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Game of December 20, 2011 at 14:18, 2 players
1. 374 pts rn.roselle
2. 176 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelnos   H8    64    64   enolase
 2. eilprru  13H    22    86   sprier
 3. depsuxy  15D    81   167   pyxes
 4. egiklnt   G2    66   233   kinglet
 5. adefiov   H1    45   278   video
 6. eimoort   8A    39   317   roomette
 7. eilnouz   L8    50   367   zonule
 8. aacdeir   M3    88   455   cardiae
 9. dhhotwy   7C    37   492   why
10. aaaeqrt  14F    29   521   areae
11. ?ddeeiu   8K    42   563   izard
12. abeinsu   O1    86   649   unbiased
13. acdiqtw   6J    34   683   qaid
14. annoorw  15J    33   716   nonwar
15. abflost  11A    76   792   softball
16. defmttu   I2    32   824   deft
17. eghittu   A4    65   889   theurgist
18. cegijou   5K    40   929   jor
19. cegimuv   J8    33   962   vice

Remaining tiles: gmu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6580 Filern.roselle  1 11:56  -588  374     1.7344 kellybelly  1  5:32  -786  176 
  2.7344 Filekellybelly  1  5:32  -786  176            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6580 rn.roselle  1 11:56  -588  374 

On 1st draw, ENOLAS(E) H8 64 --- ENOLASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: ALSO(O)NE H2 64, ALSO(O)NE H3 64, ALSO(O)NE H4 64, ALSO(O)NE H6 64, ALSO(O)NE H7 64, ALS(O)ONE H2 64, ALS(O)ONE H3 64, ALS(O)ONE H4 64, ALS(O)ONE H6 64, ALS(O)ONE H7 64, ALS(O)ONE H8 64, AN(I)SOLE H3 64, AN(I)SOLE H4 64, AN(I)SOLE H6 64, AN(I)SOLE H7 64, AN(I)SOLE H8 64, ENOLAS(E) H2 64, ENOLAS(E) H3 64, ENOLAS(E) H4 64, ENOLAS(E) H7 64, EN(G)AOLS H3 64, EN(G)AOLS H4 64, EN(G)AOLS H6 64, EN(G)AOLS H7 64, EN(G)AOLS H8 64, EN(H)ALOS H3 64, EN(H)ALOS H4 64, EN(H)ALOS H6 64, EN(H)ALOS H7 64, EN(H)ALOS H8 64, ES(P)ANOL H3 64, ES(P)ANOL H4 64, ES(P)ANOL H6 64, ES(P)ANOL H7 64, ES(P)ANOL H8 64, E(T)ALONS H2 64, E(T)ALONS H4 64, E(T)ALONS H6 64, E(T)ALONS H7 64, E(T)ALONS H8 64, LOANE(R)S H2 64, LOANE(R)S H3 64, LOANE(R)S H4 64, LOANE(R)S H6 64, LOANE(R)S H8 64, LOA(D)ENS H2 64, LOA(D)ENS H3 64, LOA(D)ENS H4 64, LOA(D)ENS H6 64, LOA(D)ENS H7 64, LOA(D)ENS H8 64, NO(P)ALES H3 64, NO(P)ALES H4 64, NO(P)ALES H6 64, NO(P)ALES H7 64, NO(P)ALES H8 64, O(R)LEANS H2 64, O(R)LEANS H4 64, O(R)LEANS H6 64, O(R)LEANS H7 64, O(R)LEANS H8 64, SE(C)ONAL H3 64, SE(C)ONAL H4 64, SE(C)ONAL H6 64, SE(C)ONAL H7 64, SE(C)ONAL H8 64, (B)ONSELA H2 64, (B)ONSELA H3 64, (B)ONSELA H6 64, (B)ONSELA H7 64, (B)ONSELA H8 64, (E)NOLASE H2 64, (E)NOLASE H3 64, (E)NOLASE H6 64, (E)NOLASE H7 64, (E)NOLASE H8 64, (M)ELANOS H2 64, (M)ELANOS H3 64, (M)ELANOS H6 64, (M)ELANOS H7 64, (M)ELANOS H8 64, (R)ELOANS H2 64, (R)ELOANS H3 64, (R)ELOANS H6 64, (R)ELOANS H7 64, (R)ELOANS H8 64, (T)OLANES H2 64, (T)OLANES H3 64, (T)OLANES H6 64, (T)OLANES H7 64, (T)OLANES H8 64
Other moves: ALSO(O)NE H5 62, ALSO(O)NE H8 62, ALS(O)ONE H5 62, AN(I)SOLE H2 62, AN(I)SOLE H5 62
SLOAN H4 12 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, SPRIER 13H 22 --- SPRY nimble [adj]
Other moves: PUERIL(E) 14B 20, PURLERS 13B 20, SLURPER 13H 20, EPULIS 13C 18, PERILS 13C 18
PILE G8 18 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, PYXES 15D 81 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: DUXES 15D 66, SEXY 15H 63, SYPED 15H 60, PUDSEY 15E 57, PUDSY 15E 54
DUXES 15D 66 rn.roselle

On 4th draw, KINGLET G2 66 --- KINGLET a king who rules over a small area [n]
Other tops: KINGLET I2 66
Other moves: KINGLET L8 34, GILLNET 11E 32, KINGLE L8 32, KNELT 12K 32, TELLING 11E 32

On 5th draw, VIDEO H1 45 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: FADE H1 39, FADO H1 39, FIDO H1 39, VADE H1 39, VIDE H1 39

On 6th draw, ROOMETTE 8A 39 --- ROOMETTE a small room [n]
Other moves: MOTLIER 11E 36, TOME 14C 30, TOMO 14C 30, MER(E) 14E 27, MET(E) 14E 27

On 7th draw, ZONULE L8 50 --- ZONULE a small zone [n]
Other moves: ZO 7C 46, IDOLIZE 3G 36, ZONE 14C 35, OUZEL 10H 34, OUZEL B8 34

On 8th draw, CARDIAE M3 88 --- CARDIA an opening of the esophagus [n]
Other moves: AZIDE 8K 45, IZARD 8K 45, ERGODIC 5E 44, ARCADE M5 32, ACEDIA M3 31

On 9th draw, WHY 7C 37 --- WHY the reason or cause of something [n]
Other tops: WHY 9B 37
Other moves: DHOW 7B 36, HOY K9 36, THAWY 4K 36, WHY N2 36, WHOT 7B 34

On 10th draw, AR(E)AE 14F 29 --- AREA a particular extent of space or surface [n]
Other moves: AQUAE 11J 28, QUARE 11K 28, QUART 11K 28, QUATE 11K 28, AQUA 11J 26
QUART 11K 28 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, IZA(R)D 8K 42 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: ZA(T)I 8L 36, EDDIE(S) I3 33, DEED(S) N4 32, DEID(S) N4 32, DEDU(C)E 15J 31
(S)EED 14L 25 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, UNBIASED O1 86 --- BIAS to prejudice [adj] --- UNBIAS to free from bias [v]
Other moves: ANBURIES A4 61, URBANISE A7 61, BEGONIA 5E 40, NUBIAS 15J 36, SABINE 15J 36
SEAN 14L 26 rn.roselle

On 13th draw, QAID 6J 34 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: CAW J6 32, DAWT J6 30, WADI J8 30, WADT J8 30, DAW J6 29
QUID 11K 28 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, NONWAR 15J 33 --- NONWAR a war that is not officially declared [n]
Other moves: RAWN J8 30, RAW J8 29, ROW J8 29, NONWAR 13A 28, ANOW 13C 27
OW 9B 24 rn.roselle
NOW 13D 19 kellybelly

On 15th draw, SOFTBALL 11A 76 --- SOFTBALL a type of ball [n]
Other tops: SOFTBALL 11B 76
Other moves: BAFTS 13B 30, FLABS 13B 30, LOFT J8 30, STOB 6B 30, WOOLFATS C7 30
FLABS 13B 30 kellybelly
OF 9B 24 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, DEFT I2 32 --- DEFT skillful [adj]
Other tops: FOUET B10 32
Other moves: FEM 9B 31, FEOD 10F 31, FETT I2 30, FUMET 13B 30, IDEM K8 28
DEFT 13C 26 kellybelly
FE 14N 22 rn.roselle

On 17th draw, THEURGIST A4 65 --- THEURGIST [n]
Other moves: HOGTIE B10 36, SHITE A11 36, SHUTE A11 36, HIE 10B 34, HOTTIE B10 34
SHUTE A11 36 rn.roselle, kellybelly

On 18th draw, JOR 5K 40 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JO 14N 38, JUCO 14A 30, FUJI C11 28, JUCO B1 28, JUICE 11K 28
JOR 5K 40 kellybelly, rn.roselle

On 19th draw, VICE J8 33 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other tops: GEUM N1 33
Other moves: VIM J8 32, VUM J8 32, VEG J8 29, VIG J8 29, VUG J8 29
EM B5 25 kellybelly, rn.roselle

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