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Game sheet of TwoFold (file), Game of December 3, 2011 at 21:38

Word find
Word played
1 ACEILNP             CAPELIN H2 78 78  
2 ?EINNOY             PY(R)ONINE 4H 76 154  
3 DEHIKOS             HOICKSED 2E 72 226  
4 AFILRTW FAW I7 28 -17 28 5/5 WAIFT 1K 45 271 5/5
5 AIMRSTU TRIMS 1A 35 -56 63 1/5 ATRIUMS 1A 91 362 5/5
6 BCELORS BLOCS 9D 24 -53 87 2/5 CORBELS 9D 77 439 5/5
7 EHIRTTX HEX G5 45 -13 132 1/4 TETTIX B1 58 497 5/5
8 ?EIMNNR M(A)RINE A5 33 -44 165 3/4 REIN(S)MEN O3 77 574 4/5
9 ADEEOOR ADORE A4 36   201 1/4       610 4/5
10 AAEGIPR SIP G1 15 -15 216 2/3 PARAGE N9 30 640 4/5
11 ADOQSTV VAST 15L 43   259 2/3       683 4/5
12 DEIOQRU SQUIRED J9 39 -15 298 1/3 QUERIDA 12H 54 737 3/5
13 ABGILOZ ZIG 13G 41   339 3/3       778 3/5
14 BELNOUY BOY C5 28 -3 367 1/3 BYE 11I 31 809 3/5
15 ADELOOW DOW C5 26 -54 393 3/4 LACEWOOD D7 80 889 3/5
16 EFHLOTU OH E11 25 -7 418 2/4 FAE 3G 32 921 3/5
17 AGHJLOU JAG C13 43   461 2/3 JOG C13   964 3/5
18 HLNOTUV VUG 15A 21 -14 482 3/3 HOLON E8 35 999 3/5

Total: 482/999 or -517 for 48.24%
Rank: 6902

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