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Game of December 4, 2011 at 16:00, 5 players
1. 398 pts kellybelly
2. 376 pts nderera
3. 249 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aacino   H3    72    72   ocarina
 2. afhortw   I7    42   114   fowth
 3. llmnotu   J9    24   138   nom
 4. ?afiors  12F    91   229   forsaid
 5. deeghsu  13B    36   265   gushed
 6. aeiknrt   D7    76   341   narkiest
 7. deelstt  14F    74   415   settled
 8. biioprt   G7    31   446   rob
 9. aiooptv  15K    30   476   topoi
10. aeilmrv   5E    40   516   velaria
11. deeortu  B10    24   540   drogue
12. begijlt   A7    42   582   jibe
13. aeegitv  15F    27   609   tae
14. egilnsu   3C    72   681   ligneous
15. ademuwz  14N    46   727   za
16. adginrv   4J    29   756   raving
17. adeelmx   M3    44   800   limax
18. deenquy   D1    48   848   quid
19. ceenwyy   O3    36   884   egency

Remaining tiles: eipwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7329 Filekellybelly  1 10:39  -486  398     1.7329 kellybelly  1 10:39  -486  398 
  2.6533 Filenderera     1 14:59  -508  376     2.7697 PIThompson  1  0:55  -836   48 
  3.6026 Filenarisa      2  7:51  -635  249            Group: intermediate
  4.6423 Fileiwhist      1  5:37  -659  225     1.6533 nderera     1 14:59  -508  376 
  5.7697 FilePIThompson  1  0:55  -836   48     2.6026 narisa      2  7:51  -635  249 
                                             3.6423 iwhist      1  5:37  -659  225 

On 1st draw, OCA(R)INA H3 72 --- OCARINA a wind instrument [n]
Other tops: CONA(R)IA H4 72, (M)ANIOCA H7 72
Other moves: CONA(R)IA H2 68, CONA(R)IA H3 68, CONA(R)IA H6 68, CONA(R)IA H7 68, OCA(R)INA H2 68
C(H)AIN H4 18 iwhist

On 2nd draw, FOWTH I7 42 --- FOWTH abundance [n]
Other moves: HAFT G7 38, FAH I7 37, FAW I7 37, FOH I7 37, FOWTH G9 31
HAFT G7 38 iwhist

On 3rd draw, NOM J9 24 --- NOM a name [n]
Other moves: MOULT G9 22, MOUNT G9 22, MUTON G9 22, OM G8 21, COLUMN 4H 20
MOUNT G9 22 nderera

On 4th draw, FORSAI(D) 12F 91 --- FORSAY to forbid [v]
Other moves: FAI(T)ORS 12C 85, FAI(T)ORS G9 78, FORSAI(D) G9 78, FAI(T)ORS K3 75, FOR(M)ICAS 4C 74
FA(V)ORS G9 27 nderera

On 5th draw, GUSHED 13B 36 --- GUSH to flow forth forcefully [v]
Other tops: SUGHED 13B 36
Other moves: HEDGES 13B 32, GUSHED 11B 30, SEGUED 13B 30, SUGHED 11B 30, HEDGES 11B 29
GUSHED 13B 36 nderera

On 6th draw, NARKIEST D7 76 --- NARKY irritable [adj]
Other tops: KERATINS D6 76
Other moves: RETAKING B6 75, KIRTAN 14A 47, KERATIN 5E 44, INTER 14B 37, KANE 12A 35
TANKER 14F 26 nderera
TRANKS D8 22 kellybelly

On 7th draw, SETTLED 14F 74 --- SETTLE to place in a desired state or order [v]
Other tops: SETTLED C2 74
Other moves: SETTLED E2 71, LADETTES 5G 68, SETTLED 14G 64, DELATES 5E 32, ESTATED 5E 32
STEALED 5E 32 kellybelly
DELATE 8A 21 nderera

On 8th draw, ROB G7 31 --- ROB to take property from illegally [v]
Other moves: PROBIT C3 27, BIOPTIC 4B 26, OBIT 15L 25, BIOPIC 4C 24, TORII 15K 24
OBIT 15L 25 kellybelly

On 9th draw, TOPOI 15K 30 --- TOPOS a stock rhetorical theme [n]
Other moves: TAI 15F 27, TAO 15F 27, ATOP 15L 25, PIVOT E4 24, OCTAVO 4G 22
VITA 8A 21 kellybelly
PO 14A 14 nderera

On 10th draw, VELARIA 5E 40 --- VELARIUM an awning over an ancient Roman theater [n]
Other moves: VIRGA B10 34, VIRGE B10 34, MAIGRE B10 30, MALGRE B10 30, MARVEL C3 29
VIRGE B10 34 kellybelly
LAVA 8A 21 nderera

On 11th draw, DROGUE B10 24 --- DROGUE a sea anchor [n]
Other moves: CEDER 4H 23, CODER 4H 23, COTED 4H 22, DETOUR 6J 22, OUTEDGE B8 22
CODER 4H 23 kellybelly
DEER 6J 18 nderera

On 12th draw, JIBE A7 42 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: JELAB 8A 42
Other moves: JIBE 4K 35, JIB 4K 33, JEBEL F2 32, JEFES F10 31, JIG 4K 31
JIBE 4K 35 kellybelly
JILT 4K 31 narisa
JET 15A 30 nderera

On 13th draw, TAE 15F 27 --- TAE to [prep] --- TAE to toe the line [v]
Other tops: TAI 15F 27
Other moves: GEAT E8 25, GEIT E8 25, VAT B6 25, GIVE J4 23, VEGIE C3 23
VAT B6 25 nderera, narisa
VIGA B4 21 kellybelly

On 14th draw, LIGNEOUS 3C 72 --- LIGNEOUS of or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: LEIS E8 22, SLUING 4J 22, GENIUS 4J 21, GIS 6B 21, GUNSEL C3 21
LUNGE C3 17 kellybelly
SLING 4J 16 nderera
STONE 10H 14 narisa

On 15th draw, ZA 14N 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: MAZED 4K 42, ZA B6 40, ZED 15A 39, ZED 4K 37, SWIZ J3 36
ZA 14N 46 kellybelly, iwhist, narisa
ZED 15A 39 nderera

On 16th draw, RAVING 4J 29 --- RAVING irrational, incoherent speech [n]
Other moves: DIVAN B4 28, VAIN 4A 28, DRAIN 11A 27, VAR 13M 27, AVID 4A 26
DIVAN B4 28 iwhist
DIVA B4 25 nderera
VAN B6 25 narisa
VEG 15A 21 kellybelly

On 17th draw, LIMAX M3 44 --- LIMAX a slug [n]
Other moves: MAX 2B 35, MIXED M3 34, DEX 15A 33, DEX 2B 33, GLEAMED O4 33
MAX 2B 35 kellybelly
DEX 15A 33 iwhist
GLEAMED O4 33 narisa
AXED 2A 29 nderera

On 18th draw, QUID D1 48 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: QUIN D1 46, QUEY 2D 41, YU N6 35, NY A14 32, DUNGY O1 30
QUID D1 48 narisa, PIThompson
YU N6 35 kellybelly, iwhist

On 19th draw, EGENCY O3 36 --- EGENCY egence [n]
Other moves: NY A14 32, NEW N4 31, YEWEN L6 29, CEE 2M 27, WENGE O1 27
NEW N4 31 kellybelly
WENGE O1 27 nderera
WEY 15A 27 narisa
YEW L6 27 iwhist

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