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Game of December 4, 2011 at 03:01, 1 player
1. 447 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeirsst   H2    66    66   resites
 2. eillnpt   3G    26    92   penlite
 3. ?dnoort   5D    82   174   tordions
 4. ?aeelrr   8A    74   248   realters
 5. acginty   4K    34   282   tangy
 6. abgiksv   4A    40   322   kivas
 7. abhnrtu   B2    36   358   baith
 8. aabeinr   E7    68   426   atabrine
 9. clnopsu  15A    46   472   coups
10. adefltu  13A    76   548   flaunted
11. aefghow   O1    39   587   whey
12. aegilou  14H    73   660   eulogia
13. efimnnr  O12    42   702   fier
14. eemouvy  15G    42   744   my
15. aeinooz   A1    57   801   zonk
16. adgioov  13K    22   823   gad
17. demooqx  D12    54   877   quop
18. demoouv  12J    32   909   dev
19. eijnoux  10E    40   949   bijoux
20. ceimnow   9I    28   977   meow

Remaining tiles: ciin

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6507 Filenderera     3 14:27  -530  447     1.6507 nderera     3 14:27  -530  447 

On 1st draw, RESITES H2 66 --- RESITE to move to a different locality [v]
Other tops: RESITES H3 66, RESITES H4 66, RESITES H6 66, RESITES H7 66, RESITES H8 66
Other moves: RESITES H5 64, ESTERS H3 14, ESTERS H4 14, ESTERS H7 14, ESTERS H8 14
SISTER H4 14 nderera

On 2nd draw, PENLITE 3G 26 --- PENLITE a small torch [n]
Other moves: NEPIT G1 23, NEPIT G3 23, LIPE G5 22, PILE G3 22, PENILL G5 21
PILE G3 22 nderera

On 3rd draw, TORDION(S) 5D 82 --- TORDION an old dance [n]
Other moves: TORD(I)ONS 8A 80, T(A)NDOORS 8A 80, ODOR(A)NTS 8A 77, TORN(A)DOS 8A 77, DON(A)TORS 8A 74
DONOR 4K 23 nderera

On 4th draw, REAL(T)ERS 8A 74 --- REALTER to alter again [v]
Other tops: AL(T)ERERS 8A 74, LEAR(N)ERS 8A 74, RA(V)ELERS 8A 74, RELA(T)ERS 8A 74, RELA(X)ERS 8A 74, RELEAR(N)S 8A 74, RE(G)ALERS 8A 74, SLA(V)ERER 8H 74, (C)LEARERS 8A 74, (P)EARLERS 8A 74
Other moves: ALTERER(S) D3 66, DERA(I)LER G5 66, LAT(H)ERER D3 66, REALTER(S) D1 66, RELATER(S) D1 66
RE(S)EAL N1 23 nderera

On 5th draw, TANGY 4K 34 --- TANGY pungent [adj]
Other moves: CYANITE B2 28, YAGI 4A 28, YIN 6J 28, CLAYING D7 26, CAY 4C 25
ACTING C8 24 nderera

On 6th draw, KIVAS 4A 40 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: KIVA 4A 36, KVAS 4A 36, KABS 4A 34, VIGAS 4A 32, BISK 2K 31
YAKS O4 11 nderera

On 7th draw, BAITH B2 36 --- BAITH both [adj]
Other tops: BRITH B2 36
Other moves: BURKA A1 33, HANK A1 33, HARK A1 33, HUNK A1 33, THUYA O1 33
HUNK A1 33 nderera

On 8th draw, A(T)ABRINE E7 68 --- ATABRINE a drug to treat malaria [n]
Other moves: NABK A1 38, BANK A1 36, RANKE A1 35, BYRNIE O3 33, BARYE O1 30
BANK A1 36 nderera

On 9th draw, COUPS 15A 46 --- COUP to overturn [v]
Other tops: CLOPS 15A 46
Other moves: CONKS A1 41, POLKS A1 41, PONKS A1 41, LOUPS 15A 40, NOUPS 15A 40
COUPS 15A 46 nderera

On 10th draw, FLAUNTED 13A 76 --- FLAUNT to exhibit in a gaudy manner [v]
Other moves: TRADEFUL 11D 74, TRADEFUL G7 68, FLAYED O1 39, ALEFT 2J 36, LATKE A1 35
FLAYED O1 39 nderera

On 11th draw, WHEY O1 39 --- WHEY the watery part of milk [n]
Other moves: FADGE H11 33, FOGY O1 33, WODGE H11 33, AHOY O1 30, HAAF 7C 30
WHEY O1 39 nderera

On 12th draw, EULOGIA 14H 73 --- EULOGIA holy bread [n] --- EULOGIA a blessing [n]
Other moves: EULOGIA 12H 72, EULOGIAE 7H 61, LODGE H11 24, ALKIE A2 22, AGUE 2J 21
AE N1 19 nderera

On 13th draw, FIER O12 42 --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIER a companion [n]
Other moves: FEM 15G 40, FINER 15K 40, FINNER O10 39, EMIR 15H 38, FENI 15G 37
FINER 15K 40 nderera

On 14th draw, MY 15G 42 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: OY 15G 36, EMO 15H 33, YUM 13K 32, YE F10 30, TOY 6H 29
DEY H13 21 nderera

On 15th draw, ZONK A1 57 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: ZEA 7C 45, ZORI 2F 39, ZA A1 37, ZO A1 37, ZOO N10 37
ZONK A1 57 nderera

On 16th draw, GAD 13K 22 --- GAD to roam about restlessly [v]
Other tops: DAG 13K 22
Other moves: VIGORO 2D 20, OO N1 19, AVOID M11 18, DAH 2M 18, DOGGO L11 18

On 17th draw, QUOP D12 54 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QUEP D12 54
Other moves: EX 9B 36, XI 12D 36, XU D12 36, EXAM C6 29, OXO 15J 29

On 18th draw, DEV 12J 32 --- DEV a Hindu god [n]
Other moves: VOMER 15K 31, DOVER 15K 29, MED 12J 26, DEV 15K 25, EM 12K 24

On 19th draw, BIJOUX 10E 40 --- BIJOU a jewel [n]
Other tops: JEAN 7C 40
Other moves: JINXED J7 37, EX 9B 36, INJURE 2D 35, JAXIE C7 35, JODEL J10 35

On 20th draw, MEOW 9I 28 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other tops: MOWN 9I 28
Other moves: MEW 9I 27, MONIE 9I 27, MOW 9I 27, MOC 9I 26, MEIN 9I 25

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