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Game of December 15, 2011 at 10:07, 2 players
1. 451 pts PIThompson
2. 363 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeefrz   H8   106   106   freezer
 2. afgiost  15D    96   202   figos
 3. aadelno  12D    34   236   danazol
 4. deglosv   K7    38   274   gloves
 5. ?ceeowy   8K    42   316   lycee
 6. diilmst   N7    76   392   delimits
 7. ainnort  10A    62   454   inornate
 8. eiilort   E3    66   520   triolein
 9. adinoou  O12    30   550   doon
10. ?certuw   3C    76   626   cutwater
11. aaeentu   K5    24   650   ungloves
12. adhimrw   8A    54   704   hawmed
13. abeknst   2I    88   792   bankets
14. aaghquy  13B    59   851   quayage
15. behjopr   1H    51   902   jobe
16. aeiprtu  14A    36   938   rip
17. eiiprtx   4D    47   985   prex
18. aehiitu   1M    31  1016   hui
19. aaeirtv   M1    32  1048   hetaeric

Remaining tiles: av

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7622 FilePIThompson  4 11:17  -597  451     1.7622 PIThompson  4 11:17  -597  451 
  2.5577 FileVelly       0 14:31  -685  363            Group: novice
                                             1.5577 Velly       0 14:31  -685  363 

On 1st draw, F(R)EEZER H8 106 --- FREEZER an apparatus for freezing food [n]
Other tops: FREEZE(R) H8 106, FREEZE(S) H8 106
Other moves: FREEZE(R) H4 94, FREEZE(S) H4 94, F(R)EEZER H4 94, FREEZE(R) H2 88, FREEZE(R) H3 88
FREEZE(R) H8 56 Velly

On 2nd draw, FIGOS 15D 96 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other moves: FIATS 15D 93, FAGOTS 15C 90, GIFTS 15D 90, GOAFS 15D 90, SOFTA 15H 84
FEAST 11G 16 Velly

On 3rd draw, DANAZOL 12D 34 --- DANAZOL a synthetic androgen [n]
Other moves: ANODE I10 30, AZONAL 12G 30, OZAENA 12G 30, ZONDA 12H 30, ZONED 12H 30
ZONED 12H 30 Velly

On 4th draw, GLOVES K7 38 --- GLOVE to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) [v]
Other moves: DOVES K8 36, VEGOS K8 36, VELDS K8 36, DEVS K9 34, GOVS K9 34
OVAL E10 14 Velly

On 5th draw, LYCEE 8K 42 --- LYCEE a French secondary school [n]
Other moves: LYCE(A) 8K 39, LYCE(E) 8K 39, LYC(E)E 8K 39, COWY 13C 37, C(H)EWY 13B 37
WAY E11 18 Velly

On 6th draw, DELIMITS N7 76 --- DELIMIT to mark the boundaries of [v]
Other moves: LIMITEDS N3 65, DELIMITS O7 62, LIMITEDS O3 62, LIMITED 11C 38, IMIDES 11D 36
MIDI 11C 25 PIThompson
DIM 11C 23 Velly

On 7th draw, INORNATE 10A 62 --- INORNATE not ornate [adj]
Other tops: ANOINTER 10B 62
Other moves: NATION O10 34, ANION O11 29, RANINE 11C 23, RATINE 11C 23, AORTIC M3 22
TRAIN 11A 17 PIThompson
TAIN M12 16 Velly

On 8th draw, TRIOLEIN E3 66 --- TRIOLEIN a glyceride of oleic acid [n]
Other moves: TRIOLEIN B3 60, EROTIC M3 22, TEIL O12 22, TOIL O12 22, IOLITE A10 21
TOIL O12 22 PIThompson

On 9th draw, DOON O12 30 --- DOON (Scots) down [adv]
Other moves: AUDIO M10 27, ANODE 8A 24, ANODIC M3 24, UNGLOVES K5 24, NAOI O12 22
DOON O12 30 PIThompson
DRAIN 4D 14 Velly

On 10th draw, CUTW(A)TER 3C 76 --- CUTWATER the front part of a ship's prow [n]
Other moves: CREWE 8A 42, CREWE(D) 8A 42, CREWE(L) 8A 42, CREWE(S) 8A 42, C(H)EWER 8A 42
C(O)WIER A7 33 PIThompson
WR(I)TE 4D 16 Velly

On 11th draw, UNGLOVES K5 24 --- UNGLOVE to uncover by removing a glove [v]
Other tops: TAENIAE A6 24
Other moves: ACETA M7 22, ATTUNE H1 21, NUTATE H1 21, TENIAE A7 21, ANTAE 2J 18
ATTUNE H1 21 PIThompson
TUT H1 9 Velly

On 12th draw, HAWMED 8A 54 --- HAWM to lounge about [v]
Other moves: DIRHEM 8A 48, HARMED 8A 45, WARMED 8A 45, WITH H1 42, DWAM F5 40
WITH H1 42 PIThompson
MATH H1 39 Velly

On 13th draw, BANKETS 2I 88 --- BANKET a gold-bearing conglomerate [n]
Other moves: BANKET 2I 36, BASKET 2I 36, INTAKE A10 33, BAKEN L1 30, BAKES L1 30
BANKETS 2I 38 PIThompson
BAKEN L1 30 Velly

On 14th draw, QUAYAGE 13B 59 --- QUAYAGE a charge for the use of a quay [n]
Other moves: ASHY O1 42, QUAY 13B 40, HEY 13G 35, QUAG D2 35, YEH 13G 35
QUAY 13B 40 PIThompson
HEY M1 18 Velly

On 15th draw, JOBE 1H 51 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOB 1H 46, HOPE 1H 39, PROBE 1G 39, PROBE 4D 39, JOE 1H 38
JOBE 1H 51 PIThompson
JEEP M1 26 Velly

On 16th draw, RIP 14A 36 --- RIP to tear or cut apart roughly [v]
Other tops: TIP 14A 36
Other moves: PIR 14A 34, PIT 14A 34, AIR 14A 30, AIT 14A 30, PI 14A 30
TIP 14A 36 PIThompson

On 17th draw, PREX 4D 47 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: XI 3M 38, PLEX J11 33, POXIER 6D 31, EPEIRIC M2 28, KEX L2 28
XI 3M 38 PIThompson, Velly

On 18th draw, HUI 1M 31 --- HUI a Maori gathering [n]
Other tops: HAE 1M 31, HIE 1M 31, HUE 1M 31, KITHE L2 31
Other moves: AHI 3L 30, HAD F6 30, HID F6 30, ASHET O1 27, KITH L2 27
HAE 1M 31 PIThompson

On 19th draw, HETAERIC M1 32 --- HETAERA a Greek courtesan [adj] --- HETAERIC pertaining to hetaera [adj]
Other moves: ACATER M7 27, ARE 3L 27, ATE 3L 27, IRE 3L 27, ITA 3L 27
ARE 3L 27 PIThompson

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