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Game of December 2, 2011 at 20:17, 3 players
1. 472 pts naomiari
2. 369 pts tonikay
3. 26 pts magictwig

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdennoo   H4    76    76   condone
 2. ?aeefnz  10F    45   121   freeze
 3. ghnortu   K5    44   165   toughen
 4. aeghkrt  L10    36   201   rake
 5. abbefir  14J    41   242   feria
 6. aeeelov  O12    42   284   vele
 7. ?aegirw  15E    87   371   gawsier
 8. eimprss   M5    87   458   impress
 9. dehlnos   J2    36   494   doseh
10. aelnruv  14A    29   523   nerval
11. abdistu   A8    39   562   dustbin
12. alnottt   N2    22   584   tanto
13. cdimoru   O6    37   621   mucid
14. abiiprt   O1    30   651   riba
15. aeooqtw   I3    23   674   wo
16. aagilot   B2    77   751   otalgia
17. aeijlox   4A    54   805   jaxie
18. lnopuyy   C2    32   837   pox
19. ailqtyy  11D    26   863   yay

Remaining tiles: ilnqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6070 Filenaomiari    1 21:57  -391  472     1.6070 naomiari    1 21:57  -391  472 
  2.5429 Filetonikay     1 20:41  -494  369            Group: novice
  3.5489 Filemagictwig   0  2:45  -837   26     1.5429 tonikay     1 20:41  -494  369 
                                             2.5489 magictwig   0  2:45  -837   26 

On 1st draw, CONDONE H4 76 --- CONDONE to forgive or overlook [v]
Other moves: CONDONE H2 72, CONDONE H3 72, CONDONE H6 72, CONDONE H7 72, CONDONE H8 72
CONNED H4 24 naomiari

On 2nd draw, F(R)EEZE 10F 45 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v]
Other moves: FEAZE(D) 11C 44, FEAZE(S) 11C 44, FAZE(D) 11D 42, FAZE(S) 11D 42, FEZE(S) 11D 42
Z(O)NE 6F 32 naomiari
ZO 5G 11 tonikay

On 3rd draw, TOUGHEN K5 44 --- TOUGHEN to make tough [v]
Other tops: ROUGHEN K5 44, TOUGHER K5 44
Other moves: ROUGHT L10 40, THRONG L8 40, TROUGH L9 38, HONG 11I 36, NORTH L8 36
HORN 11I 34 tonikay
OH 11J 31 naomiari

On 4th draw, RAKE L10 36 --- RAKE to gather with a toothed bar on a handle [v]
Other tops: GERAH J2 36, RATHE L10 36, REAK J3 36, REAK L10 36, TEAK J3 36, TREK J3 36
Other moves: AREG L9 35, TAK J4 35, RATH L10 34, ARET L9 33, RAH L10 32
HAKE 11C 27 naomiari
HAN 11I 22 tonikay

On 5th draw, FERIA 14J 41 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n]
Other tops: BARBIE 14J 41
Other moves: BARBE 14J 39, FABBER L1 38, FIBBER L1 38, BARBE M11 33, BARF M11 33
IF M12 26 tonikay
RIFE 11C 19 naomiari

On 6th draw, VELE O12 42 --- VELE a veil [n]
Other tops: VALE O12 42, VELA O12 42, VOLA O12 42, VOLE O12 42
Other moves: LEVEE O11 36, VEALE O11 36, AVEL O12 33, OVEL O12 33, LEVEE 15G 31
GLOVE 8K 30 naomiari
LEA 15H 14 tonikay

On 7th draw, GAW(S)IER 15E 87 --- GAWSIE well-fed and healthy looking [adj]
Other tops: GAW(C)IER 15E 87, GAW(K)IER 15E 87
Other moves: EARWIG(S) M4 84, WEARI(N)G L1 84, GAW(C)IER L1 80, GAW(K)IER L1 80, GAW(S)IER L1 80
WAGE(S) 15G 30 naomiari
WIRE(S) 15G 27 tonikay

On 8th draw, IMPRESS M5 87 --- IMPRESS to fix deeply in the mind [v]
Other moves: PREMISS M5 85, PREMISS L1 84, PREMISS M4 84, SIMPERS M4 84, SPIREMS M4 84
GIMPS 8K 33 naomiari
CONDONES H4 11 tonikay

On 9th draw, DOSEH J2 36 --- DOSEH an old Arabian religious ceremony [n]
Other moves: HOE 14F 33, DOSH J3 31, HO 14F 31, HOLED J2 30, HONED J2 30
DOSH J3 31 naomiari
HONED J2 30 tonikay

On 10th draw, NERVAL 14A 29 --- NERVAL of the nerves [adj]
Other tops: VERLAN 14A 29, VERNAL 14A 29
Other moves: ELVAN 14B 27, UVEAL 14B 27, VALUE 14B 27, VENAL 14B 27, LAER 11E 25
REV 8M 18 naomiari
VAN K1 11 tonikay

On 11th draw, DUSTBIN A8 39 --- DUSTBIN a trash can [n]
Other moves: TABUNS A10 33, BAND A12 30, BIND A12 30, BUND A12 30, BANI A12 27
BUNS A12 27 naomiari
BAITS 13E 18 tonikay

On 12th draw, TANTO N2 22 --- TANTO so much -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: GORAL 8K 21, LANAS 11I 18, NANAS 11I 18, NONAS 11I 18, TANAS 11I 18
NANAS 11I 18 naomiari
TALON B5 12 tonikay

On 13th draw, MUCID O6 37 --- MUCID musty [adj]
Other moves: DOMIC O6 36, MICRO O6 34, MUCOR O6 34, MUCRO O6 34, CORM O6 31
DRUM O6 27 naomiari
DOM O6 24 tonikay

On 14th draw, RIBA O1 30 --- RIBA the charging of interest, forbidden by Islam [n]
Other moves: PITA O1 28, BAP M1 24, RABI I1 24, TABI I1 24, TIPI I1 24
PAT O1 19 tonikay, naomiari

On 15th draw, WO I3 23 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: QAT(S) H12 22, TAW I1 22, TEW I1 22, TOW I1 22, AW I2 21
QAT I1 19 tonikay
WAQF F7 19 naomiari

On 16th draw, OTALGIA B2 77 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: ALOGIA B6 23, LATIGO B5 21, LOGIA B7 20, TAILO(R) G5 20, AGIO B8 19
LAG K1 14 tonikay
GIN 6F 8 naomiari

On 17th draw, JAXIE 4A 54 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: JAILER C9 42, JAILOR C9 42, JAXIE 13E 42, JAIL 4A 38, AXEL C1 37
JOE A1 34 tonikay
OX C3 31 naomiari

On 18th draw, POX C2 32 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: TOP 3B 32
Other moves: NOUNY 9E 29, NOX C2 26, PLOY 11C 26, POLY 11C 26, PONY 11C 26
POX C2 32 tonikay
TOP 3B 32 naomiari
SPY 10A 14 magictwig

On 19th draw, YAY 11D 26 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YAY 13E 23, ANY 9G 22, QAT(S) H12 22, QAT K1 21, TAY B10 21
QI 9E 16 naomiari
LEY E3 12 magictwig
AT A1 11 tonikay

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