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Game of December 2, 2011 at 10:36, 6 players
1. 445 pts churchill
2. 430 pts strykyster
3. 166 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deghior   H7    30    30   dreigh
 2. ?eefiry   8H    92   122   reverify
 3. adinqss   7M    47   169   qi
 4. delnpty  12G    28   197   phenyl
 5. aeenosz  11K    40   237   nazes
 6. abeortu   7A    65   302   taboured
 7. abcdint   B2    88   390   abdicant
 8. ?emnoou   F2    63   453   unmoored
 9. aemnpst   E5   111   564   spumante
10. adijlou  O11    42   606   slojd
11. aaeirst  13A    84   690   atresia
12. aegloor   A1    25   715   aloe
13. efiktux  A10    72   787   fixate
14. adiorsv   K2    74   861   avodires
15. anrtuvw   2I    34   895   avaunt
16. egilouw   1L    30   925   goel
17. hiioruw   C1    34   959   who
18. ciikruw   6N    36   995   ki

Remaining tiles: cgiruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5761 Filechurchill   1 22:17  -550  445     1.6429 soccer1313  0  0:37  -948   47 
  2.4971 Filestrykyster  1 17:06  -565  430            Group: novice
  3.5706 Filejimbo       0  7:01  -829  166     1.5761 churchill   1 22:17  -550  445 
  4.5112 Filecailah      1  5:47  -838  157     2.5706 jimbo       0  7:01  -829  166 
  5.5299 Fileleobill     0  5:06  -895  100     3.5112 cailah      1  5:47  -838  157 
  6.6429 Filesoccer1313  0  0:37  -948   47     4.5299 leobill     0  5:06  -895  100 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4971 strykyster  1 17:06  -565  430 

On 1st draw, DREIGH H7 30 --- DREIGH dreary [adj]
Other tops: DRIEGH H7 30
Other moves: RHODIE H3 28, DREIGH H4 26, DREIGH H8 26, DRIEGH H4 26, DRIEGH H8 26
HIRED H4 26 strykyster, cailah, churchill

On 2nd draw, RE(V)ERIFY 8H 92 --- REVERIFY to verify again [v] --- VERIFY to prove to be true [v]
Other moves: REFI(N)ERY 8H 89, E(T)HERIFY 12F 82, (C)HIEFERY 12G 82, REFI(N)ERY 8B 67, RE(A)EDIFY 7D 66
H(A)IRY 12H 20 churchill
F(R)YER 9E 15 jimbo
REFRY 8H 15 cailah
GIF(T) 11H 14 strykyster

On 3rd draw, QI 7M 47 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAIDS 10F 37, QAID 10F 34, QINDARS L3 34, QINDAR L3 32, QIS M7 23
QI 7M 47 cailah, strykyster, churchill
QIS M7 23 jimbo

On 4th draw, PHENYL 12G 28 --- PHENYL a univalent chemical radical [n]
Other tops: HYPED 12H 28
Other moves: NEDDY 7E 25, TEDDY 7E 25, DEEPLY K6 24, DEEPLY K7 24, EDDY 7F 24
PLENTY K6 22 jimbo, cailah, churchill
YE 9G 9 strykyster

On 5th draw, NAZES 11K 40 --- NAZE a headland [n]
Other moves: SAZ M12 39, SEZ M12 39, NAZE 11K 38, ZEINS 10F 36, ZONAE J10 36
ZONES J10 36 jimbo
ZEE 9G 26 strykyster
SNEEZE 9C 26 cailah
NOSE M10 23 churchill

On 6th draw, TABOURED 7A 65 --- TABOUR to beat on a small drum [v]
Other moves: OUTBRA(V)E J2 63, BEATER N10 28, BERATE N10 28, BEARE N10 26, BEAUT N10 26
BEATER N10 28 jimbo
SABER O11 24 churchill
BROG 11E 18 strykyster

On 7th draw, ABDICANT B2 88 --- ABDICANT pertaining to abdication [adj]
Other moves: ABDICANT B7 80, ABID 8A 46, IDANT 8A 39, SCAND O11 33, CEBID N10 32
ABID 8A 46 strykyster
SCANT O11 30 churchill
STAID O11 21 cailah
TACIT A7 21 jimbo

On 8th draw, UNMOORE(D) F2 63 --- UNMOOR to release from moorings [v]
Other tops: ENORMOU(S) F4 63
Other moves: NEMOROU(S) F3 61, ON(I)UM 8A 37, ENO(R)M 8A 33, OSMOU(S) O10 30, OSMO(L)E O10 30
SEM(E)N O11 21 jimbo
ONO 8A 19 strykyster
BOOM 3B 16 churchill

On 9th draw, SPUMANTE E5 111 --- SPUMANTE a sparkling Italian white wine [n]
Other moves: ENSTAMP A9 88, ENSTAMP C9 77, ENSTAMP E9 73, SPUMANTE 2D 64, MOPANES 5E 44
SPAMS O11 36 churchill
MA C2 20 strykyster

On 10th draw, SLOJD O11 42 --- SLOJD a Swedish system of manual training [n]
Other moves: JOULE 12A 40, SAJOU O11 39, JIAO C1 35, JA 10J 31, JAIL A2 31
JA A1 29 strykyster
JADE 12B 24 churchill

On 11th draw, ATRESIA 13A 84 --- ATRESIA absence or closure of a natural bodily passage [n]
Other moves: ARISTAE A9 76, ASTERIA A9 76, ATRESIA A9 76, ARISTAE C9 69, ASTERIA C9 69
RATES 13A 23 churchill
ANA 8A 19 strykyster

On 12th draw, ALOE A1 25 --- ALOE an African plant [n]
Other moves: AGLARE A10 24, OARAGE A10 24, EAGLE G3 23, GEARE D9 23, LEARE 12A 23
GARE A12 21 soccer1313
GLARE A11 21 churchill, leobill
GEO A1 18 strykyster

On 13th draw, FIXATE A10 72 --- FIXATE to make stable or stationary [v]
Other moves: FAIX A12 54, FAUX A12 54, KAIF A12 48, FAIK A12 45, FAKE A12 45
FAKE A12 45 churchill, leobill
AXE A13 30 strykyster
NIX J12 26 soccer1313

On 14th draw, AVODIRES K2 74 --- AVODIRE an African tree [n]
Other moves: AVISO C1 38, AVOS C1 34, VAS C2 32, VIS C2 32, DERV D12 30
DO 6N 18 strykyster
DIVES K5 18 churchill
DIVAS 14G 17 leobill

On 15th draw, AVAUNT 2I 34 --- AVAUNT to depart [v] --- AVAUNT used as an order of dismissal [interj]
Other moves: VARAN 2J 32, VARNA 2J 32, VAUNT 2J 32, TWA C1 28, UVA C1 28
WEAR D12 26 strykyster
WART 14G 17 leobill
WORN 4J 14 churchill

On 16th draw, GOEL 1L 30 --- GOEL an avenger [n]
Other moves: OWE C1 28, WE C2 26, WEEL D12 26, WEIL D12 26, WIG J4 26
WE 1H 17 strykyster
GLOW 4I 16 churchill

On 17th draw, WHO C1 34 --- WHO what or which person or persons [pron]
Other moves: OH J5 29, HEW D12 28, IWI C1 28, RHO C1 28, HOURI D1 27
HEW D12 28 strykyster
HOW 4J 18 churchill

On 18th draw, KI 6N 36 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other moves: RECK D12 34, ICK 1G 33, WICK 14G 31, REIK D12 30, WRICK 14G 28
WORK 4J 22 churchill
WE D12 20 strykyster

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