIATE I1 20 cailah
PEAT 6F 12 churchill

On 3rd draw, TOAD G2 21 --- TOAD a toothless, tailless amphibian [n]
Other moves: DOAT G2 20, DOUT G2 20, OPIATED 3H 20, OUD G3 20, TAD G3 20
POUTED 4H 18 churchill

On 4th draw, APOGAMIC 4G 30 --- APOGAMIC pertaining to apogamy [adj] --- APOGAMY a form of plant reproduction [adj]
Other moves: GAMIC F4 28, MARC F1 28, CAM F4 26, MARG F1 26, ARC F2 25
MAT 2E 7 cailah

On 5th draw, RATIONAL K3 66 --- RATIONAL a number that can be expressed as a quotient of integers [n]
Other tops: NOTARIAL K1 66
Other moves: CILANTRO N4 64, CONTRAIL N4 64, TORMINAL L1 62, NATROLITE 7A 61, LICTOR N2 20
TAN 5K 16 cailah
TRAIN K2 10 churchill

On 6th draw, VEX(I)L 11J 46 --- VEXIL the web or vane of a feather [n]
Other tops: VEX(E)R 11J 46, V(E)XER 11H 46, V(O)XEL 11H 46
Other moves: VEX 11J 44, VEX(E)R 11H 44, VEX(T) 11J 44, VI(B)EX M3 44, VI(T)EX M3 44
(S)EX 11K 34 churchill
C(O)X N4 27 strykyster
EX L8 22 cailah

On 7th draw, M(A)UVE(I)NE M6 80 --- MAUVEINE a mauve dye [n]
Other moves: MEVE(S) O7 41, ENM(O)VE 8J 39, VENUE(S) O6 38, VUM(S) O8 38, (S)EVEN O11 38
M(I)XEN L9 31 strykyster
NE(R)VE 8K 24 churchill
LE(A)VE N11 14 cailah

On 8th draw, BESOINS O9 95 --- BESOIN need [n]
Other moves: BESOINS O5 92, BESOINS 14G 73, BESOINS 9B 70, EBONISES 8B 69, BESOINS G8 65
BONES O7 36 churchill
SIN 12K 34 strykyster
SINES O11 33 cailah

On 9th draw, ITCHY N2 57 --- ITCHY causing an itching sensation [adj]
Other tops: TECHY N2 57, TICHY N2 57
Other moves: RECCY N2 55, RICEY N2 51, XERIC L11 40, YEH N6 38, YET N6 32
CRY N4 31 churchill
YE L13 10 strykyster

On 10th draw, ROBE 1L 37 --- ROBE to cover with a robe (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other tops: ALBE 1L 37, LOBE 1L 37, LOBO 1L 37
Other moves: *B* 1M 31, OBA 1M 31, OBE 1M 31, OBO 1M 31, BA 1N 28
LOBE 1L 37 churchill
BA 1N 28 strykyster
EXO L10 27 iwhist
BOO O1 19 cailah

On 11th draw, DEASIULS 15H 80 --- DEASIUL motion in the same direction as the sun [n]
Other tops: DUALISES 15H 80
Other moves: AUDILES 14G 72, DUALISE 9C 71, AUDILES 9B 69, AUDILES F5 67, DEASIUL G8 63
SIN 12K 34 iwhist
DEALS 14I 20 leobill
SIN 14M 18 churchill, strykyster
VADE J11 10 cailah

On 12th draw, WHALERS 9B 77 --- WHALER a person engaged in whaling [n]
Other moves: WHALERS G8 73, WHA 14I 37, RHEA 14I 34, HAS 14J 31, HES 14J 31
WHA 14I 37 strykyster
HES 14J 31 iwhist
SHREW 14E 27 cailah
WHALERS G8 23 churchill
HAWS 9E 23 leobill

On 13th draw, WARDROBE 1H 42 --- WARDROBE a collection of garments [n] --- WARDROBE to provide with a collection of garments [v]
Other moves: WAWAED B9 30, AWARE 10C 28, WADE 10D 28, WAE 8A 28, ADAW 8C 27
WADER D8 26 churchill
WEAR 10A 23 strykyster
WADER 14E 16 cailah
DEW F8 15 iwhist

On 14th draw, FOEN 8A 37 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: INFO 14H 35, FY 14I 34, NIFE 10D 34, NIEF 14G 33, ONY 14H 32
OYE 14I 31 iwhist
FOE 8A 28 strykyster
FINELY E5 24 cailah
HONEY C9 22 churchill

On 15th draw, KID 14J 39 --- KID to tease [v]
Other tops: YAK 14J 39, YOK 14J 39
Other moves: FADY 14G 38, OAK 14H 38, KOA 14J 37, OKA 14I 37, KY 7B 36
KID 14J 39 iwhist
FAKEY F6 31 cailah
KEY F8 18 strykyster

On 16th draw, ZEA 14F 35 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: GEEZ F7 34, ZAG 13I 34, REZ F8 32, RIZA 13G 31, LAZIER E9 30
ZEA 14F 35 cailah
REZ F8 32 iwhist
LAZE E9 26 strykyster

On 17th draw, ONY 7A 34 --- ONY any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: JOG 13I 30, NY 7B 28, REJON F8 28, YGO 13G 26, JO 13I 24
JO 15E 20 strykyster
JOW B7 13 cailah

On 18th draw, QUIET F6 36 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: GIF 10D 34, FE 10F 28, IF 10E 28, QUAD H12 24, IN 12L 22
QUIET 2C 16 cailah
QUITE 7E 15 strykyster

On 19th draw, IN 12L 22 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other tops: UN 12L 22, XI L11 22, XU L11 22
Other moves: JIZ F12 19, ERF 13G 18, FER F1 18, FIR F1 18, FUR F1 18
QUIETER F6 16 strykyster
JET 2E 12 cailah

On 20th draw, ECU O5 20 --- ECU an old French coin [n]
Other tops: FEG F1 20, FUG F1 20
Other moves: REC F1 19, RUC F1 19, ERF 13G 18, FEN F1 18, FER F1 18
FEN F1 18 strykyster
FIN 2M 13 cailah

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