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Game sheet of mazscot (file), Game of December 11, 2011 at 19:16

Word find
Word played
1 ?DLQTTU QU(I)LT H4 46   46 1/1       46 1/1
2 EGHISTT HUGEST 5G 20 -78 66 1/1 TIGHTEST 8A 98 144 1/1
3 AAEINTU             QUINATE 4H 32 176 1/1
4 EENORRY             ORNERY N1 34 210 1/1
5 BLLNOTU             UNBOOT 1J 33 243 1/1
6 ?AEIMOZ             NOMA(D)IZE K4 122 365 1/1
7 DEEIOSW             WEISED 12H 47 412 1/1
8 AADEEOR             ADWARE H10 30 442 1/1
9 AAIJNPY             JAY G13 45 487 1/1
10 AEGINOT             ARAGONITE 14G 78 565 1/1
11 AEFIOOR             FOOTIER E5 40 605 1/1
12 EFGNOPW             GOWPEN O10 48 653 1/1
13 EFKLOSU             FLUKES D1 41 694 1/1
14 AEHIMPR             TERAPHIM A8 104 798 1/2
15 AACELSX             FAXES 1D 45 843 1/2
16 BCELLOV             VOE F6 30 873 1/2
17 DEILNRV             VERNALIZED 10D 77 950 1/2
18 ABCCDIL             CALLID 2B 38 988 1/2

Total: 66/988 or -922 for 6.680%
Rank: -

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