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Game of December 21, 2011 at 07:09, 3 players
1. 401 pts dragons11
2. 130 pts fatcat
3. 43 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehkprt   H7    40    40   phreak
 2. aeistuu  13F    22    62   east
 3. dijlnor  F10    33    95   joled
 4. abdehns  E11    37   132   saheb
 5. ?aaemqr   J9    42   174   aquae
 6. aegimtu   K9    33   207   time
 7. afioprs   8K    34   241   sofar
 8. dgiiouw  D10    25   266   wig
 9. acefnru   I1    69   335   furnace
10. ?iilorx   2I    58   393   uxorial
11. eiortuv   5E    40   433   outrave
12. abegisv   O1    42   475   blive
13. aceilno   3B    72   547   colinear
14. adeinuy   1G    39   586   unfed
15. dimnoty   L2    30   616   rindy
16. ainottu   B1    22   638   taction
17. demoptw   C9    42   680   moped
18. egnorsu   A6    81   761   surgeon
19. giiltwy   D1    28   789   wily

Remaining tiles: giltz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6443 Filedragons11   2 13:39  -388  401     1.6443 dragons11   2 13:39  -388  401 
  2.5266 Filefatcat      1  6:58  -659  130            Group: novice
  3.5762 FileVelly       1  2:01  -746   43     1.5266 fatcat      1  6:58  -659  130 
                                             2.5762 Velly       1  2:01  -746   43 

On 1st draw, PHREAK H7 40 --- PHREAK to gain illegal access to a long-distance telephone service to avoid tolls [v]
Other moves: PHREAK H3 38, PHREAK H4 36, PHREAK H8 32, PHREAK H5 30, PHREAK H6 30
HARK H8 22 dragons11

On 2nd draw, EAST 13F 22 --- EAST a cardinal point of the compass [n] --- EAST to turn east (a point on the compass) [v]
Other tops: AITUS 13D 22, ETUIS 13D 22, SAUTE 13H 22, SUITE 13H 22
Other moves: AITS 13E 21, ATES 13E 21, EATS 13E 21, EAUS 13E 21, EST 13G 21
EATS 13E 21 dragons11

On 3rd draw, JOLED F10 33 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JODEL F10 31, LORDKIN 12D 31, JIRD E11 29, ADJOIN 11H 28, JORDAN 11D 28
JOE 10F 26 dragons11

On 4th draw, SAHEB E11 37 --- SAHEB a term of respect in colonial India [n]
Other moves: BAH E11 34, SABED E11 32, DAH E11 30, NABES E11 30, KANEHS 12H 28
HE E11 22 dragons11

On 5th draw, AQ(U)AE J9 42 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: AQ(U)AE 14I 35, AQ(U)A 14I 34, Q(U)EMED 14A 34, (W)EAMB 15A 33, Q(O)RMA I3 31

On 6th draw, TIME K9 33 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other moves: AUGITE K7 32, MIG K9 31, MITE K9 31, AIM K9 29, EMIT K8 29
TIME K9 33 dragons11, Velly

On 7th draw, SOFAR 8K 34 --- SOFAR a system for locating underwater explosions [n]
Other moves: SAPOR 8K 31, SOPRA 8K 31, PARIS D8 29, FRIS D9 23, RIP D10 23
OF G10 22 dragons11
PAL 12D 10 Velly

On 8th draw, WIG D10 25 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: GUID D9 23, DIG D10 21, GID D10 21, DOWED 14B 20, GID 7L 18
OD G10 18 dragons11

On 9th draw, FURNACE I1 69 --- FURNACE to subject to heat [v]
Other moves: ACERB 15A 30, CUE G8 26, FURCAE I3 26, FURNACE M8 26, FARCED 14A 24
FEW 10B 17 dragons11

On 10th draw, UXORI(A)L 2I 58 --- UXORIAL pertaining to a wife [adj]
Other moves: OX(O) H1 52, OX H1 51, (E)XO H1 50, (O)XO H1 50, ORIF(E)X 1F 45

On 11th draw, OUTRAVE 5E 40 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: OLIVER O1 39, OLIVET O1 39, OLIVE O1 36, ORFE 1G 30, RIFE 1G 30
RIFE 1G 30 dragons11

On 12th draw, BLIVE O1 42 --- BLIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: ALIVE O1 36, SLAVE O1 36, SLIVE O1 36, BRAGS L1 33, BRAISE L1 33
SLAVE O1 36 dragons11

On 13th draw, COLINEAR 3B 72 --- COLINEAR lying in the same straight line [adj]
Other moves: CREOLIAN O7 61, CAFE 1G 36, CALIF 1E 30, INFO 1G 30, LIFE 1G 30
CAFE 1G 36 dragons11

On 14th draw, UNFED 1G 39 --- FEED to give food to [adj] --- UNFED not fed [adj]
Other moves: ACIDY B2 38, FAYED 1I 33, UNDEAF 1D 33, NIFE 1G 30, RANDY L2 30
DICEY B1 22 fatcat

On 15th draw, RINDY L2 30 --- RIND a thick and firm outer covering [adj] --- RINDY covered in rind [adj]
Other tops: YCOND B2 30
Other moves: RYND L2 28, YOM 6D 26, DYNAMO N5 25, DIM 6D 24, DIMITY M1 24
RINDY L2 30 dragons11
MINTY 6A 17 fatcat

On 16th draw, TACTION B1 22 --- TACTION the act of touching [n]
Other tops: AUCTION B1 22
Other moves: ACTION B2 20, FIAUNT M8 20, NOCTUA B1 20, OCTANT B2 20, ACTIN B2 18
COUNT B3 9 fatcat

On 17th draw, MOPED C9 42 --- MOPED a type of motorbike [n]
Other moves: MOWED A6 39, MOPED A6 36, DEMPT A6 35, DOWP A6 35, TOPED C9 34
MOWED A6 39 dragons11
DEMOB 15A 33 fatcat

On 18th draw, SURGEON A6 81 --- SURGEON one who practices surgery [n]
Other moves: SOGER A4 31, ERGONS A7 26, ERUGOS A7 26, GENROS A6 26, GONERS A6 26
GONERS A6 26 dragons11
STUNG 1A 21 fatcat

On 19th draw, WILY D1 28 --- WILY crafty [adj]
Other moves: AGILITY N8 26, TYG 6D 23, WIT 3K 23, WILI D1 22, WILL D1 22
WILY D1 28 fatcat
WIT 3K 23 dragons11

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