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Game of December 6, 2011 at 13:10, 5 players
1. 428 pts tonikay
2. 419 pts churchill
3. 163 pts Klonimous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acegorr   H4    22    22   correa
 2. agilnst   5D    86   108   saltoing
 3. aablnsy   6G    32   140   arsy
 4. ?kmnopq   D1    50   190   qophs
 5. aehinoo   7H    27   217   rhea
 6. ceginrt   8A    86   303   gentrice
 7. ?aejopr   B7    86   389   pejorate
 8. adeills  15B    95   484   dallies
 9. abgilot   2D    65   549   obligato
10. deeeikw   8K    53   602   ewked
11. ainotuv   3A    29   631   utopian
12. defhotw   1K    59   690   wheft
13. abenrsy  14G    70   760   barneys
14. eefirvz  12A    52   812   zarf
15. dimnouu  15K    38   850   duomi
16. deeiouv   1G    27   877   due
17. eeimnov   A1    36   913   ovum
18. einotuv   O6    63   976   indevout

Remaining tiles: eiinx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5578 Filetonikay     0 20:56  -548  428     1.6148 Klonimous   0  3:32  -813  163 
  2.5742 Filechurchill   1 22:10  -557  419     2.6684 ceosickey   0  0:22  -953   23 
  3.6148 FileKlonimous   0  3:32  -813  163            Group: novice
  4.6684 Fileceosickey   0  0:22  -953   23     1.5578 tonikay     0 20:56  -548  428 
  5.3705 FileZEHAVARON   0  1:22  -966   10     2.5742 churchill   1 22:10  -557  419 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3705 ZEHAVARON   0  1:22  -966   10 

On 1st draw, CORREA H4 22 --- CORREA an Australian evergreen shrub with large tubular showy flowers [n]
Other tops: CAGER H4 22, CARGO H4 22, GROCER H4 22
Other moves: CARER H4 20, CORER H4 20, CRARE H4 20, CRORE H4 20, GRACE H4 20
GROCER H4 22 churchill
CORE H6 12 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SALTOING 5D 86 --- SALTO to perform a daring leap [v]
Other moves: EASTLING 8H 80, CASTLING 4H 76, CATLINGS 4H 74, SALTING 10H 73, SLATING 10H 73
CASTING 4H 20 churchill
GAITS 10D 17 tonikay

On 3rd draw, ARSY 6G 32 --- ARSY lucky [adj]
Other moves: ABYS G7 30, BASSLY D3 30, YABA 4A 30, ABY G7 29, YABA 4C 28
BAY 4C 25 tonikay
SLAYS D1 18 churchill

On 4th draw, QOP(H)S D1 50 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: Q(U)OPS D1 50
Other moves: M(I)LKO F3 42, POLK F3 42, POLK(A) F3 42, POLK(S) F3 42, M(I)LK F3 41
POK(E) 4C 29 tonikay
MONKS D1 28 churchill

On 5th draw, RHEA 7H 27 --- RHEA a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: HOA C2 26, HOE C2 26, HOO C2 26, ECHO 4G 24, HO C2 23
HOE C2 26 tonikay
HEAP 3A 18 churchill

On 6th draw, GENTRICE 8A 86 --- GENTRICE good breeding [n]
ACTING K7 18 churchill
GRIPT 3A 16 tonikay

On 7th draw, PEJORA(T)E B7 86 --- PEJORATE to make worse [v]
Other tops: PEJORA(T)E B1 86
Other moves: APAREJO(S) K7 82, APAREJO(S) 9H 77, AP(A)REJO I9 70, (A)PAREJO I9 67, OPAQ(U)ER 1A 51
Q(U)ARE 1D 39 Klonimous
JOE C2 38 tonikay
J(E)EP 3A 24 churchill

On 8th draw, DALLIES 15B 95 --- DALLY to waste time [v]
Other tops: DISLEAL 15B 95
Other moves: SALLIED 15B 94, SALLIED L7 76, DISLEAL 10F 73, SALLIED 10H 73, CEDILLAS G8 66
SALLIED 15B 44 Klonimous
ISLE 15A 32 churchill
DEAL A12 29 tonikay

On 9th draw, OBLIGATO 2D 65 --- OBLIGATO an important musical part [n]
Other moves: QIBLA 1D 48, ABOIL 8K 32, TOOLBAG 2B 32, BIGOT 8K 31, GLOBI 8K 30
GLOBI 8K 30 tonikay
GLOAT 8K 24 Klonimous
GLOAT 2B 16 churchill

On 10th draw, EWKED 8K 53 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other moves: WEEKE 3I 45, WEEKE 1K 44, WEEKE 8K 44, ELK F4 39, ILK F4 39
WAKED 12A 34 Klonimous, churchill
AD K7 3 tonikay

On 11th draw, UTOPIAN 3A 29 --- UTOPIAN one who believes in the perfectibility of human society [n]
Other moves: TUNA 1G 27, UNAI 1H 27, UNIT 1H 27, VAUNT 12A 24, VAUNTIE N2 24
VAIN 12A 22 Klonimous, churchill
ITA 9M 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, WHEFT 1K 59 --- WHEFT an ensign, flag or signal [n]
Other moves: HOWFED 3I 56, HOUFED A1 51, THEOW 1K 47, HOUF A1 42, FOUTH A1 36
HAWED 12A 32 churchill
HOWE 3I 30 tonikay

On 13th draw, BARNEYS 14G 70 --- BARNEY a noisy argument [n]
Other moves: BAY 1G 43, BEANY 14F 38, SARNEY 4J 36, ABYES 14E 35, BANES 3I 35
YARNS 12A 24 churchill
BAY A12 24 tonikay

On 14th draw, ZARF 12A 52 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE 12A 48, FREEZE N6 46, ZEE A12 46, FRIZE 3K 43, FEZ 13L 42
FEZ 13L 42 tonikay
FIVER N1 22 churchill

On 15th draw, DUOMI 15K 38 --- DUOMO a cathedral [n]
Other moves: DOUM A1 30, MOUND 13K 29, DUN 1G 27, MOUND A1 27, DOUM 13K 26
MOUND 13K 29 tonikay
MOUND A1 27 churchill

On 16th draw, DUE 1G 27 --- DUE something that is owed [n] --- DUE to provide with [v]
Other tops: REIVED 11B 27
Other moves: DOVE 13F 25, EIDE 9L 24, VINO C6 24, WIVED L8 24, DEE 2M 23
VOTED B1 18 churchill
VOE 13H 18 tonikay

On 17th draw, OVUM A1 36 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other moves: VENOMER C6 35, ENMOVE 13D 33, VENOM C6 31, ENMOVE 3J 30, NEUME A1 30
MOVE 13F 26 tonikay
WOVEN L8 22 churchill

On 18th draw, INDEVOUT O6 63 --- INDEVOUT not devout [adj]
Other moves: ENVOI 3J 24, TENON C6 24, VINO C6 24, OUTVIE 11D 23, VEIN 13H 23
OUTVIE 11D 23 ceosickey
WOVEN L8 22 churchill
VOE 13H 18 tonikay

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