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Game of December 6, 2011 at 14:40, 5 players
1. 505 pts narisa
2. 423 pts strykyster
3. 408 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaalnt   H3    64    64   lantana
 2. deehnru   I6    32    96   ehed
 3. iklorrs   J6    27   123   sik
 4. ?ciprty   4H    84   207   apyretic
 5. aabioos   O4    30   237   cobias
 6. deinpsy   K8    32   269   spendy
 7. aaefint  11E    72   341   faineant
 8. adehtuw  10A    37   378   thawed
 9. aeoqruu   A6    51   429   equator
10. ceeglrz  10J    65   494   zee
11. dillorw   B2    33   527   world
12. eeirruv  H11    27   554   nieve
13. fiorrtx   C1    49   603   fox
14. agijlrs   A6    57   660   equatorial
15. ceijmns   C9    48   708   jasmine
16. bceortu   1C    30   738   fouter
17. cginoor   D3    26   764   orgic
18. beiotuv   3J    30   794   oubit
19. emnoruv  D12    33   827   moue

Remaining tiles: gglnnrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6016 Filenarisa      1 21:40  -322  505     1.6016 narisa      1 21:40  -322  505 
  2.4996 Filestrykyster  1 21:03  -404  423            Group: novice
  3.5559 Filetonikay     0 17:48  -419  408     1.5559 tonikay     0 17:48  -419  408 
  4.4955 FileBiddy       3 17:43  -539  288     2.5316 leobill     0  2:49  -790   37 
  5.5316 Fileleobill     0  2:49  -790   37            Group: not rated
                                             1.4996 strykyster  1 21:03  -404  423 
                                             2.4955 Biddy       3 17:43  -539  288 

On 1st draw, LA(N)TANA H3 64 --- LANTANA a tropical shrub [n]
Other tops: A(P)LANAT H2 64, A(P)LANAT H4 64, A(P)LANAT H6 64, A(P)LANAT H7 64, A(P)LANAT H8 64, LANTA(N)A H2 64, LANTA(N)A H3 64, LANTA(N)A H4 64, LANTA(N)A H6 64, LANTA(N)A H8 64, LA(N)TANA H4 64, LA(N)TANA H6 64, LA(N)TANA H7 64, LA(N)TANA H8 64, (C)ANTALA H2 64, (C)ANTALA H3 64, (C)ANTALA H6 64, (C)ANTALA H7 64, (C)ANTALA H8 64
Other moves: A(P)LANAT H3 62, A(P)LANAT H5 62, LANTA(N)A H5 62, LANTA(N)A H7 62, LA(N)TANA H2 62
(G)ALANT H8 12 narisa
LAN(E) H5 6 strykyster

On 2nd draw, EHED I6 32 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v]
Other tops: EHED G6 32
Other moves: HEDER G7 31, HEDER I7 31, DUH G7 29, DUH I7 29, HERDEN I7 29
HEND G7 27 strykyster
UNHEARD 4D 22 Biddy
HANDER 4G 20 narisa

On 3rd draw, SIK J6 27 --- SIK excellent (Australian texting slang) [adj]
Other tops: SKOL J7 27
Other moves: KILOS J2 26, KIS 10F 24, KOS 10F 24, SKIRL J9 23, SKIRR J9 23
KOS 10F 24 narisa
KITERS 6F 22 strykyster
ROILS 10D 14 Biddy

On 4th draw, APYR(E)TIC 4H 84 --- APYRETIC absence of fever [adj]
Other moves: TRIP(T)YCA 4A 80, P(O)TICARY 4C 78, RAP(A)CITY 4G 78, R(A)PACITY 4E 78, (T)RIPTYCA 4A 78
CRYPT(S) 10C 24 narisa
Y(A)P G9 22 strykyster
YIP(S) 10E 16 tonikay

On 5th draw, COBIAS O4 30 --- COBIA a large game fish [n]
Other moves: ABACI O1 27, ABACS O1 27, CABAS O4 27, COBIA O4 27, BAAS 3J 26
BIS 3L 19 strykyster
BIS 10F 18 narisa
BOAS G9 18 tonikay

On 6th draw, SPENDY K8 32 --- SPENDY expensive [adj]
Other moves: DESTINY M1 30, SYPED K8 30, SNIDEY K8 28, SNIPY K8 28, SPINY K8 28
YINS G9 22 strykyster
YES 10F 21 narisa, leobill

On 7th draw, FAINEANT 11E 72 --- FAINEANT a lazy person [n]
Other moves: FAINEANT 11H 61, FAENA J10 41, FAINE J10 41, FAINT J10 41, FEINT J10 41
FIE J10 32 narisa
FAINT G9 24 strykyster
FINE G9 22 tonikay
DEFT 12K 16 leobill

On 8th draw, THAWED 10A 37 --- THAW to melt [v]
Other moves: HAWED 10B 36, THAWED 12A 36, HATED 10B 33, HAWED 12B 32, HAYED 13I 32
HEAD 10J 31 narisa
THAW 12C 30 strykyster
HEW 12D 28 tonikay

On 9th draw, EQUATOR A6 51 --- EQUATOR an imaginary circle round the middle of the earth [n]
Other moves: QUATRE A7 48, QUORATE A5 48, QUOTER A7 48, TORQUE A10 48, QUARTE A6 45
EQUATOR A6 51 Biddy
QUOTER A7 48 narisa, tonikay
QUAT A7 39 strykyster

On 10th draw, ZEE 10J 65 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: GEEZ N7 41, L*Z N8 36, GAZER C9 34, GLAZER C8 34, RAZEE C9 30
ZEE 10J 65 narisa
GLAZER C8 34 Biddy, tonikay
ZA C9 21 strykyster

On 11th draw, WORLD B2 33 --- WORLD the earth and all its inhabitants [n]
Other moves: WALDO C9 26, DI B6 25, DOR 9C 22, DOWL N8 21, NIDOR H11 21
YOWL 13K 20 narisa
PLOWS 9K 14 Biddy
WIRY 13H 11 tonikay
QI 7A 11 strykyster

On 12th draw, NIEVE H11 27 --- NIEVE the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: NEIVE H11 27, NERVE H11 27, NEVER H11 27
Other moves: VARIER C9 26, VAIRE C9 24, VEE C1 21, REAVER C8 20, YEVE 13K 20
NEVER H11 27 Biddy
RAVER C9 18 strykyster
ROVER 3A 16 narisa
RIVERY 13F 14 tonikay

On 13th draw, FOX C1 49 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: TORTRIX M1 44, FIX 3L 43, OX C2 41, FIXT N8 37, FIX N8 36
FOX C1 49 strykyster
FIX 3L 43 tonikay
FOX 3A 26 narisa
TO 3A 2 Biddy

On 14th draw, EQUATORIAL A6 57 --- EQUATORIAL [adj]
Other moves: JAR 9C 46, JAGIRS C9 44, JAGRAS C9 44, JAGAS C9 42, JAGIR C9 42
JAR 9C 46 tonikay
JA 9C 39 narisa
JAILERS 15D 22 Biddy
JAW D8 21 strykyster

On 15th draw, JASMINE C9 48 --- JASMINE a climbing shrub [n]
Other moves: JASMIN C9 46, JAMES C9 44, JANES C9 40, J*SM 12C 38, JINS M7 33
JASMINE C9 48 Biddy
JANES C9 40 tonikay
JIVES 14F 33 narisa
JAMS C9 21 strykyster

On 16th draw, FOUTER 1C 30 --- FOUTER to mess around [v]
Other tops: BURET 3J 30, BUTEO 3J 30, FOUTRE 1C 30
Other moves: TORC D2 28, BORE 3J 26, BUTE 3J 26, TOC D2 26, CLUB 3G 24
BOW D8 20 tonikay, narisa
BO A3 20 strykyster
BUTTER M2 18 Biddy

On 17th draw, ORGIC D3 26 --- ORGIC of the nature of an orgy [adj]
Other moves: ORCIN D3 24, COTING M2 22, YOGIC 13K 22, JOR 9C 21, CLON 3G 20
COTING M2 22 narisa
COW D8 20 tonikay
COOT M1 12 Biddy
ON D1 8 strykyster

On 18th draw, OUBIT 3J 30 --- OUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other tops: BUTEO 3J 30
Other moves: BUTE 3J 26, OUTVIE N9 24, OBIT 3K 23, MITE 12C 22, MOTE 12C 22
JOT 9C 21 tonikay
GIVE(N) 5D 16 narisa
BOT 3J 15 strykyster
BITE M2 12 Biddy

On 19th draw, MOUE D12 33 --- MOUE a pouting grimace [n]
Other tops: MOER D12 33
Other moves: EMO 2I 28, MO 2J 27, MOE D12 26, MOU D12 26, MEVROU N8 25
EMO 2I 28 strykyster
MO 2J 27 tonikay
MOVER 14F 18 narisa
REMOVE 15G 12 Biddy

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