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Game of December 23, 2011 at 23:56, 1 player
1. 221 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ailswy   H7    82    82   oilways
 2. bceefot  12D    26   108   beefy
 3. acdeirt   9C    66   174   articled
 4. ?bmnosu   G1    72   246   unbosom
 5. adeelnp   1G    86   332   upleaned
 6. defiloq   2J    36   368   feod
 7. acehlsv   8A    43   411   aches
 8. aehiltt   B1    80   491   athletic
 9. enoqrtu  11B    38   529   quote
10. ainoruw   F3    35   564   anow
11. adkorrs   A1    46   610   kas
12. eilmouv  B11    30   640   quim
13. aeeiopx   H3    44   684   axe
14. adiloru   5E    28   712   roseola
15. eijoorr   4K    35   747   jirre
16. deinprv   O3    39   786   deprive
17. iinnotz   J9    33   819   dzo
18. gginooy   C3    38   857   yoni
19. ginnort  13H    70   927   snorting

Remaining tiles: ggituv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6575 Filern.roselle  3  7:22  -706  221     1.6575 rn.roselle  3  7:22  -706  221 

On 1st draw, (O)ILWAYS H7 82 --- OILWAY a channel for the passage of oil [n]
Other tops: SLI(P)WAY H6 82, SLI(P)WAY H8 82, WAS(H)ILY H4 82, WAS(H)ILY H6 82, WAS(P)ILY H4 82, WAS(P)ILY H6 82
Other moves: SLI(P)WAY H2 76, SLI(P)WAY H3 76, SLI(P)WAY H4 76, SLI(P)WAY H7 76, WAS(H)ILY H2 76

On 2nd draw, BEEFY 12D 26 --- BEEFY brawny [adj]
Other moves: COFT I5 23, FACETE 11G 22, BEEF I4 21, FEEB G12 21, BEEF G12 20

On 3rd draw, ARTICLED 9C 66 --- ARTICLE to charge with specific offenses [v]
Other moves: CERAT(O)ID 7C 65, LACERTID 9H 63, RATICIDE 8C 62, RATICIDE 8E 62, CARDIAE 11C 36

On 4th draw, UNBOS(O)M G1 72 --- UNBOSOM to reveal [v]
Other tops: UNBOS(O)M I1 72, UNB(O)SOM G1 72, UNB(O)SOM I1 72
Other moves: M(I)SBOUND J2 70, UMBON(E)S G1 66, UMBON(E)S I1 66, (E)MBOUNDS J3 66, UNBOS(O)M(S) 7C 65

On 5th draw, UPLEANED 1G 86 --- UPLEAN to rest one's weight [v]
Other moves: SPALDEEN 13H 78, ENPLANED 2B 76, ENDPLATE E3 72, SPALDEEN 5G 72, PANELED I1 70

On 6th draw, FEOD 2J 36 --- FEOD a feudal estate [n]
Other tops: DEIF 10C 36, FLED 2J 36
Other moves: FLOE 2J 34, NEIF 2G 34, FIDO 8A 33, QI 10B 33, DEFI 2K 32

On 7th draw, ACHES 8A 43 --- ACHE to suffer a dull, continuous pain [v]
Other tops: CLASHES 13B 43
Other moves: CASHES 13C 41, ACHE 8A 38, LASHES 13C 37, HALES 8A 34, HALSES 13C 34

On 8th draw, ATHLETIC B1 80 --- ATHLETE one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility [adj] --- ATHLETIC relating to vigorous physical exercise [adj]
Other moves: HITTABLE 3B 78, TITHABLE 3B 78, LATHIEST 5A 72, LITHEST 13C 41, ALETHIC B2 40

On 9th draw, QUOTE 11B 38 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: QAT 1A 36, QUERN 13B 36, QUOTE 13B 36, QUOD J6 34, QUESTOR 5D 32
QAT 1A 36 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, ANOW F3 35 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other moves: NAW F4 30, NOW F4 30, WAI C1 29, QUAIR B11 28, QUINA B11 28
QUIN B11 26 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, KAS A1 46 --- KA to serve [v] --- KAS a large cupboard [n]
Other moves: DARKS 1A 45, DARK 1A 42, RARKS 1A 42, RARK 1A 39, SARK 1A 39
KAS A1 46 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, QUIM B11 30 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: MOVIE 13A 28, VELUM I3 26, VENOM 4D 26, OINOMEL 4D 24, MOVE 13A 23
QUIM B11 30 rn.roselle

On 13th draw, AXE H3 44 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: PAX A13 44, POX A13 44
Other moves: AX H3 40, OX H3 40, PIXIE 13A 36, AX A14 31, EX A14 31
PAX A13 44 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, ROSEOLA 5E 28 --- ROSEOLA a rose-coloured skin rash [n]
Other tops: ODAL A12 28
Other moves: FEODAL 2J 26, AID C3 25, OURALI 8J 24, AIL C3 22, AIR C3 22
DOSE 5E 10 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, JIRRE 4K 35 --- JIRRE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: JOE 4K 29, JOR 4K 29, JO 4K 27, OORIER 8J 24, M(O)JO 7G 20
JOE 4K 29 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, DEPRIVE O3 39 --- DEPRIVE to take something away from [v]
Other tops: PREDIVE O2 39
Other moves: PERVED O3 36, DERIVE O3 30, DEVEIN O3 30, ENDIVE O4 30, ENVIED O4 30

On 17th draw, DZO J9 33 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZITI 13A 31, AZON 11H 26, M(O)ZO 7G 24, ZIN 13A 24, ZIT 13A 24

On 18th draw, YONI C3 38 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other moves: GOOG A12 35, YIN C3 34, YON C3 34, GOON A12 32, OY K10 31

On 19th draw, SNORTING 13H 70 --- SNORT to exhale noisily through the nostrils [v] --- SNORTING the act of snorting [n]
Other moves: NOG 6I 23, NOINT 6I 23, OINT K10 23, RIG 6I 23, NOIR 6I 22

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