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Game of December 10, 2011 at 08:41, 7 players
1. 520 pts raggedy01
2. 518 pts annelhynz
3. 267 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiklnsw   H8    34    34   swank
 2. acdeggr   8H    95   129   scragged
 3. ?bcdint   K3    74   203   abdicant
 4. ?eijlmp   4H    48   251   jumble
 5. aeeiors   H8    45   296   swankers
 6. aeghrtt   N2    51   347   gerah
 7. aefnoru  15B    62   409   furanose
 8. aeimott  14A    28   437   time
 9. deelnsu  13E    61   498   unseeled
10. eilnopp   5B    81   579   plenipo
11. abhoory   B2    42   621   harpy
12. beefoot   6F    45   666   fob
13. aelnrux   J4    56   722   max
14. aeqrstw   A1    43   765   qat
15. aeoortt   M2    24   789   arete
16. dilosty   O1    54   843   yods
17. elotuvw  12K    35   878   wolve
18. eiinouv   A6    29   907   ovine
19. aiiottu  14K    20   927   tatou
20. iiiiouz  10F    32   959   zoa

Remaining tiles: iiiiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6180 Fileraggedy01   3 21:58  -439  520     1.7082 Stranger    4  6:24  -692  267 
  2.6300 Fileannelhynz   2 23:15  -441  518            Group: intermediate
  3.7082 FileStranger    4  6:24  -692  267     1.6180 raggedy01   3 21:58  -439  520 
  4.  -  FileBaybiiRah   0  9:11  -870   89     2.6300 annelhynz   2 23:15  -441  518 
  5.5316 Fileleobill     0  5:23  -883   76     3.6531 charmz      1  0:57  -895   64 
  6.6531 Filecharmz      1  0:57  -895   64     4.6556 babsbedi    1  2:19  -901   58 
  7.6556 Filebabsbedi    1  2:19  -901   58            Group: novice
                                             1.5316 leobill     0  5:23  -883   76 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BaybiiRah   0  9:11  -870   89 

On 1st draw, SWANK H8 34 --- SWANK imposingly elegant [adj] --- SWANK to swagger [v]
Other tops: SWINK H8 34
Other moves: WALKS H4 32, W*NKS H4 32, WINKS H4 32, KAILS H4 28, KAINS H4 28
SWANK H8 34 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, SCRAGGED 8H 95 --- SCRAG to wring the neck of [v]
Other moves: AGGRACED 10D 69, AGGRACED 10H 69, DRACK 12D 24, DRECK 12D 24, CRAGGED 10F 22
CREAK 12D 22 raggedy01
READ I10 17 annelhynz
RAW 9F 7 BaybiiRah

On 3rd draw, (A)BDICANT K3 74 --- ABDICANT pertaining to abdication [adj]
Other tops: ABDIC(A)NT K8 74, BEN(E)DICT N7 74
Other moves: ABDIC(A)NT 10H 68, (A)BDICANT 10C 66, B(E)NEDICT N5 64, SWANKIN(G) H8 42, B(O)TANIC K5 40
CABIN(E)D K7 22 raggedy01
TIR(E)D J6 11 annelhynz

On 4th draw, J(U)MBLE 4H 48 --- JUMBLE to mix in a disordered manner [v]
Other tops: J(U)MBIE 4H 48
Other moves: JEMB(E) 4H 46, JIMPL(Y) 13C 46, J(A)MBE 4H 46, J(E)MBE 4H 46, J(O)LE L1 45
JEEP N6 29 raggedy01, annelhynz

On 5th draw, SWANKERS H8 45 --- SWANKER one who shows off [n]
Other tops: SWANKIER H8 45, SWANKIES H8 45
Other moves: RIOJAS H1 39, RIOJA H1 36, SOIREE N1 33, AERIE N2 31, AEROS N2 31
SWANKIER H8 45 raggedy01
EARS N1 25 annelhynz

On 6th draw, GERAH N2 51 --- GERAH a Hebrew unit of weight [n]
Other tops: GARTH N2 51
Other moves: EARTH N2 49, THRAE N2 37, HEART N1 33, TARGE N2 33, TERGA N2 33
GARE N2 27 leobill
HAME J2 21 annelhynz
HATTERS 15B 11 raggedy01

On 7th draw, FURANOSE 15B 62 --- FURANOSE a type of sugar [n]
Other moves: OAF I11 27, AUF O1 26, FEUAR 5E 26, FREON 5E 26, FURAN 5E 26
FOR O1 23 raggedy01
FEN 3M 22 annelhynz
FARE 14F 15 leobill

On 8th draw, TIME 14A 28 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other tops: TOME 14A 28
Other moves: META M3 27, METE M3 27, AMIDO 5H 26, EMO 14B 26, MAM J4 26
MOT O1 20 annelhynz
MEAT 10F 12 leobill
MOAN 11E 12 raggedy01

On 9th draw, UNSEELED 13E 61 --- UNSEEL to undo the seeling of [v]
Other moves: DULSE O1 47, LUDS O1 43, DUES O1 42, DUNS O1 42, LUES O1 39
LUDS O1 43 annelhynz
NEEDS J11 22 leobill
ES 13C 17 raggedy01

On 10th draw, PLENIPO 5B 81 --- PLENIPO complete power [n]
Other moves: POLJE H1 42, PEPO M3 33, PEPINO 12A 30, PEPINO 5C 29, IPPON 5E 28
POPE 12K 26 raggedy01
PIPE 12K 26 annelhynz

On 11th draw, HARPY B2 42 --- HARPY a shrewish person [n]
Other moves: HOARY 12K 41, YEBO M3 37, ROOPY B2 36, HOARY 12A 35, YAH 4D 35
BOAR 4A 28 raggedy01
HEY 3M 28 annelhynz
BOYAR 10E 12 BaybiiRah

On 12th draw, FOB 6F 45 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other moves: FEEB 6F 44, FEET 6F 42, FETE 6F 42, FEE 6F 41, FET 6F 41
BEEF A6 34 raggedy01
FOE A1 25 annelhynz

On 13th draw, MAX J4 56 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: RELAX C3 51, RELAX 12K 48, AXEL C2 47, EAUX 12L 44, LAX C1 43
MAX J4 56 Stranger, annelhynz
LEX C1 43 raggedy01
AXEL A6 38 BaybiiRah

On 14th draw, QAT A1 43 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SWARD O4 39, RAWER 4B 36, WATE A1 34, WETA A1 34, QAT C1 33
QAT A1 43 charmz, annelhynz
WATE A1 34 Stranger
FURANOSES 15B 12 raggedy01

On 15th draw, ARETE M2 24 --- ARETE a sharp mountain ridge [n]
Other tops: ARE 13A 24, ERA 13A 24, RATEL C1 24, RATER 4B 24
Other moves: ARETT 14J 23, ORATE 14J 23, TELA C3 21, ARETT 12J 20, ARETT A6 20
RATEL C1 24 Stranger
OTTER A6 20 raggedy01
ARETT A6 20 annelhynz
TORTE D1 12 BaybiiRah

On 16th draw, YODS O1 54 --- YOD a Hebrew letter a past tense of YEAD, YEDE and YEED [n]
Other moves: LODS O1 45, TODS O1 45, DOTS O1 44, LOTS O1 41, DITSY 12K 35
YODS O1 54 Stranger
LODS O1 45 annelhynz
DOILY 12K 35 raggedy01

On 17th draw, WOLVE 12K 35 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other moves: WOVE 12K 31, WOLVE D1 30, OVULE A6 29, OWLET A6 29, OVEL A6 26
WOVE 12K 31 raggedy01
OWE A6 23 annelhynz, Stranger

On 18th draw, OVINE A6 29 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: NEVI A6 26, OVEN A6 26, NEIVE O11 24, NEVI 14K 24, VENUE D1 24
OVEN A6 26 Stranger, annelhynz, babsbedi, raggedy01
EVEN O12 21 charmz
ENVOI N10 20 BaybiiRah

On 19th draw, TATOU 14K 20 --- TATOU an armadillo [n]
Other moves: ITA 14J 19, AIT C1 18, OAT C1 18, TAI C1 18, TAIT 14K 18
OAT C1 18 Stranger, raggedy01
VITA N12 14 annelhynz

On 20th draw, ZOA 10F 32 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: POZ G5 24, ZO 12D 24, ZO G10 24, ZIT A12 22, IO C2 16
ZOA 10F 32 Stranger, babsbedi, raggedy01
ZO 12D 24 annelhynz

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