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Game of December 16, 2011 at 06:45, 4 players
1. 338 pts Hasni
2. 306 pts jimbo
3. 183 pts ZEHAVARON

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceoprt   H4    26    26   capote
 2. ?abchsv   I7    34    60   bahts
 3. ?defmrr   5D   102   162   reframed
 4. aemnuvy   6J    37   199   meany
 5. eilossw   4J    28   227   wiels
 6. deilotv   8D    69   296   volitated
 7. eegknoo   4A    30   326   keno
 8. aaegitw  H11    38   364   await
 9. elnoorv   F8    71   435   lovelorn
10. adnortu   A4    30   465   koruna
11. aegsttu   3B    26   491   teguas
12. abgrsuy   6D    36   527   ary
13. cehinor  14F    82   609   rhinoceri
14. abefpst  15L    46   655   feta
15. degjnsu   2F    60   715   judges
16. giiopuz   K8    40   755   epizoic
17. bdeginu   1J    42   797   budgie
18. iilnqtx  11B    24   821   nixie

Remaining tiles: lqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5968 FileHasni       0 17:34  -483  338     1.5968 Hasni       0 17:34  -483  338 
  2.5831 Filejimbo       0 14:49  -515  306     2.5831 jimbo       0 14:49  -515  306 
  3.3729 FileZEHAVARON   0 11:04  -638  183            Group: not rated
  4.4036 Filedenbay      0  6:32  -669  152     1.3729 ZEHAVARON   0 11:04  -638  183 
                                             2.4036 denbay      0  6:32  -669  152 

On 1st draw, CAPOTE H4 26 --- CAPOTE a hooded cloak or overcoat [n]
Other tops: CAPTOR H4 26, CARPET H4 26, CARTOP H4 26, CARTOP H7 26, COPTER H4 26, PREACT H4 26, PREACT H8 26, TOECAP H7 26
Other moves: CAPER H4 24, CAPOT H4 24, COAPT H4 24, COPER H4 24, COPRA H4 24

On 2nd draw, BAH(T)S I7 34 --- BAHT the monetary unit of Thailand [n]
Other tops: BAH(T)S G7 34, HAB(U)S G7 34
Other moves: BAH G7 33, BAH I7 33, BAH(T) G7 33, BAH(T) I7 33, HAB(U) G7 33
SHAV(E) 10H 23 Hasni

On 3rd draw, R(E)FRAMED 5D 102 --- REFRAME to put in a new frame [v]
Other tops: REFRAM(E)D 5D 102
Other moves: DEFAM(E)R 5E 48, D(E)FAMER 5E 48, DEF(O)RM G7 41, F(U)MER G5 41, MEF(F) G7 41
MOB 7G 10 Hasni

On 4th draw, MEANY 6J 37 --- MEANY a nasty person [n]
Other moves: MY 6E 34, YEP 6F 34, ACUMEN 4G 33, YAMEN 4A 33, YAMUN 4A 33
MANY 4J 25 Hasni
(T)AY 10I 7 denbay

On 5th draw, WIELS 4J 28 --- WIEL a whirlpool [n]
Other tops: SLOWES(T) 10C 28, WES(T)S 10F 28, WILES 4J 28, WISES 4J 28, WIS(T)S 10F 28
Other moves: LOWE 4C 27, LOWES(T) 10D 27, WIEL 4J 26, WILE 4A 26, WILE 4J 26
S(T)OWS 10H 20 jimbo, Hasni
WIRES D3 16 denbay

On 6th draw, VOLITATED 8D 69 --- VOLITATE to flutter [v]
Other moves: LIVEDO 4A 33, VOLED 4A 32, VOTED 4A 32, VIDEO 4A 31, OLIVE H11 29
VILER D1 24 denbay
STOVED 11I 20 Hasni
VIOLETS 11C 20 jimbo

On 7th draw, KENO 4A 30 --- KENO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: KNEE 4A 30
Other moves: KEENO 4B 28, KENO 4C 26, KI G7 25, KOB 7G 25, ENGROOVE D2 24
GONKS 11E 20 jimbo
SOKE 11I 16 Hasni
GORE D3 10 denbay

On 8th draw, AWAIT H11 38 --- AWAIT to wait for [v]
Other moves: AWAKE A1 36, GAWK A1 36, WEAK A1 33, AWAIT 3K 32, TWAE 3K 30
AWAKE A1 36 denbay
WEAK A1 33 jimbo, ZEHAVARON, Hasni

On 9th draw, LOVELORN F8 71 --- LOVELORN not loved [adj]
Other moves: VOLK A1 33, LOOKER A1 30, NOVEL 3B 28, ROVEN 3B 28, KRONE A4 27
NOOK A1 24 jimbo, denbay
VAN 13G 11 Hasni

On 10th draw, KORUNA A4 30 --- KORUNA a monetary unit of the Czech Republic [n]
Other moves: DANK A1 27, DARK A1 27, DORK A1 27, DOUK A1 27, DUNK A1 27
DARK A1 27 denbay, jimbo

On 11th draw, TEGUAS 3B 26 --- TEGUA a type of moccasin [n]
Other moves: TEGUA E11 25, AGUES 3C 22, RUGATE 6A 22, TEGUA 3B 22, TEGUS 3B 22
STAG 10A 18 Hasni, jimbo
STUN C1 8 denbay

On 12th draw, ARY 6D 36 --- ARY any [adj]
Other moves: YUGAS 2F 34, BAY E11 31, YAGS 2F 31, YUGA 2F 31, YUGS 2F 31
SUGARY B9 26 jimbo

On 13th draw, RHINOCERI 14F 82 --- RHINOCEROS [n]
Other moves: RICHEN 15A 45, CERASIN 11E 36, HEROIC 2F 36, HEROIN 2F 34, HERON 2F 33
HEN 2F 29 Hasni
ASHIER 11H 18 jimbo

On 14th draw, FETA 15L 46 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other tops: FEST 15L 46, FETS 15L 46
Other moves: TEFS 15L 34, FATES 2F 33, FEAST 2F 33, FEATS 2F 33, FESTA 2F 33
TEFS 15L 34 Hasni
SAFE 10A 20 jimbo

On 15th draw, JUDGES 2F 60 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: JUDGE 2F 59, GJUS 2E 58, GJU 2E 57, JUDS 2F 55, JUGS 2F 55
JA F2 25 Hasni
SNUG 10A 18 jimbo

On 16th draw, EPIZOIC K8 40 --- EPIZOIC living on the body of an animal [adj]
Other moves: PIU 1G 32, OUP 1H 31, PIZE 11C 30, POZ 1J 30, ZIPS N1 30
ZIPS N1 30 Hasni, jimbo

On 17th draw, BUDGIE 1J 42 --- BUDGIE a small parrot [n]
Other tops: BEDUNG 1J 42
Other moves: BIDING 13J 40, BEDUIN 1J 39, BEGUIN 1J 39, BINGED 1J 39, BUNGED 1J 39
BE 1G 26 Hasni
BEDS N1 14 jimbo

On 18th draw, NIXIE 11B 24 --- NIXIE a female water sprite [n]
Other tops: IXTLE 11B 24, TEXAS 11E 24, TOXIN 12J 24
Other moves: PIX 9K 23, NIXE 11C 22, LOX 12J 20, NOX 12J 20, XI B9 20
OX 12K 18 Hasni, jimbo

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