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Game of December 20, 2011 at 15:04, 8 players
1. 679 pts PIThompson
2. 545 pts kellybelly
3. 499 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dejlnru   H4    40    40   jurel
 2. ahiosst   6E    71   111   shortias
 3. ??aioow   9D    71   182   woodsia
 4. deforuv   J8    75   257   favoured
 5. aginnst  15F    83   340   standing
 6. aeeiklr   8J    54   394   fakeer
 7. ceinttv   M8    30   424   evince
 8. abeinyy  10E    34   458   bye
 9. ddeipsz   5K    54   512   zeps
10. acilotu   8A    35   547   tical
11. eeefitu  11D    30   577   fee
12. aggnoor  12A    24   601   gora
13. adilnnu  A10    24   625   unglad
14. deimnnr   N2    28   653   deism
15. aeiortx  13C    43   696   extra
16. imnoqty   O1    36   732   qi
17. abgilrt   M3    24   756   bap
18. ehinort   I3    33   789   north
19. emnoptt   L1    29   818   emotes
20. dilopwy   1H    39   857   yowled
21. giinptu   B6    25   882   piing

Remaining tiles: itu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7631 FilePIThompson 10 17:28  -203  679     1.7631 PIThompson 10 17:28  -203  679 
  2.7344 Filekellybelly  5 15:08  -337  545     2.7344 kellybelly  5 15:08  -337  545 
  3.5985 Filenarisa      2 22:21  -383  499            Group: intermediate
  4.5435 Filetonikay     2 24:36  -434  448     1.6584 rn.roselle  2 16:01  -536  346 
  5.6584 Filern.roselle  2 16:01  -536  346     2.6642 iwhist      0  9:50  -577  305 
  6.6642 Fileiwhist      0  9:50  -577  305     3.6215 raggedy01   0  3:15  -805   77 
  7.6215 Fileraggedy01   0  3:15  -805   77            Group: novice
  8.5806 Filejimbo       0  0:42  -868   14     1.5985 narisa      2 22:21  -383  499 
                                             2.5435 tonikay     2 24:36  -434  448 
                                             3.5806 jimbo       0  0:42  -868   14 

On 1st draw, JUREL H4 40 --- JUREL a food fish [n]
Other moves: JUREL H8 26, JUREL H5 24, JUREL H6 24, JUREL H7 24, JUD H6 22
JUREL H4 40 PIThompson
JURE H5 22 rn.roselle
RULED H8 16 narisa
DUEL H6 10 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SHORTIAS 6E 71 --- SHORTIA a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: AIRSHOTS 6F 71
Other moves: HOASTS 9C 27, HOISTS 9C 27, HOSTAS 9C 27, SAITHS 9C 27, SHOATS 9H 27
STASH 9E 26 PIThompson
SHOTS 9H 25 rn.roselle, narisa
SHOAT 9H 25 tonikay

On 3rd draw, WOO(D)(S)IA 9D 71 --- WOODSIA a small fern [n]
Other moves: WOO(D)SIA(S) L2 70, WOO(D)SIA(S) E2 68, WOO(R)ALI(S) 8C 60, AWEI(N)(G) 7F 31, JOWA(R)I 4H 30
JOWA(R)I 4H 30 PIThompson
JOW(L)(S) 4H 26 kellybelly, narisa, rn.roselle
(S)WA(N) 9H 21 tonikay

On 4th draw, FAVOURED J8 75 --- FAVOUR to regard with goodwill [v]
Other moves: DEVOUR 8J 45, ORFE 10D 36, ERF 10D 34, ORF 10D 34, UFO 10E 30
DEVOUR 8J 45 PIThompson
OF 10E 28 kellybelly
FORD 5K 28 rn.roselle
FORD 10C 26 tonikay
FOOD E8 16 narisa

On 5th draw, STANDING 15F 83 --- STANDING a position or condition in society [n]
Other moves: SAUNTING 12H 74, STARNING 13G 72, STAUNING 12G 70, ASTONING 11G 68, STEANING 14H 68
STANDING 15F 33 kellybelly, PIThompson, narisa
STAND 15F 18 tonikay

On 6th draw, FAKEER 8J 54 --- FAKEER a Hindu ascetic [n]
Other moves: FLAKER 8J 42, KWELA D8 34, ILKA 8A 33, AKEE 5J 32, KEREL 5K 32
FLAKER 8J 42 PIThompson, kellybelly
KAIL 5J 28 tonikay
JAILER 4H 26 narisa
KIER 10B 25 raggedy01

On 7th draw, EVINCE M8 30 --- EVINCE to show clearly [v]
Other moves: CIVETS L1 28, VINE 7K 26, VINT 7K 26, VITE 7K 26, EVICTS L1 24
COVENT 11I 22 kellybelly, raggedy01
VICE 5B 22 PIThompson
COVET 11I 20 narisa
TWINE D8 18 iwhist
VEE N6 14 jimbo
TEN 10C 10 tonikay

On 8th draw, BYE 10E 34 --- BYE a side issue [n]
Other moves: BY 10E 32, BYE 5J 32, BEANY 5J 30, BEANY 5K 30, NYE 10E 30
BYE 10E 34 PIThompson
BEANY 5K 30 raggedy01
YA 10F 27 kellybelly
BINE 5K 22 narisa
BAY 8C 20 tonikay

On 9th draw, ZEPS 5K 54 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZIPS 5K 54
Other moves: ZEDS 5K 52, ZEP 5K 52, ZIP 5K 52, ZED 5K 50, PIZES 11B 48
ZIPS 5K 54 PIThompson, tonikay, kellybelly, narisa

On 10th draw, TICAL 8A 35 --- TICAL a former Thai unit of weight [n]
Other tops: CITAL 8A 35, ICTAL 8A 35, OCTAL 8A 35
Other moves: ALCO 8A 27, CALO 8A 27, CIAO 8A 27, CITO 8A 27, COLA 8A 27
CITAL 8A 35 PIThompson
TOIL 4L 22 tonikay
CLOTS N1 14 narisa, iwhist
TA 11D 14 kellybelly

On 11th draw, FEE 11D 30 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other tops: FIE 11D 30
Other moves: FE N10 28, FETE 11B 26, FEE 11C 24, FIE 11C 24, TEE 11D 24
FEE 11D 30 kellybelly
FIE 11D 30 PIThompson
FE N10 28 iwhist
FEET 14E 17 tonikay
FETES N1 16 narisa

On 12th draw, GORA 12A 24 --- GORA a white male (India/Pakistan) [n]
Other moves: AGGRO 14B 22, ROAN 4L 22, ROON 4L 22, FANGO D11 20, FORGO D11 20
ROON 4L 22 kellybelly, PIThompson
FROG D11 16 narisa
AGO I2 15 iwhist
GAGS N2 12 tonikay
AGES L3 10 rn.roselle

On 13th draw, UNGLAD A10 24 --- UNGLAD not glad [adj]
Other tops: LIGAND A10 24, UNGILD A10 24
Other moves: INDUNA 14A 22, DULIA 5B 21, IDEA 7F 21, LIGNAN A10 21, UNGAIN A10 21
UNGILD A10 24 PIThompson
UNGLAD A10 24 kellybelly
GILD A12 18 iwhist
GLAD A12 18 narisa, rn.roselle, tonikay

On 14th draw, DEISM N2 28 --- DEISM a religious philosophy [n]
Other moves: ADMIRE 14A 26, ENDRIN 13C 26, DERMIC C3 24, M*RD*S L1 24, LIED 13A 23
DEISM N2 28 PIThompson
LIED 13A 23 iwhist
ME B14 19 rn.roselle
ED 13C 17 kellybelly
MINES N1 14 narisa, tonikay

On 15th draw, EXTRA 13C 43 --- EXTRA something additional [n]
Other moves: RAX O1 42, REX O1 42, TAX O1 42, TEX O1 42, TIX O1 42
RAX O1 42 PIThompson
REX O1 42 kellybelly
TAX O1 42 iwhist, tonikay
XI B14 39 rn.roselle
EXIT 13C 39 narisa

On 16th draw, QI O1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: YONT O1 32, YOM O1 31, MINO O1 29, MINT O1 29, MOY M1 29
QI O1 36 kellybelly, PIThompson, rn.roselle, narisa, tonikay
QI L10 24 iwhist

On 17th draw, BAP M3 24 --- BAP a small bun or roll [n]
Other tops: BAGIES L1 24, BARGES L1 24, BILGES L1 24
Other moves: ABULIC 12H 22, BARITE 3I 22, BIRLES L1 22, BLARES L1 22, BLITES L1 22
BAP M3 24 PIThompson, kellybelly
BARGES L1 24 rn.roselle
BA B14 19 iwhist
BA I3 16 narisa

On 18th draw, NORTH I3 33 --- NORTH a point of the compass [n] --- NORTH to head northwards [v]
Other moves: HOO B10 29, HAIN 4L 28, HAIR 4L 28, HENOTIC C2 26, THEORIC C2 26
HOO B10 29 iwhist, PIThompson
HAIN 4L 28 kellybelly
HAIR 4L 28 rn.roselle
HO I3 18 tonikay, narisa

On 19th draw, EMOTES L1 29 --- EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v]
Other moves: MOTES L2 25, POTES L2 25, MAIN 4L 24, PAIN 4L 24, EMPTION B4 23
EMOTES L1 29 PIThompson
MAIN 4L 24 kellybelly
MOO B10 23 rn.roselle
MOT J2 23 iwhist
POET J1 20 tonikay
MOPE 5B 20 narisa

On 20th draw, YOWLED 1H 39 --- YOWL to utter a loud, long, mournful cry [v]
Other moves: LOWPED 1H 36, PLOWED 1H 36, PLOYED 1H 36, PODLEY 1H 36, YOWIE 1H 33
PLOWED 1H 36 PIThompson, kellybelly, narisa, iwhist, rn.roselle
DOY J2 26 tonikay

On 21th draw, PIING B6 25 --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other moves: PIONING 11H 20, PIU 5D 19, OP G6 18, PEH 7G 18, PIGNUS E1 18
PING B7 18 PIThompson
POTING 11I 18 narisa
TIPI 5B 16 kellybelly
PINGS E2 16 iwhist
PUTS E3 12 rn.roselle
JOG 4H 11 tonikay

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