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Game of December 6, 2011 at 03:18, 2 players
1. 32 pts fatcat
2. 23 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??egnuu   H7    66    66   eumungs
 2. ailnory   I6    25    91   oary
 3. aginoqr  12C    34   125   qigong
 4. adefkns   J2    47   172   kenafs
 5. adeioor  13A    35   207   raid
 6. deeprtu   5E   102   309   depurate
 7. aamosvz   G4    48   357   spaz
 8. eeilnrs   E3    59   416   redlines
 9. aefjmot  A11    45   461   joram
10. ailprtx   L3    46   507   pretax
11. aefilmo   8K    42   549   oxime
12. acceitw   8A    33   582   accent
13. aiilnot  15A    83   665   miltonia
14. aegntvw   D1    32   697   gnaw
15. beehloo   C3    34   731   boho
16. deiortv   O6    63   794   overedit
17. deeflst  N10    54   848   feted
18. beiluvw   B4    39   887   lew
19. bhilsvy   N2    51   938   shily

Remaining tiles: biuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5154 Filefatcat      0  3:29  -906   32     1.5154 fatcat      0  3:29  -906   32 
  2.5180 Filenaneru      0  2:03  -915   23     2.5180 naneru      0  2:03  -915   23 

On 1st draw, EU(M)UNG(S) H7 66 --- EUMUNG an Australian acacia [n]
Other tops: UNGUE(N)(T) H2 66, UNGU(L)E(D) H2 66, UNGU(L)(A)E H2 66, UNG(L)UE(D) H2 66, UNG(L)UE(S) H2 66, UNU(R)GE(D) H8 66, UN(B)EGU(N) H8 66, U(N)GUEN(T) H2 66, U(N)(B)EGUN H8 66, (Q)UEU(I)NG H6 66
Other moves: EU(M)UNG(S) H3 64, EU(M)UNG(S) H4 64, EU(M)UNG(S) H8 64, UNGUE(N)(T) H3 64, UNGUE(N)(T) H4 64
(R)(O)UGE H6 8 naneru

On 2nd draw, OARY I6 25 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other tops: NARY I6 25
Other moves: ANY I7 24, ARY I7 24, INLAY(S) 13C 24, ONLAY(S) 13C 24, ANGRILY 12F 22
LUNY 10G 15 naneru

On 3rd draw, QIGONG 12C 34 --- QIGONG a deep breathing exercise [n]
Other moves: IGNARO 5H 23, OARING 5D 23, ONAGRI 5F 23, ORIGAN 5F 23, IGNARO 5E 22

On 4th draw, KENAFS J2 47 --- KENAF an East Indian plant [n]
Other moves: KENAF J2 43, KAFS J4 35, KEFS J4 35, KNEADS J2 35, KENAFS 11F 34

On 5th draw, RAID 13A 35 --- RAID to make a sudden assault on [v]
Other tops: ARID 13A 35
Other moves: AID 13B 33, RID 13B 33, ID 13C 31, DEI 13A 30, AIRED K1 28

On 6th draw, DEPURATE 5E 102 --- DEPURATE to free from impurities [v]
Other moves: EPURATED 5F 80, ERUPTED K7 74, PERDURE A8 33, REPURED A9 33, EPERDU A10 30

On 7th draw, SPAZ G4 48 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: AZANS 11E 47, AZONS 11E 47, POZ G5 47, ZO G7 47, AZAN 11E 45

On 8th draw, REDLINES E3 59 --- REDLINE to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods [v]
Other moves: EISEL 14A 32, ELSE 14A 30, ESILE I11 28, ENISLE M2 26, ENSILE M3 26

On 9th draw, JORAM A11 45 --- JORAM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JEAT D1 44, FROM A12 39, JETON 8A 39, JEFE F2 38, FOAM D1 36

On 10th draw, PRETAX L3 46 --- PRETAX existing before provision for taxes [adj]
Other moves: RELAX L4 40, RETAX L4 40, AX 14A 36, AX B13 36, PAX 4L 32

On 11th draw, OXIME 8K 42 --- OXIME a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: AXIOM 8K 42
Other moves: AXILE 8K 36, FAMINE 8A 36, FLAM D1 36, FOAM D1 36, ALEF D1 28

On 12th draw, ACCENT 8A 33 --- ACCENT to pronounce with prominence [v]
Other moves: A(S)CETIC 13G 31, CAW D2 28, WICCA M7 28, TWAIN 8A 27, WICCA B7 27

On 13th draw, MILTONIA 15A 83 --- MILTONIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: MILTONIA N8 74, TALIONIC B1 74, TALIONIC C1 72, LIMATION N6 64, MONILIA N8 22

On 14th draw, GNAW D1 32 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: VAW D2 30, VAWTE 4A 30, WEAVE 4A 30, NAVEWS 4B 29, ANEW D1 28

On 15th draw, BOHO C3 34 --- BOHO a Bohemian [n]
Other tops: BOOH C3 34
Other moves: BOH C3 32, OBOLE C2 32, OBOE C2 30, OBOL C2 30, H*B* F2 29

On 16th draw, OVEREDIT O6 63 --- OVEREDIT to edit more than necessary [v]
Other tops: OVEREDIT O4 63
Other moves: VIED M2 39, TRIED M1 35, GROVED 1D 33, ROED M2 33, TIED M2 33

On 17th draw, FETED N10 54 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other moves: FETES N10 52, FLEETS 14J 47, OVEREDITED O6 45, DELFTS 14J 41, FEED M2 39

On 18th draw, LEW B4 39 --- LEW tepid [adj]
Other moves: VIEW N3 31, WEB M13 31, BLEW N3 30, WICE B6 30, LEW N4 27
VIEWED 11J 26 fatcat

On 19th draw, SHILY N2 51 --- SHILY in a shy manner [adv]
Other moves: SHY I12 39, SH I12 35, BILGY 1A 33, BISH N3 30, IVY N4 30
BIG 1B 6 fatcat

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