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Game of December 4, 2011 at 05:26, 6 players
1. 454 pts hulusian
2. 431 pts kellybelly
3. 425 pts dragons11

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiknort   H4    30    30   kation
 2. ?aijopu   5E    60    90   sapajou
 3. adimnrv   6H    30   120   tam
 4. efgnrtu   7G    26   146   fig
 5. aeehirt   9B    64   210   atherine
 6. deellor   D9    26   236   helloed
 7. adinort   B2    76   312   antidora
 8. ceiostv   L3    98   410   costive
 9. aelnruv  14A    76   486   revenual
10. eelmnsy   2B    65   551   amylenes
11. ?ahiqrz   1H    95   646   hafiz
12. abcinor  15G    43   689   bicorn
13. deegiru  14J    35   724   guider
14. ainostw  O11    36   760   swart
15. efinotw   M9    37   797   foetid
16. abeoqux  A11    66   863   exurb
17. deiopsy   A4    46   909   spide
18. agnoqry   C2    33   942   moya

Remaining tiles: gnqrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5226 Filehulusian    4 26:11  -488  454     1.7341 kellybelly  0 12:13  -511  431 
  2.7341 Filekellybelly  0 12:13  -511  431     2.7225 mylover81   0  2:52  -827  115 
  3.6411 Filedragons11   2 16:17  -517  425     3.7075 yab         0  2:45  -850   92 
  4.7225 Filemylover81   0  2:52  -827  115            Group: intermediate
  5.5305 Fileleobill     0  6:18  -837  105     1.6411 dragons11   2 16:17  -517  425 
  6.7075 Fileyab         0  2:45  -850   92            Group: novice
                                             1.5226 hulusian    4 26:11  -488  454 
                                             2.5305 leobill     0  6:18  -837  105 

On 1st draw, KATION H4 30 --- KATION a positively charged ion [n]
Other tops: KIRTAN H4 30, TROIKA H8 30
Other moves: KORAI H4 28, KORAT H4 28, KRAIT H4 28, KRONA H4 28, TAROK H8 28
TROIKA H8 30 hulusian
TRONK H8 28 dragons11

On 2nd draw, (S)APAJOU 5E 60 --- SAPAJOU a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: PUJA(S) 10D 39, JA(S)P 10F 38, OUIJA(S) 10C 38, (S)AJOU 10H 37, PAJO(C)K 4C 36
JOT 6F 26 dragons11
JAPA(N) 5G 26 hulusian

On 3rd draw, TAM 6H 30 --- TAM a tight-fitting Scottish cap [n]
Other moves: DITA 6F 29, MARID 6B 26, MAVIN 4K 26, MAT 6F 25, VIM 6D 25
TAM 6H 30 dragons11
DIVAN F2 15 hulusian

On 4th draw, FIG 7G 26 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other moves: FR*G 7F 24, GRUFE 4A 23, GRUFE 4K 23, TURFEN 4A 23, FIR 7G 22
FIG 7G 26 hulusian

On 5th draw, ATHERINE 9B 64 --- ATHERINE a fish resembling the grey mullet [n]
Other moves: HERNIATE 9E 63, AIRTH 6B 32, EARTH 6B 32, EATH 6C 29, HEARIE 4A 29
RAH F4 14 dragons11
HOM J4 8 hulusian

On 6th draw, HELLOED D9 26 --- HELLO to shout out a greeting [v]
Other moves: DEER 10B 25, DOER 10B 25, ROLLED 4J 25, DEE 10B 22, DHOLE D8 22
HOLDER D9 20 hulusian
HOLLER D9 18 leobill
LODE 4B 11 dragons11

On 7th draw, ANTIDORA B2 76 --- ANTIDORA holy breads [n]
Other moves: DIATRON 10I 65, DERATION 14C 63, ANDROID 15B 27, ANEROID E7 27, DETAIN E8 24
ANDROID 15B 27 hulusian
DOER 10B 20 kellybelly
DRAIN 15D 18 dragons11
RAID 15A 15 leobill

On 8th draw, COSTIVE L3 98 --- COSTIVE constipated [adj]
Other moves: COVETISE 14A 80, VICES L1 44, VOCES L1 44, CIVES L1 42, COVES L1 42
VICES L1 44 kellybelly
DIVEST 15D 30 hulusian
DIVES 15D 27 dragons11
VIED 15A 24 leobill

On 9th draw, REVENUAL 14A 76 --- REVENUAL resembling revenue [adj] --- REVENUE the income of a government [adj]
Other moves: REVENUAL 14C 65, UNREAVE 14A 36, VULCAN 3I 30, DAVEN 15D 27, DRAVE 15D 27
DAVEN 15D 27 hulusian
LANE A5 25 kellybelly
VANE 8L 21 leobill

On 10th draw, AMYLENES 2B 65 --- AMYLENE a flammable liquid [n]
Other moves: EMERY A11 39, YELM H12 39, EYERS A11 36, EYES A1 34, LYES A1 34
MENE A5 33 kellybelly
NELLY H11 27 leobill
EM 15A 22 dragons11

On 11th draw, HA(F)IZ 1H 95 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: RIZAR(D) A10 72, IZAR(D) A11 69, IZAR(S) A11 69, ZILA H12 69, HAZI(E)R 1H 68
HAZI(E)R 1H 68 kellybelly
(S)HIR J9 25 hulusian
QA(T) G13 21 dragons11

On 12th draw, BICORN 15G 43 --- BICORN a hat with two corners [n] --- BICORN having two horns [adj]
Other tops: BICRON 15G 43, BONACI 15G 43
Other moves: BICORN A10 39, DORBA 15D 38, BACON 15G 37, BANCO 15G 37, BARIC 15G 37
BANCO 15G 37 dragons11
BORIC 15G 37 kellybelly
NARCO 15G 29 hulusian

On 13th draw, GUIDER 14J 35 --- GUIDER one that guides [n]
Other moves: GUIDE 14J 33, REVIED 8J 30, DIRGE M11 25, GRIDE M11 25, GUIDE M11 25
VERD 8L 24 kellybelly
VEER 8L 21 dragons11
DERE A12 21 hulusian

On 14th draw, SWART O11 36 --- SWART swarthy [adj]
Other tops: SWART A11 36, SWORN A11 36, SWORN O11 36
Other moves: AVOWS 8K 33, WARN A12 33, WARN O12 33, WARS A12 33, WARS O12 33
SWORN O11 36 hulusian, dragons11
WORN O12 33 kellybelly

On 15th draw, FOETID M9 37 --- FOETID stinking [adj]
Other tops: FOINED M9 37
Other moves: TWIRE A11 36, FERN A12 33, FIRE A12 33, FIRN A12 33, FORE A12 33
WORT A12 33 dragons11
VIEW 8L 30 hulusian
OWE 13K 27 kellybelly

On 16th draw, EXURB A11 66 --- EXURB a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n]
Other moves: BOX 6D 54, OX 6E 51, QUARE A11 45, EX 15A 42, AUXIN L11 39
EXURB A11 66 hulusian
BOX 6D 54 dragons11, kellybelly, mylover81
EX 15A 42 yab

On 17th draw, SPIDE A4 46 --- SPIDE a young Irishman who dresses in daggy sports clothes [n] --- SPY to watch secretly [v]
Other tops: SPODE A4 46
Other moves: POESY N6 43, DOPE A5 37, POSY N7 36, PSOCID 3I 36, POYSED N6 34
DOPE A5 37 kellybelly
OYE A6 32 mylover81
SPY J9 26 yab
YIPS N6 23 dragons11
DEPOSE 11H 18 hulusian

On 18th draw, MOYA C2 33 --- MOYA a volcanic mud [n]
Other moves: G*Y 6D 29, OARY 3D 29, YA N10 29, NOY 6D 28, OY 6E 27
G*Y 6D 29 mylover81, kellybelly
QAT 12K 24 dragons11, yab
YAGERS 11J 20 hulusian

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