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Game of December 10, 2011 at 03:23, 4 players
1. 535 pts yab
2. 515 pts Zweep
3. 195 pts Snook

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddelpx   H7    46    46   diplex
 2. eikmnrt  12D    30    76   remixt
 3. ?egnsss   E7    66   142   sageness
 4. adehltu  14B    34   176   deash
 5. dimnoou  15A    37   213   mind
 6. acdeikr   D4    44   257   creak
 7. abfostu   5B    76   333   surfboat
 8. aehloqt   H1    36   369   aloha
 9. aeeltwy   4G    37   406   wheaty
10. bdelotv   8A    36   442   vodka
11. eiilnot   K4    82   524   toilinet
12. eegnrtw   8J    33   557   winger
13. abeinrt  15F    85   642   atebrin
14. aegilop  C10    34   676   alpeen
15. acfiory   6F    34   710   yo
16. aaeinru   2D    62   772   aurelian
17. fgiorvz   1A    99   871   friz
18. egiooqv   1K    35   906   ogive
19. ciooqtu  14K    41   947   quoit

Remaining tiles: cjou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7065 Fileyab         4 21:23  -412  535     1.7065 yab         4 21:23  -412  535 
  2.6459 FileZweep       3 17:14  -432  515            Group: intermediate
  3.5193 FileSnook       0  8:23  -752  195     1.6459 Zweep       3 17:14  -432  515 
  4.5207 Filefatcat      0  4:13  -852   95            Group: novice
                                             1.5193 Snook       0  8:23  -752  195 
                                             2.5207 fatcat      0  4:13  -852   95 

On 1st draw, D(I)PLEX H7 46 --- DIPLEX pertaining to the simultaneous transmission or reception of two radio signals [adj]
Other tops: D(U)PLEX H7 46
Other moves: P(O)DEX H8 44, D(I)PLEX H4 34, D(U)PLEX H4 34, P(O)DEX H4 34, P(O)XED H4 34
D(U)PLEX H7 46 yab, Zweep
P(I)XEL H4 32 Snook

On 2nd draw, REMIXT 12D 30 --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: MIKE I11 28, MIREX 12D 28, REMIX 12D 28, KELIM 10F 27, MELIK 10F 27
MIKE I11 28 Zweep, Snook, yab

On 3rd draw, S(A)GENESS E7 66 --- SAGENESS wisdom [n]
Other tops: GNE(I)SSES E6 66
Other moves: S(I)GNLESS 10D 64, S(O)NGLESS 10D 62, SE(I)S(I)NGS 8F 59, GNE(I)SS(E)S 8E 58, GN(E)(I)SSES 8E 58
GES(T)S 11G 15 yab
SEEN 11G 8 Zweep
SESS(I)(O)N 8D 6 Snook

On 4th draw, DEASH 14B 34 --- DEASH to remove ash from [v]
Other moves: DUH F8 33, LEASH 14B 32, HAM F10 31, HEM F10 31, HUM F10 31
LEASH 14B 32 Snook
HE F14 26 yab
HA F14 26 Zweep

On 5th draw, MIND 15A 37 --- MIND to heed [v]
Other moves: MODI 15A 33, MONDO 15F 31, MOUND 15F 31, DOUM(A) 8A 30, ODIUM D4 30
MODI 15A 33 Snook
ODIUM 15F 29 yab
DOM 15A 25 Zweep

On 6th draw, CREAK D4 44 --- CREAK to squeak [v]
Other tops: ARCKED 15F 44
Other moves: EIRACK 15F 41, ACKER 15F 38, ERICK 15F 38, ICKER 15F 38, ARCKED D3 36
ARCKED 15F 44 yab
ACKER 15F 38 Snook
ICK 15F 32 Zweep

On 7th draw, SURFBOAT 5B 76 --- SURFBOAT a strong rowboat [n]
Other moves: FABS C7 32, FOBS C7 32, BAFTS C7 31, FAB C7 31, FOB C7 31
OF F9 29 Zweep
ABOUTS 15F 29 yab
ABOUT 15F 26 Snook

On 8th draw, ALOHA H1 36 --- ALOHA love -- used as a greeting or farewell [n]
Other moves: H**L* 4H 35, HELOT 4H 35, LEASH B2 32, HAM F10 31, HEM F10 31
OH 6A 26 yab
QATS B2 26 Zweep

On 9th draw, WHEATY 4G 37 --- WHEATY tasting of wheat [adj]
Other tops: LAYETTE I1 37, WHEELY 4G 37
Other moves: WAY C7 33, ATWEEL 15F 32, EYALET 15F 32, OWELTY 3H 32, WALTY C7 32
WEASELY B2 30 yab
YES 13C 29 Zweep

On 10th draw, VODK(A) 8A 36 --- VODKA a liquor [n]
Other moves: VOLED C7 30, VOTED C7 30, VOLET C7 29, VOLTE C7 29, BOD F8 28
OLDEST B1 18 yab
OLD 15F 17 Zweep

On 11th draw, TOILINET K4 82 --- TOILINET cloth used for waistcoats [n]
Other moves: ETIOLIN 15F 79, ETIOLIN 13I 69, ENTOIL 15F 23, IOLITE 15F 23, LINTIE 3J 21
ENTOIL 15F 23 yab
OE 5K 13 Zweep

On 12th draw, WINGER 8J 33 --- WINGER a certain player in soccer [n]
Other moves: EWE J9 31, TEW J8 31, TOWN 3G 31, WIENER 8J 30, WINTER 8J 30
WINGER 8J 33 Zweep, yab

On 13th draw, ATEBRIN 15F 85 --- ATEBRIN an anti-malaria powder [n]
Other moves: ATABRINE 1H 83, ATEBRIN 13I 73, ATABRINE 1F 61, RABATINE 1E 61, RABATINE 1G 61
WEB J8 26 Zweep
ABET 15F 23 yab

On 14th draw, ALPEEN C10 34 --- ALPEEN a cudgel [n]
Other moves: EPILOG 14J 32, PEEN C12 30, WIPE J8 29, APIOL 14J 28, PAW J6 26
PES 13C 25 Zweep
PILEA 14K 20 yab

On 15th draw, YO 6F 34 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: WAY J8 32, WOF J8 32, OOFY B7 31, YOOF B7 31, COIF B7 30
WAY J8 32 Zweep
COSY B3 17 yab

On 16th draw, AURELIAN 2D 62 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: ANURAN L7 20, ANURIA L7 20, AWARE J7 20, INANER L7 20, GUARANI M8 18
WINE J8 17 Zweep, yab

On 17th draw, FRIZ 1A 99 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: GROSZ B2 70, FIZ 1B 46, ZO 1D 44, RIZ 1B 43, FRIZ 3L 40
FIZ 1B 46 yab
ZERO 10J 33 fatcat
ZA 10B 31 Zweep

On 18th draw, OGIVE 1K 35 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other moves: OGIVE 14J 31, QI 6J 31, QI 14K 24, OGIVE 13I 23, QI 4A 23
QI 6J 31 Zweep, fatcat
QI 14K 24 yab

On 19th draw, QUOIT 14K 41 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other moves: QUIT 14K 39, COQUET N4 37, TOQUE N4 34, QI 6J 31, QUIN L12 26
QUOIT 14K 41 Zweep, yab
QI 6J 31 fatcat

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