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Game sheet of churchill (file), Game of December 15, 2011 at 11:42

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEISTU             (C)UTESIE H2 64 64  
2 HNORTUW THROWN 4H 24 -48 24 2/2 UNWORTH 9D 72 136 2/2
3 DEILNOQ QUINE D8 48 -8 72 1/2 QUODLIN 3G 56 192 2/2
4 ?BDEILO (S)LIDE K9 23 -47 95 2/2 (U)NBOILED E8 70 262 2/2
5 EILLSTY YES N1 30 -32 125 2/2 TINSELLY M1 62 324 2/2
6 ABGIORV GATOR 1K 21 -15 146 2/2 BOVID 15A 36 360 2/2
7 ADEGPUU             PAYED 8K 36 396 2/2
8 DEMORRS MOTES 1K 24 -58 170 3/3 MORRISED 12A 82 478 2/3
9 AACENNR             NECTAR 1J 33 511 2/3
10 AAGINWY             WYNS F9 35 546 2/3
11 AAEHSTU             SHEA N3 38 584 2/3
12 AAEFNUU             FANUM A8 30 614 2/3
13 AEEGIMO DEMO H12 21 -8 191 2/2 IMAGE 10I 29 643 2/3
14 AEIJNRT AJAR K10 22 -93 213 2/2 NARTJIE B2 115 758 2/3
15 AFIPRUX FAX C1 46   259 2/2       804 2/3
16 CEKOOTU DUCK H12 33   292 1/2 DOCK H12   837 2/3
17 AAEGTUZ ZEST 6F 33 -37 325 2/2 GAZE A1 70 907 2/3
18 AEIOORT GRATE L10 12 -16 337 2/2 ETAERIO 5E 28 935 2/3
19 GIOPTUW COW 14H 16 -11 353 2/2 WIT 11K 27 962 2/3

Total: 353/962 or -609 for 36.69%
Rank: 5604

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