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Game of December 15, 2011 at 20:50, 5 players
1. 567 pts naomiari
2. 482 pts tonikay
3. 387 pts mazscot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acehort   H3    30    30   chorea
 2. iorstty   5E    94   124   torosity
 3. adeelpt   9G    78   202   pleated
 4. einnrst   G7    67   269   enprints
 5. ?eimnru  11E    86   355   urinemia
 6. deilswz  12L    54   409   swiz
 7. adeinoy   O7    51   460   adonize
 8. cdeeinv  14I   111   571   evinced
 9. ?bdeggl   N1    79   650   blagged
10. abloptw   6B    35   685   ablow
11. efottux  15H    36   721   ox
12. aefgkru  14B    46   767   freaks
13. ahlmruy   O1    54   821   yah
14. agimnot   8A    36   857   agnomina
15. efiirst   4L    45   902   figs
16. eilopqv   3C    28   930   pelvic
17. aejrtuu   4A    46   976   jeat
18. aooqrtu  12A    50  1026   quart

Remaining tiles: oouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6091 Filenaomiari    2 16:36  -459  567     1.7621 PIThompson  2  2:27  -930   96 
  2.5457 Filetonikay     1 20:39  -544  482            Group: intermediate
  3.5780 Filemazscot     1 13:34  -639  387     1.6091 naomiari    2 16:36  -459  567 
  4.5920 Fileayoba       0  4:16  -840  186            Group: novice
  5.7621 FilePIThompson  2  2:27  -930   96     1.5457 tonikay     1 20:39  -544  482 
                                             2.5780 mazscot     1 13:34  -639  387 
                                             3.5920 ayoba       0  4:16  -840  186 

On 1st draw, CHOREA H3 30 --- CHOREA a nervous disorder [n]
Other tops: CHARET H3 30, HECTOR H4 30, ORACHE H8 30, ROTCHE H8 30, TROCHE H8 30
Other moves: CHARET H4 28, CHOREA H4 28, OCHREA H3 28, ORACH H8 28, RATCH H8 28
TEACH H8 28 naomiari
CHEAT H4 26 tonikay

On 2nd draw, TOROSITY 5E 94 --- TOROSITY the quality or state of being torose [n]
Other moves: TOROSITY 5G 72, RISOTTO 5E 28, HISTORY 4H 26, STORY G4 26, THIRSTY 4G 26
TROYS 9D 24 naomiari
SOY G5 23 tonikay

On 3rd draw, PLEATED 9G 78 --- PLEAT to fold in an even manner [v]
Other moves: REPLATED G5 76, PETALED G7 75, PLEATED G7 75, PETALED 9D 74, DEPILATE J2 67
LEAPED 4J 36 tonikay
PEAT 4J 28 naomiari
PLAYED L2 24 mazscot

On 4th draw, ENPRINTS G7 67 --- ENPRINT an enlarged photograph [n]
REIN 8L 21 naomiari
TES 8L 10 tonikay

On 5th draw, URINEMI(A) 11E 86 --- URINEMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other tops: URINEMI(C) 11E 86
Other moves: INCUM(B)ER 3F 76, MERIN(G)UE L8 76, MEUNI(E)RE L8 76, MEUNIER(E) L8 74, NUMERIC(S) 3B 74
MINE 8L 37 naomiari, tonikay

On 6th draw, SWIZ 12L 54 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: WEDS 8L 48, WEID 8L 48, WELD 8L 48, WIDE 8L 48, WILD 8L 48
WIDE 8L 48 mazscot
SIZED M11 40 tonikay
SIZE J4 33 naomiari

On 7th draw, ADONIZE O7 51 --- ADONIZE to adorn (oneself) [v]
Other tops: ANODIZE O7 51
Other moves: YEAD 8L 48, YODE 8L 48, YOND 8L 48, ZANY O12 48, AZIDE O11 45
ZANY O12 48 mazscot
ZONE O12 39 naomiari
WEND M12 16 tonikay

On 8th draw, EVINCED 14I 111 --- EVINCE to show clearly [v]
Other moves: EVINCED N1 83, INVECTED 13B 82, VEINED 14J 55, ENVIED 14J 43, VICED 14K 41
VICED 14K 41 tonikay, mazscot, naomiari

On 9th draw, BL(A)GGED N1 79 --- BLAG to rob [v]
Other tops: B(O)GGLED N1 79
Other moves: G(A)BLED 4J 40, DEB(A)G 4J 35, DEB(U)G 4J 35, G(I)BED 4J 34, DEB(E)L 4J 33
BEG 4L 26 naomiari
B(A)GEL 4B 18 tonikay

On 10th draw, ABLOW 6B 35 --- ABLOW in a blowing state [adv]
Other moves: BOBA 1L 33, BAWTY L1 32, BLAW 6C 32, BLOW 6C 32, BLOWY L1 32
BLOW 6C 32 naomiari
PLOW 6C 32 tonikay
OAT O1 24 mazscot

On 11th draw, OX 15H 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX 15H 36
Other moves: FEU 6J 34, FOE 6J 34, FOU 6J 34, FOXY L2 34, TEF 4J 32
OX 15H 36 naomiari
EX 15H 36 tonikay
FIX J4 29 mazscot

On 12th draw, FREAKS 14B 46 --- FREAK to streak with color [v]
Other moves: KAF 4J 44, KEF 4J 44, FAKEY L1 38, KAGU 4L 38, AUK 4J 36
FREAKS 14B 46 mazscot, naomiari
TAK 13G 31 tonikay

On 13th draw, YAH O1 54 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: YAM O1 50, RHUMBA 1J 42, YAR O1 42, HABU 1L 39, LAMBY 1K 39
YAM O1 50 ayoba
TAY 13G 27 tonikay
MUG 4L 26 naomiari

On 14th draw, AGNOMINA 8A 36 --- AGNOMEN an additional name given to an ancient Roman [n]
Other moves: HOGAN 4H 35, GAM 4J 31, ANYTIME L3 30, TOMBING C3 30, AIM 4J 28
MIG 4L 26 ayoba
MAG 4L 26 naomiari
GAMY L2 20 mazscot
GAY L3 14 tonikay

On 15th draw, FIGS 4L 45 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FEGS 4L 45
Other moves: FIERE 6J 36, FIE 6J 34, RIFE 6H 32, SIF 4J 32, TEF 4J 32
FIE 6J 34 naomiari
FISTY L1 30 mazscot
IF 4K 28 ayoba
FE 15A 20 tonikay

On 16th draw, PELVIC 3C 28 --- PELVIC a bone of the pelvis [n]
Other moves: VEEP D12 24, LIPE 8J 23, LIPO 8J 23, LOIPEN 12B 22, PI M3 22
QI N11 22 ayoba, naomiari
VEX I13 17 tonikay, mazscot

On 17th draw, JEAT 4A 46 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JURAT 12A 42, JEER D1 38, JEAT 13A 33, JA 15A 32, JURA 2B 30
JEAT 4A 46 PIThompson
JA 15A 32 ayoba, mazscot, naomiari, tonikay

On 18th draw, QUART 12A 50 --- QUART a liquid measure of capacity [n]
Other moves: QUAIR J2 36, QUOIT J2 36, QUAI J2 33, QUART C11 28, QUAT 12B 28
QUART 12A 50 PIThompson
QUOIT J2 36 naomiari
QUART C11 28 ayoba, mazscot
QAT 12C 26 tonikay

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