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Game of December 12, 2011 at 21:18, 3 players
1. 431 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 274 pts Gypsylady
3. 20 pts soccer1313

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abnoopt   H4    22    22   batoon
 2. aeggnpw   I5    32    54   gawp
 3. aceelrs   5C    98   152   clearages
 4. eeirstu   C3    74   226   eucrites
 5. ?amnoot   G7    82   308   mootman
 6. ?chirst   J1    85   393   citherns
 7. defilnp  H12    37   430   defi
 8. egiklrv   1H    39   469   licker
 9. adinoqu   F2    39   508   quoad
10. eeglnrt  15B    60   568   greenlit
11. aeeiory   8A    33   601   arty
12. aeiotuy   F8    25   626   yea
13. aelnuvz  14H    38   664   fuze
14. aeegilv   L9    37   701   glaive
15. adhinot   A1    98   799   anthodia
16. adijmns  15L    56   855   djin
17. befimpv  11I    26   881   impave
18. abfnosw   O7    47   928   fawns

Remaining tiles: biooux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6341 FileGrace_Tjie  0 13:10  -497  431     1.6341 Grace_Tjie  0 13:10  -497  431 
  2.6865 FileGypsylady   1  9:24  -654  274     2.6865 Gypsylady   1  9:24  -654  274 
  3.6448 Filesoccer1313  0  0:26  -908   20     3.6448 soccer1313  0  0:26  -908   20 

On 1st draw, BATOON H4 22 --- BATOON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other moves: BATON H4 20, PANTO H4 20, BATOON H3 18, BATOON H7 18, BATOON H8 18
BATON H4 20 soccer1313
BAP H8 14 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, GAWP I5 32 --- GAWP to stare stupidly [v]
Other moves: PAWN G5 30, ANEW G4 28, ANEW I4 28, PAW G5 27, PEW G5 27
GAPE I5 24 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, CLEARAGES 5C 98 --- CLEARAGE a piece of land cleared [n]
Other moves: ALERCES G4 89, RESCALE G5 85, RELACES G1 81, RESCALE J6 79, ALERCES 10B 76
CAGES 5G 16 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, EUCRITES C3 74 --- EUCRITE a type of meteorite [n]
Other moves: SUETIER 10H 70, SUETIER G8 67, SUETIER J8 66, SURETIES K5 66, EUTROPIES 8D 63
USER 4K 10 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, MOOT(M)AN G7 82 --- MOOTMAN a law student who argues in moots [n]
Other moves: AMOT(I)ON B8 80, MAT(Z)OON B9 78, MOOT(M)AN B9 78, AMOT(I)ON D8 77, TOO(L)MAN B9 76
MOON(S) D9 18 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, CITHER(N)S J1 85 --- CITHERN a pear-shaped guitar [n]
Other moves: S(H)RITCH D9 83, CITH(A)RAS 12A 82, RICH(E)ST B9 82, ACT(O)RISH 12G 80, RACHIT(I)S 12F 80
H(O)TS H12 40 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, DEFI H12 37 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other tops: DEIF H12 37, DELF H12 37
Other moves: CLIPED 1J 36, FLUED 4A 33, PENCIL 1G 33, FRIED 6B 32, FETID 8A 30
FICE 1H 27 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, LICKER 1H 39 --- LICKER one that licks [n]
Other tops: RICKLE 1H 39
Other moves: ERICK 1G 33, GECK 1H 33, KITER 8A 30, LICK 1H 30, RECK 1H 30
KITER 8A 30 Grace_Tjie
LICK 1H 30 Gypsylady

On 9th draw, QUOAD F2 39 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: QUOINED 13C 38, QADI B7 36, QAT 8A 36, QUOAD B7 36, QUAD 4B 35
QAT 8A 36 Gypsylady
QUA 2F 34 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, GREENLIT 15B 60 --- GREENLIGHT to give the go-ahead [v]
Other moves: GENTLE D1 26, LEGLEN D2 26, LEGLET D2 26, REGLET D2 26, REGENT B9 24
HEEL 4J 16 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, ARTY 8A 33 --- ARTY an artistic person [n] --- ARTY showily or pretentiously artistic [adj]
Other moves: AERY 14B 29, RYA F8 25, RYE F8 25, YEA F8 25, HAIRY 4J 24
ARTY 8A 33 Gypsylady
YETI 8A 24 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, YEA F8 25 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: UEY 14B 25, YOU F8 25
Other moves: HIYA 4J 22, HOYA 4J 22, TOEY B1 21, AUTO 14B 20, HAY 4J 20
YAE 14A 20 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, FUZE 14H 38 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other tops: FAZE 14H 38
Other moves: FEZ 14H 37, HAZEL 4J 36, HAZE 4J 34, LAZE I10 31, NAZE I10 31
FEZ 14H 37 Gypsylady
ZA 14A 28 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, GLAIVE L9 37 --- GLAIVE a sword [n]
Other tops: GAVEL L11 37, GLEAVE L9 37, VAGILE L9 37
Other moves: VEGIE L10 35, ALIVE L10 33, AVEL L12 33, GAVE L11 33, GIVE L11 33
HEAVE 4J 24 Gypsylady
GAVE D12 16 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, ANTHODIA A1 98 --- ANTHODIA flower heads of certain plants [n] --- ANTHODIUM the flower head of certain plants [n]
Other moves: ANTHOID M5 72, DOTH 15L 44, HADITH 4J 36, DANT 15L 35, DATO 15L 35
HIND E10 22 Grace_Tjie, Gypsylady

On 16th draw, DJIN 15L 56 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: ADMIN 15K 46, DAMN 15L 41, DAMS 15L 41, DIMS 15L 41, SIM G1 39
JA K11 38 Grace_Tjie
HAJ 4J 28 Gypsylady

On 17th draw, IMPAVE 11I 26 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other tops: FIVE E10 26
Other moves: HEMP 4J 24, VIBE E10 24, FEM 2L 23, EF K10 22, FEM E10 22
FEM 2L 23 Gypsylady
EF K10 22 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, FAWNS O7 47 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: BAWNS O7 44, FAWS O8 44, WOFS O8 44, BOWS O8 41, FABS O8 41
BOWS O8 41 Gypsylady
BOAS O8 32 Grace_Tjie

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