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Game sheet of tonikay (file), Game of December 8, 2011 at 01:49

Word find
Word played
1 IKLOOST KILOS H4 28 -46 28 1/2 LOOKIST H8 74 74 1/2
2 ?EELPRT (S)PELTER 15H 60 -50 88 2/3     110 184 2/3
3 ?BDIORT BID(S) O12 51 -26 139 2/3 D(E)ORBIT I6 77 261 2/3
4 ABCEFGU FA J9 20 -19 159 2/3 CUBAGE H1 39 300 2/3
5 EENORSY YENS O12 60 -59 219 2/3 ONEYERS O9 119 419 2/3
6 AEEMNRS MONEYERS O8 39 -35 258 3/3 USERNAME 2H 74 493 2/3
7 DGILNOU DON 1M 25 -44 283 2/3 MOULDING N2 69 562 2/3
8 ADEHINW HEWN O1 41   324 2/4       603 2/4
9 ADNOOUW WAR 14M 21 -16 345 3/4 DAWN M1 37 640 2/4
10 AEIINPR PAR 14M 18 -34 363 3/3 PINKIER 11E 52 692 2/4
11 AAEOTUV VOTE 13L 14 -14 377 2/3 VAUTE 12A 28 720 2/4
12 AAEMUVZ ZA G4 25 -18 402 2/3 AMAZE G3 43 763 2/4
13 AEOOSTX TAXES B11 24 -32 426 3/4 TAX 10D 56 819 2/5
14 ADFHIOR DA 13E 10 -26 436 3/3 AFRAID B9 36 855 2/5
15 EGHIISU HER 14M 21 -10 457 2/3 GHI A8 31 886 2/5
16 AFIJLOY JOY C7 38   495 2/3       924 2/5
17 ACIOOTV COO D6 18 -13 513 2/3 OCTAVO D2 31 955 2/5
18 EFILQSU QI M7 44 -6 557 1/3 QUOIF 2B 50 1005 2/5
19 AEEIILS LASE J4 23 -3 580 1/3 VLEI A12 26 1031 2/5

Total: 580/1031 or -451 for 56.25%
Rank: 5902

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