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Game of December 8, 2011 at 00:59, 5 players
1. 612 pts iwhist
2. 569 pts tonikay
3. 474 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehmopr   H8    88    88   morphed
 2. aeiirst   8A    83   171   seriatim
 3. ??fiost  11E    94   265   shoplift
 4. adejlno   L8    44   309   jolted
 5. abbkorx  10H    52   361   rax
 6. agiilou   C3    72   433   oliguria
 7. aegiktt  B10    54   487   katti
 8. deilorz   5C    86   573   idolizer
 9. aenoort   H1    45   618   nertz
10. degmorv   4A    35   653   voled
11. belnopv   2H    40   693   envelop
12. aabenqs   K1    52   745   beans
13. aahnnot   8L    42   787   john
14. aafgiru   3M    28   815   fag
15. aaegist   O1    40   855   teggs
16. aeimqry  A14    44   899   qi
17. aceenry   A1    39   938   carvy
18. abcenru   I9    25   963   baler
19. aemnuuu  M12    22   985   mean
20. acenuuw  15J    27  1012   nuance
21. eiuuwwy   9K    31  1043   yowie

Remaining tiles: uuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6528 Fileiwhist      2 16:00  -431  612     1.6528 iwhist      2 16:00  -431  612 
  2.5571 Filetonikay     1 28:33  -474  569     2.6165 ELCEE       1 12:00  -775  268 
  3.5141 Filespellcheck  1 22:43  -569  474            Group: novice
  4.6165 FileELCEE       1 12:00  -775  268     1.5571 tonikay     1 28:33  -474  569 
  5.  -  FileMeroe       0  1:29 -1026   17     2.5141 spellcheck  1 22:43  -569  474 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Meroe       0  1:29 -1026   17 

On 1st draw, MORPHED H8 88 --- MORPH to gradually change shape and features, especially with computer graphics [v]
Other moves: MORPHED H4 86, MORPHED H6 84, MORPHED H2 82, MORPHED H3 82, MORPHED H7 82
HOMED H4 30 iwhist
HOPED H4 30 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SERIATIM 8A 83 --- SERIATIM serially [adv]
Other moves: HAIRIEST 12H 74, IRISATED 14A 72, PARITIES 11H 70, IRISATE G4 68, IRISATE G2 63
SATE G7 15 tonikay

On 3rd draw, S(H)OP(L)IFT 11E 94 --- SHOPLIFT to steal goods from a store [v]
Other tops: FI(R)(E)POTS 11D 94
Other moves: FO(L)IAT(E)S E4 86, FO(X)TAI(L)S E4 86, F(L)O(K)ATIS E4 86, (B)IOFA(C)TS E4 86, (J)ETFOI(L)S B7 84
FROST(E)(D) C7 26 spellcheck
F(E)(E) I9 21 iwhist
F(A)ST(S) 7B 17 tonikay

On 4th draw, JOLTED L8 44 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other moves: JADED 14F 34, JODEL 14F 31, JADE 10B 30, JANE 10B 29, JOLE 10B 29
JADED 14F 34 iwhist, spellcheck
JADE 10B 30 tonikay

On 5th draw, RAX 10H 52 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other moves: BORAX M5 49, BOX M7 49, JARK 8L 45, RAX M7 45, AX M8 43
BOX M7 49 iwhist, tonikay
XI J10 25 spellcheck

On 6th draw, OLIGURIA C3 72 --- OLIGURIA reduced excretion of urine [n]
Other moves: JUGA 8L 36, JAIL 8L 33, JIAO 8L 33, EULOGIA B8 20, AULOI M5 19
JAIL 8L 33 iwhist, spellcheck, tonikay

On 7th draw, KATTI B10 54 --- KATTI an Asian unit of weight [n]
Other moves: JAKE 8L 45, KAIE B10 34, KATI B10 34, KEG B10 34, KETA B10 34
JAKE 8L 45 spellcheck, iwhist
KA M7 20 tonikay

On 8th draw, IDOLIZER 5C 86 --- IDOLIZER one that idolizes [n]
Other moves: ZERO D1 52, ZORI D1 52, ZILL 4A 46, OXIDIZE J9 44, RIZ G7 44
RIZ G7 44 iwhist
DOZE M12 37 tonikay
DOZER 9K 25 spellcheck

On 9th draw, NERTZ H1 45 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other tops: TROOZ H1 45
Other moves: ATONER 6F 33, JANE 8L 33, JATO 8L 33, JEAN 8L 33, JEAT 8L 33
JANE 8L 33 iwhist, tonikay
JEAN 8L 33 spellcheck, ELCEE

On 10th draw, VOLED 4A 35 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: GOLEM 4A 30, MOVE M12 28, VOLE 4A 28, DOM M7 27, DERV M12 25
MOD M7 25 tonikay
DOME B1 20 iwhist
DOVE 13L 16 spellcheck

On 11th draw, ENVELOP 2H 40 --- ENVELOP to cover completely [v]
Other moves: JOBE 8L 39, JEON 8L 33, JOLE 8L 33, VOLVE A1 33, BOP M7 29
JOBE 8L 39 iwhist, tonikay
VOLVE A1 33 ELCEE, spellcheck

On 12th draw, BEANS K1 52 --- BEAN to hit on the head [v]
Other tops: BENES K1 52
Other moves: SAB K5 48, ASEA K4 46, EANS K2 46, ENES K2 46, BAJANS 8J 45
JABS 8L 39 iwhist
JEAN 8L 33 spellcheck
JANE 8L 33 tonikay

On 13th draw, JOHN 8L 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: BATON 1K 33, JANN 8L 33, JATO 8L 33, JOTA 8L 33, TAHA M7 32
HOT 1M 27 iwhist
AHA A13 25 tonikay
HA A14 20 spellcheck

On 14th draw, FAG 3M 28 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: FIG 3M 28
Other moves: FOG 9G 27, GUAVA A1 27, AIGA A12 26, FAA 3M 26, FAR 3M 26
FOG 9G 27 iwhist
OF M8 18 tonikay
FARING O4 14 spellcheck

On 15th draw, TEGGS O1 40 --- TEGG a sheep in its second year [n]
Other moves: TEGG O1 37, AEGIS O1 34, SAIGA M11 32, STAGE M11 32, STAIG M11 32
SAGE A12 26 tonikay
GAS 11A 14 iwhist, spellcheck

On 16th draw, QI A14 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MARVY A1 39, QADI 14F 34, TRANQ 4H 32, QORMA 9K 29, MARY M12 28
QI A14 44 tonikay, iwhist
QI G7 21 spellcheck

On 17th draw, CARVY A1 39 --- CARVY a herb used in cooking [n]
Other moves: CARVEN A1 33, CRAVEN A1 33, NERVY A1 33, CARVE A1 30, CRAVE A1 30
CARVE A1 30 spellcheck
COY M7 24 iwhist
YEA G13 22 tonikay

On 18th draw, BA(L)ER I9 25 --- BALER one that bales [n]
Other moves: ABDUCE 13J 22, OCEAN G11 21, OCREA G11 21, ROBE 9K 21, BAC G13 20
COB M7 20 iwhist, tonikay
BA G13 17 Meroe
C(H)URN F10 14 spellcheck

On 19th draw, MEAN M12 22 --- MEAN inferior in grade, quality, or character [adj] --- MEAN to intend [v]
Other tops: MAE 7M 22, MANE M12 22, MAUN M12 22, MENU M12 22, MEU 7M 22
Other moves: NOMA 9K 21, NOME 9K 21, AMU A10 20, MAE M12 20, MAN M12 20
MANE M12 22 iwhist
MAN 6E 19 tonikay
DAME 13L 14 spellcheck

On 20th draw, NUANCE 15J 27 --- NUANCE a slight variation [n] --- NUANCE to give subtle shades of meaning to [v]
Other tops: WENA N11 27
Other moves: WAE 7M 26, WAE N13 25, ANEW 15L 24, COW M7 24, N*NC* 15K 24
NUANCE 15J 27 spellcheck
WE N14 22 tonikay
WE N13 21 iwhist, ELCEE

On 21th draw, YOWIE 9K 31 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: YOWE 9K 28, WOW M7 26, WRY 3G 26, YOW M7 26, OWE 9L 24
WOW M7 26 iwhist
W(H)EY F10 17 spellcheck
WE 9E 12 tonikay

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