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Game of December 9, 2011 at 10:05, 2 players
1. 364 pts Andy1990
2. 98 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceiipr   H4    26    26   pacier
 2. ?aepqvw   7G    28    54   pique
 3. ?ghiosw   L7   100   154   showing
 4. aeiilor   5E    28   182   olearia
 5. defostu  14J    50   232   fusted
 6. aaeosty  O12    36   268   yode
 7. eemorsu   9C    63   331   uromeres
 8. aceilsu   D7    72   403   auricles
 9. afknnot  15F    41   444   kofta
10. dglnoot   N7    71   515   goldtone
11. bdeentv   C2    29   544   vented
12. aaabilw   O8    38   582   wai
13. dlnnory  10D    36   618   idyl
14. aainrtx  K10    41   659   ax
15. aennrtu  12B    59   718   unlearnt
16. aeinrtz   1A    80   798   trez
17. bginorv  B10    28   826   brung
18. abhiimo   A6    40   866   himbo
19. aaiijnv   4A    42   908   jinni

Remaining tiles: aaiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5544 FileAndy1990    1 11:18  -544  364     1.5544 Andy1990    1 11:18  -544  364 
  2.5132 Filecailah      0  5:10  -810   98     2.5132 cailah      0  5:10  -810   98 

On 1st draw, PACIER H4 26 --- PACEY keeping a fast pace (rate of speed) [adj] --- PACY pacey [adj]
Other moves: CAPER H4 24, CARPI H4 24, CRAPE H4 24, CRIPE H4 24, PACER H4 24

On 2nd draw, PIQ(U)E 7G 28 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other tops: Q(U)AVER 9C 28
Other moves: AQ(U)AE 5E 26, AQ(U)AE 5H 26, QA(T) I3 26, Q(U)A G3 26, PEAV(Y) G7 25

On 3rd draw, SHOWI(N)G L7 100 --- SHOWING an exhibition or display [n]
Other tops: W*G(G)*SH L2 100, W*(G)G*SH L2 100
Other moves: W*Gg*SH 3C 97, W*gG*SH 3C 97, SHOWI(N)G 3H 95, SHROWI(N)G 9F 71, SHOWGIR(L) 9B 69

On 4th draw, OLEARIA 5E 28 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: HAIL 8L 21, HAIR 8L 21, HALE 8L 21, HALO 8L 21, HARE 8L 21

On 5th draw, FUSTED 14J 50 --- FUST to go mouldy [v]
Other moves: FUSED 14J 48, FEODS L1 34, FEUDS L1 34, FOUDS L1 34, SOFTED 3H 33

On 6th draw, YODE O12 36 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other tops: YADS O12 36, YODS O12 36
Other moves: SHAYA 8K 35, STEADY O10 33, AYES M8 32, EYOT M8 32, OYES M8 32

On 7th draw, UROMERES 9C 63 --- UROMERE an abdominal segment [n]
Other moves: REHEMS 8J 36, RHEME 8K 32, RHEUM 8K 32, EMURES 15F 31, MOUSER 15F 31
MORES 15G 28 Andy1990

On 8th draw, AURICLES D7 72 --- AURICLE the external ear or ear-shaped part [n]
Other moves: AESCULI(N) 12E 62, CAULES 15F 31, CAULES 3C 29, CAULIS 3C 29, CLAUSE 15E 29
LACES 15G 28 Andy1990

On 9th draw, KOFTA 15F 41 --- KOFTA fried balls of meat or vegetables [n]
Other moves: THANK 8K 38, NONFAT 15F 34, HANK 8L 33, HOKA 8L 33, HONK 8L 33
HANK 8L 33 Andy1990

On 10th draw, GOLDTONE N7 71 --- GOLDTONE made to resemble gold [adj]
Other moves: THONG 8K 29, HOLD 8L 24, HOND 8L 24, HONG 8L 24, HOOD 8L 24
HOOD 8L 24 Andy1990

On 11th draw, VENTED C2 29 --- VENT to provide with a vent (an opening for the escape of gas or liquid) [v]
Other moves: BETED 4A 25, BETED C3 25, BETED 4K 24, BETIDE 10A 24, EVENED 13B 24
BEND 4K 18 Andy1990

On 12th draw, WAI O8 38 --- WAI water (New Zealand, Hawaii) [n]
Other moves: AWA M8 33, BAA O8 32, LIB O6 30, AW B5 28, WAB C13 28
WAB C13 28 Andy1990

On 13th draw, IDYL 10D 36 --- IDYL a poem or prose work depicting scenes of rural simplicity [n]
Other moves: YOD B6 32, YON B6 31, YO B6 30, DONNY 4K 29, DRONY 4K 29
YOD C13 26 Andy1990

On 14th draw, AX K10 41 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: RETAX 13C 40, XI K11 37, AXIAL F1 28, AXE 6A 26, NIX C13 26
AX K10 41 Andy1990

On 15th draw, UNLEARNT 12B 59 --- UNLEARN to put out of one's knowledge or memory [v]
Other moves: ANENT 1A 29, URENA 1A 29, URENT 1A 29, ARET 1A 26, UREA 1A 26
PATEN 4H 20 Andy1990

On 16th draw, TREZ 1A 80 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: NERTZ 4K 50, PATZER 4H 49, ZINE 4A 46, AZINE 4J 41, ZAIRE 4K 41
TZAR 4J 39 Andy1990
ZEA 4K 35 cailah

On 17th draw, BRUNG B10 28 --- BRING to take with oneself to a place [v]
Other tops: BOURG B10 28
Other moves: BOG B6 26, BOURN B10 26, BRUIN B10 26, BOI B6 25, BON B6 25
BRING 4K 24 cailah
BINGO 4K 22 Andy1990

On 18th draw, HIMBO A6 40 --- HIMBO a superficial, stupid man, who is overly concerned with his looks [n]
Other tops: ABMHO A6 40
Other moves: BIMAH 4K 36, HOB B6 33, HOM B6 33, ABOHM 4K 32, HIMBO 4K 31
BAH 4K 20 Andy1990
HOD E8 12 cailah

On 19th draw, JINNI 4A 42 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: AJIVA 4J 41, JANN 4A 38, JINN 4A 38, JAVA 4K 37, AJIVA 4K 34
JAVA 4K 37 Andy1990
JA 4K 27 cailah

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