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Game of December 7, 2011 at 03:44, 2 players
1. 113 pts fatcat
2. 111 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdhiosv   H7    34    34   dovish
 2. aaegitw  12D    26    60   weight
 3. ?amprsu   J6    82   142   markups
 4. adenowy   8J    42   184   royned
 5. adenoru   O1    86   270   unadored
 6. aairrst  11B    21   291   riata
 7. aefjmnw  10F    52   343   jai
 8. eglotuv  B10    28   371   grovel
 9. cdegilu   G1    67   438   cludgie
10. beelrst   N7    78   516   beetlers
11. aeiimns  15A   149   665   alienism
12. ?aeelno   1B    80   745   coenacle
13. hortuwx  14D    61   806   wox
14. ahinqrt   4D    34   840   qindar
15. behnotu   M2    32   872   benthon
16. effikop   5C    41   913   kif
17. ceioprt   L1    34   947   cope
18. airtuyz  12L    46   993   trez

Remaining tiles: afituy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5191 Filefatcat      0  8:23  -880  113     1.5191 fatcat      0  8:23  -880  113 
  2.4038 Filedenbay      0  5:10  -882  111            Group: not rated
                                             1.4038 denbay      0  5:10  -882  111 

On 1st draw, DOVISH H7 34 --- DOVISH seeking peace [adj]
Other moves: DHOBIS H3 32, BOVIDS H4 30, DOVISH H4 30, BOVID H4 28, BOVIDS H8 28

On 2nd draw, WEIGHT 12D 26 --- WEIGHT to add weight (heaviness) to [v]
Other tops: AWEIGH 12C 26
Other moves: WEIGH 12D 24, WASTAGE 11F 22, GAWSIE 11E 20, TAWAI I11 19, TAWIE I11 19

On 3rd draw, MAR(K)UPS J6 82 --- MARKUP an increase in price [n]
Other moves: (G)RAMPUS J6 80, (W)ARMUPS J6 76, UPMA(K)ERS E7 72, UPS(T)REAM E7 72, MARSUPI(A) 10B 69

On 4th draw, ROYNED 8J 42 --- ROYNE to mutter [v]
Other moves: NOWAY 11A 37, REDOWA 8J 36, DAWNEY K2 35, WANEY K5 34, DAWNEY K1 33

On 5th draw, UNADORED O1 86 --- UNADORED not adored [adj]
Other moves: DOUANIER F7 63, UNADORED 7A 62, UNADORED O5 62, DOONA K7 26, UNREAD 13A 24

On 6th draw, RIATA 11B 21 --- RIATA a lasso [n]
Other tops: ARARS 11B 21, TIARA 11B 21, TIARS 11B 21
Other moves: ITAS N2 19, RATA 11C 19, RATS 11C 19, SITAR 11A 19, TARA 11C 19

On 7th draw, JAI 10F 52 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JAW 10D 51, FAW 10D 43, MAW 10D 41, FENMAN 2J 38, JAW 13C 38

On 8th draw, GROVEL B10 28 --- GROVEL to crawl in an abject manner [v]
Other tops: GROVET B10 28, UNGLOVE M7 28
Other moves: GROVE B10 26, VOGUEY L3 26, OVULE 13A 25, VOLET 13A 25, EVOLUTE N8 24

On 9th draw, CLUDGIE G1 67 --- CLUDGIE a lavatory [n]
Other moves: CLUDGIE 15A 39, GELID N1 29, DEUCING M3 28, EDUCING M3 28, INCLUDE M7 28

On 10th draw, BEETLERS N7 78 --- BEETLER one that operates a cloth-finishing machine [n]
Other moves: BEETLERS 14A 62, CELEBS 1G 33, REBECS 1C 33, TERCELS 1D 30, BLERTS 15A 27

On 11th draw, ALIENISM 15A 149 --- ALIENISM the state of being foreign [n]
Other moves: AMIDINES 4D 74, ALIENISM 2F 64, MILESIAN 2E 64, MINCES 1D 39, MEIN O12 38

On 12th draw, (C)OENACLE 1B 80 --- COENACLE a dining room [n]
Other moves: LE(M)ONADE 4A 70, LOADENE(D) 4D 68, NO(V)ELLAE 2B 68, OLEANDE(R) 4B 68, NO(V)ELLAE 2C 61
LACE 1E 18 denbay

On 13th draw, WOX 14D 61 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: HOX 14D 61
Other moves: TUX 14D 55, OX 14E 52, XU 14F 52, HOX 2B 45, HOWL 2D 38
HOG 5E 14 denbay

On 14th draw, QINDAR 4D 34 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QI 6F 31, AH F5 29, QAID 4D 28, QAID 4L 28, QI K5 26
QUIRT 3F 15 denbay
QIS 14L 12 fatcat

On 15th draw, BENTHON M2 32 --- BENTHON the organisms living in the benthos [n]
Other moves: BHUT 2A 30, HONE 2B 28, HOTE 2B 28, BOHO K5 27, BLOT 2F 26
HONEY L4 22 fatcat
HERB 13L 18 denbay

On 16th draw, KIF 5C 41 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: FOGIE 5E 34, IF 5D 31, KEEF 12L 30, KIEF 12L 30, PEEK 12L 30
PEEK 12L 30 fatcat
FORK 13L 22 denbay

On 17th draw, COPE L1 34 --- COPE to contend or strive [v]
Other moves: CORE L1 28, COTE L1 28, PORE L1 28, POTE L1 28, CRYPTO L6 26
CORE 13L 12 denbay, fatcat

On 18th draw, TREZ 12L 46 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: RIZA A7 42, ZA 6B 37, TZURIS 14I 35, AZURY 13K 34, ZATIS 14J 34
ZA 6B 37 fatcat
AYE 12L 12 denbay

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