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Game of December 3, 2011 at 11:41, 5 players
1. 481 pts una
2. 353 pts tonikay
3. 321 pts dabbler

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?degghi   H4    82    82   hedging
 2. beosttu  11D    29   111   obtuse
 3. aeeimno  12A    32   143   meanie
 4. aadnoru   A8    30   173   roadman
 5. cehlwyz   B9    79   252   wheely
 6. ?aiiirv   6D    65   317   viridian
 7. adeirvz   5J    43   360   zerda
 8. acefptu  12I    31   391   faceup
 9. efnqtwy   N4    39   430   waqf
10. adijopu   O1    45   475   judo
11. aeinory  N10    36   511   yapon
12. aceilsv  15H   100   611   clavies
13. iorsttt   8K    38   649   torsi
14. abeeimt   F2    64   713   amberite
15. egpstux  C12    42   755   apex
16. enoorst   O1    29   784   judos
17. eglnoou   D1    24   808   unglove
18. ilnortt   C7    22   830   roti
19. klnnort  M10    31   861   knut

Remaining tiles: lnort

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6821 Fileuna         0 23:05  -380  481     1.6821 una         0 23:05  -380  481 
  2.5447 Filetonikay     1 23:22  -508  353     2.6380 dabbler     1 15:40  -540  321 
  3.6380 Filedabbler     1 15:40  -540  321     3.6245 annelhynz   0  4:49  -749  112 
  4.5768 Filechurchill   1 16:36  -554  307            Group: novice
  5.6245 Fileannelhynz   0  4:49  -749  112     1.5447 tonikay     1 23:22  -508  353 
                                             2.5768 churchill   1 16:36  -554  307 

On 1st draw, HEDGI(N)G H4 82 --- HEDGE to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) [v] --- HEDGING the work of a hedger [n]
Other tops: HIGG(L)ED H4 82, (W)HIGGED H3 82
Other moves: HEDGI(N)G H2 78, HEDGI(N)G H6 78, HIGG(L)ED H2 78, HIGG(L)ED H6 78, (W)HIGGED H6 78
(W)HIGGED H3 32 una

On 2nd draw, OBTUSE 11D 29 --- OBTUSE dull [adj]
Other tops: BOTTES 11C 29, BUTEOS 11C 29, BUTTES 11C 29, OBTEST 11D 29
Other moves: BOETS 11D 27, BOTTS 11D 27, BOUSE 11E 27, BOUTS 11D 27, BUTES 11D 27
BOUTS 11D 27 una

On 3rd draw, MEANIE 12A 32 --- MEANIE a nasty person [n]
Other tops: ANOMIE 12A 32
Other moves: ANIME 12A 28, ENEMA 12A 28, MAIN 12D 28, MEAN 12D 28, MEANE 12A 28
AMINO 12A 24 una
MINE 12A 22 tonikay

On 4th draw, ROADMAN A8 30 --- ROADMAN a man who repairs roads [n]
Other moves: DONA 13C 27, RANDOM A7 27, UNMARD A10 27, UNDO 13A 25, DUNAM A8 24
DON 13C 22 tonikay
MAND A12 21 una

On 5th draw, WHEELY B9 79 --- WHEELY like a wheel [adj]
Other moves: CHEWY B6 50, WHEEZY 5E 48, WHEEZY 5F 48, L*Z 13C 45, WHEEL B9 42
CHEWY 13F 29 una
CHEWY 5F 16 churchill
BIZ E11 14 tonikay

On 6th draw, VIRIDIA(N) 6D 65 --- VIRIDIAN a greenish-blue pigment [n]
Other moves: VIRGI(N)IA 7E 63, VIRE(L)AI 5E 36, VIRE(M)IA 5E 36, V(A)RIA G3 25, VRAI(C) J10 24
RAV(E) J11 15 una
(S)AVER 5E 14 churchill
A(S) C12 6 tonikay

On 7th draw, ZERDA 5J 43 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE 5J 41, AVIZED 12I 40, I(N)VADER K5 40, ZED 5J 39, AVIZED E4 38
ZED 5J 39 una
ZA 5J 35 churchill, tonikay
DAZER 13E 35 dabbler

On 8th draw, FACEUP 12I 31 --- FACEUP with the front part up [adv]
Other moves: FACER L1 28, FEAT 4K 28, FAUCET 12I 27, APE C12 26, FETCH 4D 26
FACER L1 28 dabbler, churchill
FEAT 4K 28 una
PEAT 7J 23 tonikay

On 9th draw, WAQF N4 39 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: QUEYN M11 34, QUYTE M11 34, WEFT 13G 33, QUEY M11 32, EWT 6M 30
QUEY M11 32 dabbler, una
QI E5 22 tonikay

On 10th draw, JUDO O1 45 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JIAO O1 42, PUJAH 4D 34, UPDO O1 30, APOD 13L 28, JAP N10 28
JAP N10 28 dabbler, churchill, una, tonikay

On 11th draw, YAPON N10 36 --- YAPON an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ANGRY 10F 32, RENVOY D3 32, YEARN O7 32, ENVOY D4 30, AIERY O7 29
AIRY O7 26 tonikay, dabbler, churchill
ANY O7 23 una

On 12th draw, CLAVIES 15H 100 --- CLAVIE a tar barrel burnt for luck [n]
Other moves: VISCERAL F1 65, VALE(N)CIES K2 63, AVISE 8K 56, VASE 8L 53, VISA 8L 53
VASE 8L 53 churchill
VASE 15L 44 annelhynz
VIES O8 28 una
ACE O7 20 tonikay
YAPONS N10 11 dabbler

On 13th draw, TORSI 8K 38 --- TORSO the trunk of the human body [n]
Other tops: ROIST 8K 38, TRIST 8K 38
Other moves: ROST 8L 35, TOST 8L 35, ISO 8M 29, JUDOS O1 29, ZERDAS 5J 29
ROIST 8K 38 dabbler
ROST 8L 35 tonikay
JUDOS O1 29 una
SOT 13M 10 annelhynz

On 14th draw, AMBERITE F2 64 --- AMBERITE an amberlike powder [n]
Other moves: MABE 5E 30, ABET C12 28, EMBATHE 4C 28, IMBATHE 4C 28, BUM M11 26
BUM M11 26 una
MATER L1 20 churchill
MOT 13M 18 annelhynz
ME 4K 16 dabbler
MENT 14L 12 tonikay

On 15th draw, APEX C12 42 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: PIX E5 41, TIX E5 33, POX 13M 32, JUDOS O1 29, ZERDAS 5J 29
PIX E5 41 una
POX 13M 32 dabbler, churchill
EX O10 23 tonikay
XU O13 20 annelhynz

On 16th draw, JUDOS O1 29 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other tops: ZERDAS 5J 29
Other moves: NOTERS L1 26, OTIOSE E4 26, ROTORS L1 26, TENORS L1 26, TONERS L1 26
JUDOS O1 29 tonikay, churchill
TONERS L1 26 dabbler
GOS 7H 20 annelhynz
SENT 13F 16 una

On 17th draw, UNGLOVE D1 24 --- UNGLOVE to uncover by removing a glove [v]
Other moves: GEO G2 21, GOO G2 21, OLEO G1 20, ERGO M7 19, LOO G2 19
GLOVE D3 18 dabbler
GLOOM 3B 16 churchill
EGO 13L 16 una
GONE 9J 13 tonikay

On 18th draw, ROTI C7 22 --- ROTI an unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: TRIO G1 20, IRON M7 17, IO G3 16, LI C9 16, LINT 13F 16
TROUT 1A 15 dabbler
TON C7 15 una
NOT 13M 10 churchill
TON 13F 7 tonikay

On 19th draw, KNUT M10 31 --- KNUT an energetic youth [n]
Other moves: TROKE 5B 30, LOKE 5C 28, ROKE 5C 28, TOKE 5C 28, KNOUT 1A 27
KA J14 16 dabbler, tonikay
NOT 13G 12 una

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