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Game of December 4, 2011 at 13:42, 9 players
1. 746 pts PIThompson
2. 622 pts mylover81
3. 621 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceggmr   H4    24    24   cream
 2. abeegos   3C    30    54   begoes
 3. ahiinrs   C3    65   119   brainish
 4. aeilmst   8H    89   208   malmiest
 5. eforrwy   K5    60   268   wormery
 6. efnprsu   8A    39   307   spif
 7. aeelrtu   I7    64   371   laureate
 8. ?aajopx  H12    84   455   jaap
 9. bcggino  B10    41   496   coign
10. ?adhikl   M6    92   588   khedival
11. ?alnowx   B5    52   640   ax
12. ?eenoou   O2    57   697   euronote
13. deeortu  15A    33   730   teredo
14. aegnuuv   L1    31   761   vague
15. dinoouz   2D    71   832   ouzo
16. dilntwy   1A    55   887   windy
17. fiilntt   N8    31   918   sif
18. biilntv   2J    38   956   viable
19. dinnqtt  12L    32   988   qaid

Remaining tiles: nnttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7696 FilePIThompson  8 18:37  -242  746     1.7696 PIThompson  8 18:37  -242  746 
  2.7192 Filemylover81   4 11:23  -366  622     2.7192 mylover81   4 11:23  -366  622 
  3.6347 FileGrace_Tjie  3 17:36  -367  621            Group: intermediate
  4.6422 Filedannyboy    3 15:28  -449  539     1.6347 Grace_Tjie  3 17:36  -367  621 
  5.6415 Fileiwhist      2 14:44  -526  462     2.6422 dannyboy    3 15:28  -449  539 
  6.5756 Filechurchill   1 23:32  -555  433     3.6415 iwhist      2 14:44  -526  462 
  7.5508 Filetonikay     0 17:48  -666  322            Group: novice
  8.5736 Filejimbo       0  6:18  -844  144     1.5756 churchill   1 23:32  -555  433 
  9.5820 Filescrablehed  0  3:01  -919   69     2.5508 tonikay     0 17:48  -666  322 
                                             3.5736 jimbo       0  6:18  -844  144 
                                             4.5820 scrablehed  0  3:01  -919   69 

On 1st draw, CREAM H4 24 --- CREAM to select the best from a group [v]
Other tops: CRAME H4 24, CREAM H8 24, MACER H4 24
Other moves: CAGER H4 22, MARGE H4 22, CRAME H8 20, GAMER H4 20, GRACE H4 20
MACER H4 24 Grace_Tjie, dannyboy
CREAM H4 24 churchill

On 2nd draw, BEGOES 3C 30 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other moves: BEGOES G7 25, BEGOES I7 25, BOCAGES 4F 24, OBESE G6 24, *B*S G6 23
BEGOES G7 25 PIThompson
BAGS G7 23 Grace_Tjie
BAGS I7 23 dannyboy
CAGES 4H 16 churchill

On 3rd draw, BRAINISH C3 65 --- BRAINISH impetuous [adj]
Other tops: BAIRNISH C3 65
Other moves: AHIS 4C 33, NAH 2D 32, RAH 2D 32, SIRIH 4B 32, HAIN 4A 30
RAH 2D 32 PIThompson, dannyboy
HAIR 4A 30 churchill
HA 2F 28 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, MALMIEST 8H 89 --- MALMY resembling malm [adj]
MATIES B6 39 PIThompson
MALES B6 38 mylover81
SAIM 8A 27 dannyboy
MAILS 8A 24 Grace_Tjie, churchill

On 5th draw, WORMERY K5 60 --- WORMERY a place in which worms are bred [n]
Other moves: REIFY 8A 45, REIF 8A 33, WAFERY I7 32, FREER D1 30, WIFEY 6B 30
WORMERY K5 60 PIThompson
WE 2F 28 Grace_Tjie
WO 2F 28 mylover81
YO 2F 28 dannyboy
WAY 7G 26 tonikay
WIFE 6B 18 churchill

On 6th draw, SPIF 8A 39 --- SPIF a postage stamp perforated to identify theft by employees [n]
Other moves: NEIFS 8A 36, PRIEFS 8A 36, REIFS 8A 36, NEIF 8A 33, PRIEF 8A 33
SPIF 8A 39 dannyboy
PRIEFS 8A 36 mylover81
SNIPER 8A 33 jimbo
PRUNES L1 29 PIThompson
FRIES 8A 27 churchill
FES 7M 23 Grace_Tjie
PENS 9E 18 tonikay

On 7th draw, LAUREATE I7 64 --- LAUREATE to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves [v]
Other moves: RESALUTE N6 62, URETERAL 10F 62, RESALUTE A6 59, ELATER B10 23, ELUATE B10 23
SALUTER N8 18 jimbo
LATER L2 17 mylover81
EATER L2 17 PIThompson
TALER L2 17 iwhist
TREE L3 15 dannyboy
EARL L10 15 Grace_Tjie
ALERT D10 15 churchill

On 8th draw, JAAP H12 84 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JAP(E) H12 83, JAP(S) H12 83, JA(A)P H12 80, JA(R)P H12 80, J(A)AP H12 80
JAP(S) H12 83 mylover81
JAP(E) H12 83 PIThompson
(T)AXA J12 54 iwhist
AX B5 52 dannyboy, Grace_Tjie
OX J13 52 tonikay
JAP(S) 15F 44 jimbo, churchill

On 9th draw, COIGN B10 41 --- COIGN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: BIGGON L1 33, BEGOING M7 32, PICONG B8 32, COB J4 28, PIC B8 28
COIGN B10 41 PIThompson
COB J4 28 mylover81, Grace_Tjie, dannyboy
BOGGING E1 24 churchill
BOG J4 22 tonikay
COG J4 22 iwhist
BEING M7 12 jimbo

On 10th draw, KHEDI(V)AL M6 92 --- KHEDIVAL pertaining to a khedive [adj] --- KHEDIVE a Turkish viceroy [adj]
Other moves: HA(N)DLIKE M1 90, HEADLIK(E) M7 90, H(E)ADLIKE M1 90, HAIK A12 59, KAID A12 58
HAIK A12 59 iwhist, mylover81, PIThompson, Grace_Tjie
KAID A12 58 dannyboy
A(S)K 15A 26 jimbo, churchill
KO 6J 16 tonikay

On 11th draw, AX B5 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: (A)X B5 50, (E)X B5 50, LANX L12 44, W(E)X 15A 44, LA(N)X L12 42
AX B5 52 mylover81, PIThompson, Grace_Tjie, dannyboy, iwhist
WAX N12 33 tonikay
WAX 12L 26 churchill
A(S) 15A 11 jimbo

On 12th draw, EU(R)ONOTE O2 57 --- EURONOTE negotiable bearer notes used in the European Union [n]
Other moves: (C)OOSEN N5 29, (L)OOSEN N5 29, FOE(M)EN D8 26, (F)REON 4B 26, FOE(H)N D8 24
NOOSE(S) N5 24 iwhist
NOOSE N5 23 PIThompson
NOO(N) C12 16 Grace_Tjie
(S)EEN E8 15 dannyboy
U(S)E 15A 14 churchill
O(S)E 15A 14 mylover81

On 13th draw, TEREDO 15A 33 --- TEREDO a bivalve mollusk [n]
Other tops: DETOUR 15A 33, REDOUT 15A 33
Other moves: ROUTE N2 32, DUET A12 31, DETER 15A 30, REED 15A 30, TEED 15A 30
DUET A12 31 mylover81, PIThompson, iwhist
RUDE 2D 23 Grace_Tjie
ODE N4 19 dannyboy
GREED 13B 14 churchill
TEE D2 10 tonikay

On 14th draw, VAGUE L1 31 --- VAGUE not clearly expressed or understood [adj] --- VAGUE to be indefinite [v]
Other moves: AVENGE D10 28, VEGAN J2 28, VEGAN N1 28, AVENUE D10 26, UVEA L3 26
VAGUE L1 31 mylover81
AVENGE D10 28 PIThompson
VAG J4 23 Grace_Tjie
GAVE L2 21 iwhist
VAGUE 2K 18 churchill
VAN N1 18 tonikay

On 15th draw, OUZO 2D 71 --- OUZO a Greek liqueur [n]
Other moves: ZO 2F 64, ZOOS N5 41, ZOOID F2 39, OUZO N3 38, ZONOID F2 38
OUZO 2D 71 PIThompson
ZO 2F 64 iwhist, tonikay, mylover81, Grace_Tjie, dannyboy
ZO F2 31 churchill

On 16th draw, WINDY 1A 55 --- WINDY marked by strong wind [adj]
Other moves: LINDY 1A 46, WYND 1A 45, WYND 1G 39, LINTY 1A 38, TYND 1A 36
WINDY 1A 55 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson, mylover81
WILY 1G 36 dannyboy
WINY 1G 36 iwhist
WILD 1G 30 scrablehed
WILY 12A 28 churchill
WILD N12 23 tonikay

On 17th draw, SIF N8 31 --- SIF disgusting (syphilitic) (S African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FLINT E8 29, FLITT E8 29, FINI 1G 27, FINI E8 27, FITT 1G 27
SIF N8 31 PIThompson, iwhist
FLIT 1G 27 dannyboy, mylover81, scrablehed
FINI 1G 27 Grace_Tjie
FAIL 12L 16 churchill
FAT 13G 10 tonikay

On 18th draw, VIABLE 2J 38 --- VIABLE capable of living [adj]
Other moves: TIBIAE 14D 29, STILB A8 27, VINT 1G 27, INVITE D10 26, NIB 14D 26
VIABLE 2J 38 PIThompson
VINT 1G 27 iwhist, mylover81, Grace_Tjie
BAIL 12L 14 churchill
TIN 1G 12 scrablehed
WILT A1 8 tonikay

On 19th draw, QAID 12L 32 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADI 12L 30, QAT 12L 24, QAT 13G 22, QI 12A 21, NID 14D 20
QAID 12L 32 PIThompson, mylover81
QADI 12L 30 Grace_Tjie
QAT 12L 24 iwhist, churchill
QAT 13G 22 tonikay

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