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Game of December 20, 2011 at 10:30, 2 players
1. 187 pts churchill
2. 22 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einprru   H8    74    74   unriper
 2. ?afstuy  14G    92   166   trayfuls
 3. adelmrr   8E    62   228   demurral
 4. dfnnotu  G11    26   254   toft
 5. aiilnow  I13    23   277   wan
 6. eeghimr  11C    28   305   mightier
 7. aaeinox   C6   102   407   anoxemia
 8. beeejlr   B6    42   449   belee
 9. ?alnrsy   M2    88   537   larneys
10. acdeioo  A10    38   575   codeia
11. eiikstv   4G    38   613   skivier
12. addeost   6G    65   678   deodates
13. acelotw   H1    39   717   cowk
14. aehinot   1A    92   809   ethanoic
15. alotuuz  F10    40   849   zho
16. bgijotu   1K    36   885   oubit
17. aeglnpu   2D    27   912   gup
18. aegijnt   3C    34   946   jane

Remaining tiles: gilqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5769 Filechurchill   1  9:55  -759  187     1.5769 churchill   1  9:55  -759  187 
  2.5750 FileVelly       0  0:27  -924   22     2.5750 Velly       0  0:27  -924   22 

On 1st draw, UNRIPER H8 74 --- UNRIPE not mature enough [adj]
Other moves: UNRIPER H2 70, UNRIPER H3 70, UNRIPER H4 70, UNRIPER H6 70, UNRIPER H7 70
PRUNER H4 22 Velly

On 2nd draw, TRAYFU(L)S 14G 92 --- TRAYFUL as much as a tray will hold [n]
Other moves: U(N)SAFETY 13C 86, TRAYFU(L)S 10G 73, UNSAF(E)TY 9G 66, SATI(S)FY 11E 48, (S)ATISFY 11E 48

On 3rd draw, DEMURRAL 8E 62 --- DEMURRAL the act of demurring [n]
Other moves: ADMIRER 11E 40, LEAM 15I 28, REAM 15I 28, EARDRUM L9 26, DAMAR I11 25

On 4th draw, TOFT G11 26 --- TOFT a hillock [n]
Other tops: TUFT G11 26
Other moves: FONDUE 13C 25, OFT G12 23, DOFF K11 22, DUFF K11 22, FONDANT K4 22

On 5th draw, WAN I13 23 --- WAN to become wan [v] --- WAN unnaturally pale [adj]
Other tops: WAI I13 23
Other moves: NAIL 15L 21, NAOI 15L 21, NOIL 15L 21, LOAN 15I 20, WAIF K11 20

On 6th draw, MIGHTIER 11C 28 --- MIGHTY strong [adj]
Other moves: HERM 7D 26, HM 15N 26, NEEM 15I 26, RHEUM L11 26, DIRHEM E8 24

On 7th draw, ANOXEMIA C6 102 --- ANOXEMIA a disorder of the blood [n]
Other moves: AXEMAN C8 46, XENIA(L) M9 40, EAUX L12 38, AXONE 9E 34, AXON 12A 32

On 8th draw, BELEE B6 42 --- BELEE to put on the lee side [v]
Other moves: JEBEL B2 36, JEBEL B4 34, JEE B8 34, JEBEL D2 30, JEE B13 29

On 9th draw, LARN(E)YS M2 88 --- LARNEY (South Africa) a white person, a rich person [n]
Other tops: LARN(E)YS 15A 88, (U)RANYLS 15A 88
Other moves: (U)RANYLS M2 82, LARN(E)YS D1 81, (U)RANYLS D1 76, LANY(A)RDS E2 72, L(A)NYARDS E2 72

On 10th draw, CODEIA A10 38 --- CODEIA a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: CODEIA A1 35, COALED 2J 30, COILED 2J 30, COOLED 2J 30, CADE L1 29
CORED 4K 20 churchill

On 11th draw, SKIVIER 4G 38 --- SKIVIE deranged [adj]
Other moves: VEILS 2J 32, KEVILS 2I 30, SKIVED E3 28, SKIVER 4H 28, SKITE D3 26

On 12th draw, DEODAT(E)S 6G 65 --- DEODATE a gift to God [n]
Other moves: SOAKED H1 33, STAKED H1 33, STOKED H1 33, TASKED H1 33, ATOKES H1 30
ITS 14A 24 churchill

On 13th draw, COWK H1 39 --- COWK to feel nauseous [v]
Other tops: CAWK H1 39, WACK H1 39, WOCK H1 39
Other moves: TACKLE H1 36, CALLOW 2J 34, WALLET 2J 34, COTWAL D1 33, LAWK H1 33
WACK H1 39 churchill

On 14th draw, ETHANOIC 1A 92 --- ETHANOIC as in ethanoic acid, the same as acetic acid [adj]
Other moves: HAIN 15L 45, HATE 15L 45, HOTE 15L 45, H**L* 2J 32, NOAH 15I 30
HALT 2K 14 churchill

On 15th draw, ZHO F10 40 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZULUS N10 34, OUZO 2H 33, LAZO 5D 30, ZOA N1 30, ZOL N1 30
HALT C1 14 churchill

On 16th draw, OUBIT 1K 36 --- OUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: OBIT 1L 33, JIB N1 32, JOB N1 32, BIG 1M 30, BOG 1M 30
JOG D4 28 churchill

On 17th draw, GUP 2D 27 --- GUP gossip [n]
Other tops: GAP 2D 27
Other moves: NEAP 15I 26, AULNAGE D1 25, LAP 2D 25, LEP 2D 25, NAP 2D 25
PLUG D3 20 churchill

On 18th draw, JANE 3C 34 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JIVED J2 32, JANE D4 30, GAIN 15L 29, GAIT 15L 29, GATE 15L 29
JAG D4 28 churchill

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