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Game of December 24, 2011 at 04:35, 3 players
1. 548 pts kellybelly
2. 385 pts Gypsylady
3. 354 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bcdiilz   H8    28    28   biz
 2. ?egjlou   9C    67    95   logjuice
 3. acloost   K4    32   127   octals
 4. acdgioy   L1    36   163   cagy
 5. iklnort   2J    38   201   krait
 6. abdimoq  10B    42   243   qadi
 7. ?ahiouw   8A    44   287   odah
 8. aelnopr  11E    41   328   pareo
 9. enssuuv  12A    31   359   venus
10. egilnnu   6H    63   422   glutenin
11. eeilstv   O3    86   508   veinlets
12. afhimot   1L    40   548   cham
13. demorrt  A11    24   572   overt
14. adirstx  12H    31   603   sitar
15. aimnoru   N8    82   685   mainour
16. adiortw   H1    39   724   wardog
17. eefnotw  O12    31   755   enew
18. bdeinpy   3C    36   791   bindery
19. deioptx   2B    50   841   doxie

Remaining tiles: effpt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7283 Filekellybelly  6 16:55  -293  548     1.7283 kellybelly  6 16:55  -293  548 
  2.6853 FileGypsylady   3 15:42  -456  385            Group: intermediate
  3.5373 Filepaulineasb  1 18:01  -487  354     1.6853 Gypsylady   3 15:42  -456  385 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5373 paulineasb  1 18:01  -487  354 

On 1st draw, BIZ H8 28 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other tops: BIZ H6 28, BIZ H7 28
Other moves: BIDI H5 14, BIDI H6 14, BIDI H7 14, BIDI H8 14, BID H6 12
BIZ H7 28 Gypsylady

On 2nd draw, LOGJUI(C)E 9C 67 --- LOGJUICE bad port wine [n]
Other moves: JOG(G)LE 11C 41, JO(G)GLE 11C 41, JUGLE(T) 11D 41, JUG(G)LE 11C 41, JU(G)GLE 11C 41
JO I7 21 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, OCTALS K4 32 --- OCTAL a number system with a base of eight [n]
Other tops: CLOOTS K4 32, COSTAL K7 32
Other moves: ALCOS K5 30, ASCOT K8 30, ATOCS K5 30, CALOS K5 30, CLATS K5 30
CLOOTS K4 32 kellybelly
COALS K5 30 Gypsylady

On 4th draw, CAGY L1 36 --- CAGY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: ALGOID 8J 32, COYDOG D8 32, DOGY L1 32, CY(C)AD I7 31, GOAD 8A 31
GOAD 8A 31 kellybelly

On 5th draw, KRAIT 2J 38 --- KRAIT a deadly Asian snake [n]
Other tops: KNARL 2J 38
Other moves: INLOCK 1H 36, CONK 1L 30, CORK 1L 30, KOORI D8 28, KINO 10B 25
INLOCK 1H 36 Gypsylady
CORK 1L 30 kellybelly, paulineasb

On 6th draw, QADI 10B 42 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: DOAB 8A 39, QI 10B 33, QADI 3G 32, LIMBA 8K 30, LIMBO 8K 30
QI 10B 33 kellybelly
QI 3I 27 Gypsylady
QAT 6I 14 paulineasb

On 7th draw, O(D)AH 8A 44 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other tops: O(P)AH 8A 44, (N)OAH 8A 44
Other moves: CHAW 1L 43, CH(A)W 1L 39, CH(E)W 1L 39, CHAI 1L 34, CHAO 1L 34
CHAW 1L 43 Gypsylady, kellybelly, paulineasb

On 8th draw, PAREO 11E 41 --- PAREO a Polynesian skirt [n]
Other tops: PALER 11E 41, PANEL 11E 41, POLER 11E 41
Other moves: PALE 11E 39, PANE 11E 39, PARE 11E 39, POLE 11E 39, PONE 11E 39
PLANER 8J 31 kellybelly
CLAP 1L 28 Gypsylady
LAPEL 8K 24 paulineasb

On 9th draw, VENUS 12A 31 --- VENUS a shell or mollusc [n]
Other moves: NESS 12F 28, ESS 12G 25, NEVUS 12A 25, USES O1 25, SENS 12H 24
VENUS 12A 31 kellybelly
USES O1 25 paulineasb

On 10th draw, GLUTENIN 6H 63 --- GLUTENIN a protein of cereal grains that gives adhesiveness to bread dough [n]
Other moves: QUEEN B10 28, CLEG 1L 25, CLUE 1L 22, LIGNE 8K 21, LUNGE 8K 21
QUEEN B10 28 kellybelly
LUNGE 8K 21 paulineasb
VEIN A12 21 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, VEINLETS O3 86 --- VEINLET a small vein [n]
Other moves: EVILEST 12I 74, VEILIEST N4 63, VENITES O4 42, VENTILS O4 42, EVENTS O3 39
VINES O4 36 paulineasb, kellybelly
ENVIES O5 27 Gypsylady

On 12th draw, CHAM 1L 40 --- CHAM an Asian ruler [n]
Other moves: CHAI 1L 34, CHAO 1L 34, CHAT 1L 34, CHIA 1L 34, CHIT 1L 34
CHAM 1L 40 kellybelly, Gypsylady
CHAT 1L 34 paulineasb

On 13th draw, OVERT A11 24 --- OVERT open to view [adj]
Other tops: VERD A12 24
Other moves: DOM 13B 23, DOM 7A 22, ORMER N10 22, DORMER 12I 21, VERT A12 21
OVERT A11 24 paulineasb, Gypsylady
VOTE A12 21 kellybelly

On 14th draw, SITAR 12H 31 --- SITAR a lute of India [n]
Other moves: SIX 12H 30, RADIX 12I 28, RADIX 14A 26, TAXA 7J 26, TAXI 3G 26
EX J9 25 Gypsylady, paulineasb
TAX 7J 21 kellybelly

On 15th draw, MAINOUR N8 82 --- MAINOUR act or fact of theft [n]
Other moves: ARMING H1 30, MURING H1 30, OARING H1 24, OURANG H1 24, AMINO N10 22
MURING H1 30 kellybelly
MOAN 11K 22 Gypsylady
MANOR K11 14 paulineasb

On 16th draw, WARDOG H1 39 --- WARDOG a dog used in war [n]
Other moves: WAI M9 25, DAWN 11K 24, DOWN 11K 24, RITARD 14A 22, TOWN 11K 20
DOWN 11K 24 kellybelly
WA(D) B6 13 paulineasb

On 17th draw, ENEW O12 31 --- ENEW in falconry, to plunge the quarry into water [v]
Other moves: EFT M8 28, EWT M8 28, FEEN 11K 26, FEWTER 3C 26, FOEN 11K 26
ENEW O12 31 kellybelly
EF J9 13 Gypsylady
FUN 13M 12 paulineasb

On 18th draw, BINDERY 3C 36 --- BINDERY a place where books are bound [n]
Other moves: BEY M13 29, REBIND 14A 26, BED M13 25, BID M13 25, DEY M13 25
BINDERY 3C 36 kellybelly
PRIED L11 10 paulineasb

On 19th draw, DOXIE 2B 50 --- DOXIE a doctrine [n]
Other moves: OXIDE 4A 40, PIX M13 37, POX 2B 37, POX M13 37, OXID 4A 36
DOXIE 2B 50 kellybelly
POXE(D) B4 29 paulineasb

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