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Game of December 12, 2011 at 13:35, 3 players
1. 521 pts mylover81
2. 117 pts raggedy01
3. 114 pts Klonimous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. delnoty   H6    80    80   notedly
 2. defmosv   I7    33   113   fem
 3. ??aafnu  11D    86   199   langlauf
 4. aciilst   L5    70   269   italics
 5. aegilmu   F5    65   334   aemuling
 6. aeginvy  12A    38   372   yeving
 7. aeegrtx   M3    61   433   retax
 8. aaeirsu   K5    33   466   aures
 9. eijlnos  B10    56   522   jeels
10. beiortv   E3    28   550   vibe
11. eghiprt   2J    39   589   gripe
12. aegiknq  J10    40   629   quake
13. acenrtz  15H    91   720   nertz
14. achnott   D4    36   756   hoc
15. abdiios   O1    31   787   adios
16. abginoo   1E    30   817   boonga
17. ehiotuw   2F    37   854   who
18. deinoru  13J    22   876   kinder
19. dioprtw  N10    38   914   wiped

Remaining tiles: oorttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7201 Filemylover81   4 15:46  -393  521     1.7201 mylover81   4 15:46  -393  521 
  2.6188 Fileraggedy01   0  7:48  -797  117            Group: intermediate
  3.6139 FileKlonimous   0  5:43  -800  114     1.6188 raggedy01   0  7:48  -797  117 
                                             2.6139 Klonimous   0  5:43  -800  114 

On 1st draw, NOTEDLY H6 80 --- NOTEDLY in a famous manner [adv]
Other moves: NOTEDLY H8 76, NOTEDLY H2 74, NOTEDLY H3 74, NOTEDLY H4 74, NOTEDLY H7 74

On 2nd draw, FEM I7 33 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: DEF G7 29, DEF I7 29, DEMO G7 29, DEMO I7 29, DOF I7 29
MODELS 11D 18 Klonimous

On 3rd draw, (L)AN(G)LAUF 11D 86 --- LANGLAUF a cross-country ski run [n]
Other tops: FU(R)LANA(S) 11E 86
Other moves: (I)NFA(T)UATE 8A 83, FAUNA(L)(L)Y 12A 82, FAUN(U)(L)A J7 77, (I)NFAU(N)A J5 77, (I)(N)FAUNA J5 77
F(E)(E)N G9 29 Klonimous

On 4th draw, ITALICS L5 70 --- ITALIC a style of print [n]
Other moves: CLAST L8 30, SALIC L11 30, SCAIL L11 26, CILIA 12A 24, CITAL 12A 24
CLAST L8 30 mylover81
ACTS 12K 17 Klonimous

On 5th draw, AEMULING F5 65 --- AEMULE to emulate [v]
Other moves: GIMEL K5 32, MILAGE 12A 31, MICA 10J 29, MICE 10J 29, ALGUM K3 28
MICE 10J 29 mylover81
MALE K5 26 Klonimous
LAME 8L 18 raggedy01

On 6th draw, YEVING 12A 38 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: GYVING 12A 36, GEYAN E4 33, VEINY E1 32, YEAN E5 32, VEINY E2 31
LEVY 8L 30 mylover81
ALIVE 8K 24 Klonimous
YEN E4 18 raggedy01

On 7th draw, RETAX M3 61 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: RETAX E4 43, GREX K2 42, RETAX K1 42, AXE K4 40, TAX M5 39
RETAX M3 61 mylover81
AX 13A 23 raggedy01

On 8th draw, AURES K5 33 --- AURIS the ear [n]
Other tops: ARAISE K3 33, AURAS K5 33
Other moves: ARISE K4 31, RAISE K4 31, AESIR K3 29, AURA K5 29, AURES K3 29
ARES K4 27 mylover81

On 9th draw, JEELS B10 56 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: ENJOYS A8 48, JEON E5 48, SJOE E4 46, ENJOY A8 45, JOE E5 44
JEELS B10 56 mylover81
JOE E5 44 raggedy01

On 10th draw, VIBE E3 28 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: VERB E2 26, BRO E5 24, TRIBE E2 24, VETO E4 24, VERB J2 23
VERB E2 26 mylover81
OB A14 14 raggedy01

On 11th draw, GRIPE 2J 39 --- GRIPE to keep on complaining [v]
Other tops: GRIPT 2J 39
Other moves: HEPT 2K 33, HIPT 2K 33, THRIP 2I 33, TRIPE 2J 33, PEH 2M 31
PEH N2 23 mylover81

On 12th draw, QUAKE J10 40 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: KANG D4 38, KANE D4 36, QUEAN J10 36, QUENA J10 36, QUINA J10 36
QUAKE J10 40 mylover81

On 13th draw, NERTZ 15H 91 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: CRAZE O1 87, TREZ O1 78, ZARNEC 15H 73, CZAR 15G 64, TZAR 15G 58
CRAZE 15I 45 mylover81

On 14th draw, HOC D4 36 --- HOC this [pron]
Other tops: TACHO D4 36
Other moves: CHOTA 1F 33, CHAO 1H 32, HANT D4 32, HAVOC 3C 32, TACH D4 32
HOT D4 30 mylover81

On 15th draw, ADIOS O1 31 --- ADIOS used to express farewell [interj]
Other moves: ISBA O1 30, ADOS O1 28, DOAB C2 28, ODAS O1 28, DAB C3 26
AS O1 15 mylover81

On 16th draw, BOONGA 1E 30 --- BOONGA (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander [n]
Other moves: GAB C3 26, KOBANG 13J 26, BIGA 1G 24, NAB C3 24, AKING 13I 22
KOBO 13J 20 mylover81

On 17th draw, WHO 2F 37 --- WHO what or which person or persons [pron]
Other moves: HIE 2F 31, HOE 2F 31, HUE 2F 31, WOE 2F 31, HE 2F 28
HOE 2F 31 mylover81

On 18th draw, KINDER 13J 22 --- KIND having a gentle, giving nature [adj] --- KINDER short form of kindergarten [n]
Other tops: KINRED 13J 22, KIRNED 13J 22, VOID C12 22
Other moves: KENDO 13J 20, ONIE 3G 20, FEINT K11 18, FRONT K11 18, KIND 13J 18
KINDER 13J 22 mylover81

On 19th draw, WIPED N10 38 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: PROW O12 36, TWIRED N9 36, WIPER N10 36, WIDER N10 34, WIRED N10 34
PROW O12 36 mylover81

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