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Game sheet of iwhist (file), Game of December 5, 2011 at 01:19

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEEIRW WIRE(D) H4 22 -54 22 3/4 WEARIE(S) H4 76 76 3/4
2 AHMOOOT HOM I3 21 -11 43 4/4 MATH G6 32 108 4/4
3 AEINPRX             EX I8 41 149 4/4
4 AINOTUV             OUTWEARIE(S) H1 36 185 4/4
5 DFLOSTU             FOLDOUTS 1D 66 251 4/4
6 ?ADEMST             MATW(E)EDS 4E 76 327 4/4
7 AJNNORS             (S)OJAS 10H 37 364 4/5
8 EHIINOR             NOH 11I 42 406 5/5
9 AAEEKNR             RANKE 12J 34 440 5/5
10 ANOPPRS             PROPANES N6 70 510 5/5
11 EILUVYY             VEILY 5A 36 546 5/5
12 AEEGLRT             RELEGATE B2 76 622 5/5
13 BEGIIOY             BOGY O8 54 676 5/5
14 DGINORU             DURING A7 41 717 5/5
15 BDEIORZ             ZEBROID C9 130 847 5/5
16 CEEITVW             DEVICE 15C 39 886 5/5
17 ACFINOW             FAW A1 34 920 5/5
18 AEIINNT             AKIN M11 26 946 5/5
19 CEINQTU             CINQUE O1 85 1031 5/5

Total: 43/1031 or -988 for 4.170%
Rank: -

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