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Game of December 23, 2011 at 04:55, 2 players
1. 69 pts Klonimous
2. 34 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeinv   H7    76    76   inweave
 2. cilnosw  14C    29   105   clowns
 3. deijnsu   I2    72   177   disjune
 4. filnort  11D    94   271   inflator
 5. ?aeehms   2B    92   363   stemhead
 6. adeeglx  12H    45   408   vexed
 7. bioorst   E5    70   478   biotrons
 8. aahiouw  10J    41   519   how
 9. aegkotu   1F    46   565   oak
10. aegimry   1A    37   602   ream
11. deioqtu   M5    79   681   quoited
12. eegilot   N1    33   714   elegit
13. abfgorv   O1    47   761   faro
14. agirtuy   8A    33   794   gritty
15. deglnpu   8H    33   827   needling
16. abinpru   M1    29   856   rap
17. acintuy  12A    30   886   cyans
18. aabituv  A12    27   913   cava
19. biiptuz   G4    47   960   putz

Remaining tiles: biiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6119 FileKlonimous   0  3:00  -891   69     1.7058 yab         0  1:46  -926   34 
  2.7058 Fileyab         0  1:46  -926   34            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6119 Klonimous   0  3:00  -891   69 

On 1st draw, IN(W)EAVE H7 76 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other moves: IN(W)EAVE H3 70, IN(W)EAVE H4 70, IN(W)EAVE H6 70, IN(W)EAVE H8 70, NAIVE(T)E H2 70

On 2nd draw, CLOWNS 14C 29 --- CLOWN to act like a clown (a humorous performer) [v]
Other moves: COWLS 14D 28, LOWNS 14D 26, NOWLS 14D 26, OWLS 14E 25, OWNS 14E 25

On 3rd draw, DISJUNE I2 72 --- DISJUNE breakfast [n]
Other moves: JAUNSED 11G 30, JEED 10F 28, JUICE C11 28, SUJEE 10D 28, JEES 10F 27

On 4th draw, INFLATOR 11D 94 --- INFLATOR one that inflates [n]
Other moves: FRONTLINE 8A 89, FLATIRON 11F 72, FILO H1 32, FRIJOL 5F 32, FROLIC C9 30

On 5th draw, S(T)EMHEAD 2B 92 --- STEMHEAD the head of the stem of a nautical vessel [n]
Other moves: MAHSEE(R) L8 90, (B)ESHAME L9 86, MAHSEE(R)S 4F 82, EMDASHE(S) 2G 80, EMDA(S)HES 2G 80

On 6th draw, VEXED 12H 45 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: AXSEED 4G 44, AX 3F 39, EX 3F 39, LAX H1 39, AXE 3C 35

On 7th draw, BIOTRONS E5 70 --- BIOTRON a climate control chamber [n]
Other tops: ISOBRONT E5 70
Other moves: STOOR J2 42, BISTRO 10J 37, BIROS 10J 36, BITOS 10J 36, BOORS 10J 36

On 8th draw, HOW 10J 41 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other tops: HAW 10J 41
Other moves: AAH 1F 40, AWHATO 8A 39, HUIA 10J 39, HAO 10J 38, HOA 10J 38

On 9th draw, OAK 1F 46 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: KAGO H1 36, KAGU H1 36, TAKA H1 36, TAKE H1 36, KAGOS 12A 34

On 10th draw, REAM 1A 37 --- REAM to enlarge with a reamer [v]
Other tops: RIEM 1A 37
Other moves: GAIETY 8A 33, GAMY D4 33, GYRATE 8A 33, YEAR 1A 30, (T)RIGAMY C2 30

On 11th draw, QUOITED M5 79 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other moves: QUIDS 12A 56, QUODS 12A 56, QUITS 12A 52, QUIET 8A 45, QUOIT 8A 45
QUIET 8A 45 Klonimous

On 12th draw, ELEGIT N1 33 --- ELEGIT an old English writ of execution [n]
Other moves: LEGIT N2 31, TIGE N4 29, LIG N4 26, LOGIE D4 26, TIG N4 26
ELITE N3 24 Klonimous

On 13th draw, FARO O1 47 --- FARO a card game [n]
Other moves: GRAFT 8A 39, FAR O1 37, FOR O1 37, AFRO F5 36, BARFS 12A 36

On 14th draw, GRITTY 8A 33 --- GRITTY plucky [adj]
Other moves: GUTSY 12B 30, ARTSY 12B 28, YURTS 12A 28, JAY 5I 26, TAG J4 26

On 15th draw, NEEDLING 8H 33 --- NEEDLING the act of one who needles [n]
Other moves: PIED 8L 30, PING 8L 30, PENDS 12A 28, PILE 8L 27, PINE 8L 27

On 16th draw, RAP M1 29 --- RAP to strike sharply [v]
Other tops: NAP M1 29
Other moves: BAJRI 5G 28, BARNS 12A 24, BRANS 12A 24, BRINS 12A 24, BURNS 12A 24

On 17th draw, CYANS 12A 30 --- CYAN a blue colour [n]
Other moves: ANTSY 12B 28, CAJUN 5G 28, NUTSY 12B 28, TANSY 12B 28, YUANS 12A 28

On 18th draw, CAVA A12 27 --- CAVA a special Spanish wine, used for toasts [n]
Other moves: CABA A12 24, JAB 5I 24, JIB 5I 24, TAV L2 22, JAI 5I 20

On 19th draw, PUTZ G4 47 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: BIZ G5 46, JIZ 5I 38, BIZ 6D 34, ZITI 6B 33, RIZ B8 32
BIZ 6D 34 yab

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