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Game of December 9, 2011 at 11:35, 5 players
1. 499 pts churchill
2. 364 pts annelhynz
3. 338 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdilmor   H4    28    28   bromid
 2. ??eijls  10B    92   120   jeelies
 3. denortz   C7    54   174   rozeted
 4. aaeknpw   8A    54   228   awoken
 5. adelorv   5E    98   326   overlard
 6. abeiitu  B10    39   365   jubate
 7. eiiostt  D12    24   389   tots
 8. ahilrtu  A14    32   421   ah
 9. deefnop  15D    30   451   spondee
10. eeeopxy  14F    54   505   peeoy
11. aemqrty  13I    40   545   matey
12. gginrsu   M5    74   619   surging
13. aahllnt   6G    32   651   noah
14. acefilr   L1    30   681   faced
15. iinrsuv   8J    33   714   virgin
16. acilsuw   2J    36   750   waacs
17. afilnor   B2    32   782   airflow
18. egiioqu  10J    37   819   quinie
19. gilnotu  O10    27   846   englut

Remaining tiles: iox

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5751 Filechurchill   0 23:59  -347  499     1.6279 annelhynz   0 18:49  -482  364 
  2.6279 Fileannelhynz   0 18:49  -482  364            Group: novice
  3.5141 Filecailah      0 19:54  -508  338     1.5751 churchill   0 23:59  -347  499 
  4.5991 Filenarisa      0  2:18  -795   51     2.5141 cailah      0 19:54  -508  338 
  5.5561 FileVelly       0  0:49  -832   14     3.5991 narisa      0  2:18  -795   51 
                                             4.5561 Velly       0  0:49  -832   14 

On 1st draw, BROMID H4 28 --- BROMID a bromine compound [n]
Other tops: MORBID H4 28
Other moves: BROMID H7 26, MORBID H7 26, BROMID H3 24, BROMID H8 24, MILORD H4 24
BROIL H4 20 churchill
BOLD H5 14 Velly

On 2nd draw, J(E)ELI(E)S 10B 92 --- JEELIE to make into a jelly [v]
Other tops: JEL(L)I(E)S 10B 92, JE(E)LI(E)S 10B 92, JE(L)LI(E)S 10B 92, JE(R)(B)ILS 10B 92, JE(Z)(A)ILS 10B 92, JIL(L)E(T)S 10B 92, JIL(T)E(R)S 10B 92, JI(G)(G)LES 10B 92, JI(L)LE(T)S 10B 92, JI(N)(G)LES 10B 92, JI(R)(B)LES 10B 92, J(A)ILE(R)S 10B 92, J(E)ELI(E)S 10F 92, J(E)L(L)IES 10B 92, J(E)(E)LIES 10B 92, J(E)(L)LIES 10B 92, J(I)L(G)IES 10B 92, J(O)L(L)IES 10B 92, J(O)(L)LIES 10B 92, J(U)(B)ILES 10B 92
Other moves: JE(E)LI(E)S 10F 91, J(E)(E)LIES 10F 91, JIL(G)(I)ES 10B 90, J(U)BILE(E)S 4F 80, J(U)BIL(E)ES 4F 80
JE(E)RS 5E 22 churchill

On 3rd draw, ROZ(E)TED C7 54 --- ROZET to rosin [v]
Other moves: DZ(E)REN C8 50, ENTREZ D10 50, Z(E)ROED C9 50, BRONZED 4H 38, REZONED D9 38
BRONZED 4H 38 churchill
ZOOT 6F 33 cailah

On 4th draw, AWOKEN 8A 54 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: AWOKE 8A 51, KNOWE 8A 48, KNOW 8A 45, PAEAN D8 44, JAWAN B10 40
KNOW 8A 45 churchill
PE(E) G8 13 cailah

On 5th draw, OVERLARD 5E 98 --- OVERLARD to smear over as if with lard [v]
Other moves: OVERLADE 12A 78, OVERLADE E1 74, OVERLARD 5B 74, OVERLOAD 6H 66, RAVELLED E5 48
BRAVED 4H 24 churchill, cailah

On 6th draw, JUBATE B10 39 --- JUBATE maned [adj]
Other moves: BEAUT 6J 30, ALBITE I4 29, BEAT 6J 27, BEAU 6J 27, BEAUT 4J 26
BEAT 6J 27 annelhynz
ALBE I4 20 cailah
BEET 12A 18 churchill

On 7th draw, TOTS D12 24 --- TOT to total [v]
Other tops: TOES D12 24, TOIT D12 24, TOSE D12 24, TOST D12 24, TOTE D12 24
Other moves: TITIS M1 23, TOISE M2 23, TOITS M1 23, TOTES M1 23, SET A13 21
TOTS M2 21 churchill
TIES M2 21 annelhynz
SITE M5 18 cailah

On 8th draw, AH A14 32 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other tops: AIRTH 4K 32, UH A14 32
Other moves: HAIL 4J 27, HAIR 4J 27, HUIA 4J 27, HALID L1 26, HAULD L1 26
SHALT 15D 24 annelhynz
HEAST 15A 24 cailah
SHIRT 15D 24 churchill

On 9th draw, SPONDEE 15D 30 --- SPONDEE a type of metrical foot [n]
Other moves: FEED 4J 29, FEOD 4J 29, ELFED I4 27, FEEN 4J 27, FOEN 4J 27
SPEEDO 15D 27 churchill
SPEED 15D 24 annelhynz
DEPEND 9H 13 cailah

On 10th draw, PEEOY 14F 54 --- PEEOY a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: EPOXY 14J 42, PEEOY 14J 42, PYXED L1 42, EPOXY 4A 41, PYX 14I 40
YEX 14J 34 annelhynz
PAX J4 28 churchill
AX J5 25 cailah

On 11th draw, MATEY 13I 40 --- MATEY a friend [n] --- MATEY companionable [adj]
Other tops: MEATY 13I 40
Other moves: MEATY 6J 39, MATER 13I 34, YEAR 6J 33, ARMY 4L 32, ELMY I4 32
YEAR 6J 33 annelhynz
MAY 13I 25 churchill
QAT J4 14 cailah

On 12th draw, SURGING M5 74 --- SURGE to move in a swelling manner [v] --- SURGING the act of surging [n]
Other moves: URGINGS N7 72, SUGARING J2 64, GINGS M1 27, GRIGS M1 27, RIGGS M1 27
GRIGS M1 27 annelhynz
GRINS M1 25 churchill
SUING M5 22 cailah

On 13th draw, NOAH 6G 32 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: AGHA 8L 27, HALAL 4A 26, AH 13F 24, HALL 14L 24, HALT 14L 24
HALAL 4A 26 cailah
HALT 14L 24 annelhynz
HALT 4B 16 churchill

On 14th draw, FACED L1 30 --- FACE to oppose or meet defiantly [v]
Other tops: FARCI 4A 30, FECAL 4A 30
Other moves: FAE 4J 29, FACE 14L 28, CAGER 8K 27, CIGAR 8K 27, FARED L1 26
FACE 14L 28 annelhynz
CAGER 8K 27 churchill
FAH A13 17 cailah

On 15th draw, VIRGIN 8J 33 --- VIRGIN a person who has never had sexual intercourse [n] --- VIRGIN to continue to be chaste [v]
Other moves: VISCIN 3I 30, VINTS K10 27, VIRUS 4A 26, INVARS 2I 22, FINI 1L 21
FINS 1L 21 cailah
FURS 1L 21 churchill
FIRN 1L 21 annelhynz

On 16th draw, WAACS 2J 36 --- WAAC a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps [n]
Other moves: WICCAS 3I 34, CALIFS 1H 33, CLAWS 2J 32, WICCA 3I 32, CALIF 1H 30
FLAW 1L 30 churchill, annelhynz
CLAWS 4A 28 cailah

On 17th draw, AIRFLOW B2 32 --- AIRFLOW a flow of air past a moving vehicle [n]
Other moves: FLORA 1F 29, FOLIA 1F 29, INFRA 1F 29, AFRO 1G 26, FANO 1G 26
FLORA 1F 29 churchill
FAIL 14L 24 annelhynz
FAIN 10J 15 cailah

On 18th draw, QUINIE 10J 37 --- QUINIE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUINE 10J 36, QUINO 10J 36, QUIN 10J 33, QUIT K10 26, QI 4D 24
QUINE 10J 36 churchill
QUIN 10J 33 narisa
QI 4D 24 annelhynz
QI 6D 13 cailah

On 19th draw, ENGLUT O10 27 --- ENGLUT to gulp down [v]
Other tops: ENGILT O10 27
Other moves: INGO A1 26, LIG 11I 25, TIG 11I 25, ELOIGN O10 24, GIN 11I 23
GIN 11I 23 churchill, annelhynz
GROIN 4A 18 narisa
LIT C1 12 cailah

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