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Game of December 24, 2011 at 19:44, 3 players
1. 330 pts rn.roselle
2. 194 pts tonikay
3. 68 pts Faeythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefils   H6    80    80   disleaf
 2. abopstt   G7    24   104   boat
 3. aabnrtw   I3    27   131   nawab
 4. ?histvz   4D   102   233   mitzvahs
 5. ehimnow   J4    37   270   how
 6. aemnnrs  13B    82   352   manners
 7. dorsuuu   K4    31   383   sods
 8. ?dginrt   L7    70   453   trading
 9. ceeinrt   E4    90   543   icterine
10. eghlmpu  B10    42   585   hummel
11. aeortuy   M3    34   619   otary
12. aceioot  15A    30   649   aloetic
13. adefijn   2J    45   694   fained
14. eeiopux   K9    48   742   pix
15. gijloru   8A    39   781   juror
16. egilopy   1F    46   827   gilpey
17. aegloqu   6B    36   863   quate
18. eeklorv   A1    57   920   revoke

Remaining tiles: egilou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6586 Filern.roselle  0 14:06  -590  330     1.6586 rn.roselle  0 14:06  -590  330 
  2.5397 Filetonikay     1  8:44  -726  194     2.6248 Faeythe     1  2:08  -852   68 
  3.6248 FileFaeythe     1  2:08  -852   68            Group: novice
                                             1.5397 tonikay     1  8:44  -726  194 

On 1st draw, DISLEAF H6 80 --- DISLEAF to deprive of leaves [v]
Other moves: DISLEAF H4 76, DISLEAF H2 74, DISLEAF H3 74, DISLEAF H7 74, DISLEAF H8 74

On 2nd draw, BOAT G7 24 --- BOAT to travel by boat (watercraft) [v]
Other moves: BAPS 13E 23, BOPS 13E 23, APSO 13F 22, ASP 13G 21, BASTO 13F 21

On 3rd draw, NAWAB I3 27 --- NAWAB a person of great wealth [n]
Other moves: TAWA I9 25, WAB I5 24, AWARN I10 22, BAWN I11 22, BAWR I11 22

On 4th draw, (M)ITZVAHS 4D 102 --- MITZVAH a commandment of Jewish law [n]
Other moves: (C)HIZ H1 98, (P)HIZ H1 98, (W)HIZ H1 98, S(W)IZ H1 89, Z(E)NITHS 3G 56
Z(O) J2 31 Faeythe

On 5th draw, HOW J4 37 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other tops: HEH J4 37, HEW J4 37, HOH J4 37
Other moves: HEM J4 31, HOM J4 31, HEMIN 5K 30, HEWN 5K 30, HOMIE 5K 30
HEH J4 37 Faeythe

On 6th draw, MANNERS 13B 82 --- MANNER method, fashion of style [n]
Other moves: MANNERS F9 73, REINSMAN E2 70, MANSES K1 36, MARSES K1 36, ENARMS 13C 34
MESS K2 24 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, SODS K4 31 --- SOD to cover with sod (turf) [v]
Other moves: DSOS K3 30, SOD K4 29, SOS K4 26, DORMS B10 24, DOUMS B10 24
DROSS K1 24 rn.roselle

On 8th draw, TR(A)DING L7 70 --- TRADE to give in exchange for another commodity [v] --- TRADING the act of trading [n]
Other tops: DR(A)NTING D7 70, TR(E)NDING D7 70
Other moves: ANTIDR(U)G 11H 68, DIGITR(O)N E1 68, DIGITR(O)N E3 68, DIRIG(E)NT E1 68, DIRIG(E)NT E3 68
DIG 14A 21 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, ICTERINE E4 90 --- ICTERINE marked yellow [adj]
Other moves: REINCITE E2 70, CENTIARE C8 61, INCREATE C8 61, CERMET B10 32, CRIMEN B10 32
CRIME B10 30 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, HUMMEL B10 42 --- HUMMEL to make hornless [v]
Other moves: PUMMEL B10 36, HULE 12A 32, PEH K9 32, HEM K9 31, HEP K9 31
HUGER 8A 30 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, OTARY M3 34 --- OTARY a big-eared seal [n]
Other tops: TEARY M3 34
Other moves: TOEY A8 31, TRAY A8 31, TREY A8 31, TROY A8 31, ELYTRA 15A 30
TOEY A8 31 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, ALOETIC 15A 30 --- ALOE an African plant [adj] --- ALOETIC medicine containing aloes [n]
Other moves: COOTIE A5 29, COATE N2 28, ALEC 15A 27, TACO A8 27, TOCO A8 27
CITE A7 23 rn.roselle
CATE A7 23 tonikay

On 13th draw, FAINED 2J 45 --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other moves: FIEND 2J 43, JADE K9 43, JEDI K9 43, FAINE 2J 41, JADE A7 41
JADE A7 41 tonikay
JEAN A8 40 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, PIX K9 48 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other tops: POX K9 48
Other moves: EXPO 1G 44, EXPO A7 44, EXO K10 43, EX K10 39, OX K10 39
POX K9 48 tonikay
XI K11 38 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, JUROR 8A 39 --- JUROR a member of a jury [n]
Other moves: GJU A8 38, ROJI 1G 38, JIG C9 27, JILT 6B 27, JOG C9 27
JIG L1 22 rn.roselle
JOG A9 19 tonikay

On 16th draw, GILPEY 1F 46 --- GILPEY a boisterous girl [n]
Other moves: POGEY 1G 43, POLEY 1G 40, EDGY O1 39, YMPE 12A 38, PIOY 1H 37
PYE 1H 29 rn.roselle
PILE 1G 23 tonikay

On 17th draw, QUATE 6B 36 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other tops: QUOTA 6B 36, QUOTE 6B 36
Other moves: QUAT 6B 33, OP(A)QUE 9J 26, QUA 3B 25, EQUAL N7 23, AGE A10 18
QUA 3B 25 tonikay

On 18th draw, REVOKE A1 57 --- REVOKE to annul by taking back [v]
Other moves: EVOKER N7 30, EVOKE N7 29, EVOKE A2 28, KERVE A2 28, EVOE A3 26
KID 10J 18 rn.roselle
JOE A8 15 tonikay

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