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Game of December 26, 2011 at 00:00, 3 players
1. 597 pts musdrive
2. 512 pts raggedy01
3. 240 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ciorsty   H8    24    24   stroy
 2. ?adimoq  10F    38    62   qorma
 3. ?adgikm  K10    36    98   smaik
 4. biooptv  L12    30   128   boot
 5. aeenssw   M7    91   219   waeness
 6. deeglnu   N2    29   248   unedge
 7. efioprt   8A   101   349   pieforts
 8. adeenpt   B7    84   433   diapente
 9. ?ghllnu   O7    42   475   nullah
10. acehrru   O1    52   527   aruhe
11. adeilns  15B    89   616   snailed
12. aadilru   J3    61   677   adularia
13. ceirtxz   I3    62   739   zex
14. agirttv   C3    26   765   garvie
15. begijoy   M1    40   805   bogy
16. cfiortv   4A    30   835   fracti
17. ceiiiow   A1    27   862   coif
18. eeinovw  12D    28   890   viewy

Remaining tiles: eijnot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7149 Filemusdrive    5 14:06  -293  597     1.7149 musdrive    5 14:06  -293  597 
  2.6282 Fileraggedy01   3 24:14  -378  512            Group: intermediate
  3.5679 FileAndy1990    0 12:49  -650  240     1.6282 raggedy01   3 24:14  -378  512 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5679 Andy1990    0 12:49  -650  240 

On 1st draw, STROY H8 24 --- STROY to destroy [v]
Other tops: STORY H8 24
Other moves: TORICS H8 22, COIRS H4 20, COITS H4 20, CRIOS H4 20, CRITS H4 20
STORY H8 24 musdrive, raggedy01
CORS H5 12 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, QORMA 10F 38 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other tops: QORMA(S) 10F 38
Other moves: Q(O)RMA 10F 37, (C)AMOODI 11E 36, QORM(A) 10F 35, QOR(M)A 10F 35, MAQ(U)I G11 34
Q(U)A G7 26 raggedy01
QI I7 23 musdrive
QI G7 23 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, (S)MAIK K10 36 --- SMAIK a rascal [n]
Other moves: sK*M* 11D 35, A(I)KIDO 11C 34, MA(S)K K8 34, (S)KIM K10 34, AIK(I)DO 11C 33
(S)KIM K10 34 musdrive
MAKI 11C 31 raggedy01
MAKI(N)G 11J 28 Andy1990

On 4th draw, BOOT L12 30 --- BOOT to load a program into a computer [v]
Other moves: BOI L12 26, BOO L12 26, POOVY 12D 26, POTBOY 12C 26, TOPOI 11B 25
BOOT L12 30 musdrive, raggedy01
PI 11E 19 Andy1990

On 5th draw, WAENESS M7 91 --- WAENESS woeness [n]
Other moves: WAENESS 13C 83, WAENESS 13B 81, WAENESS M6 67, NEWEST 15G 38, SEWANS M9 38
NEWEST 15G 38 musdrive, raggedy01
TAWS 15L 21 Andy1990

On 6th draw, UNEDGE N2 29 --- UNEDGE to blunt [v]
Other tops: DELUGE N2 29
Other moves: DENGUE N2 25, DANG 8L 24, ENDUE N7 24, GADE 8L 24, GAED 8L 24
GADE 8L 24 Andy1990
DANG 8L 24 musdrive
GLAND 8K 24 raggedy01

On 7th draw, PIEFORTS 8A 101 --- PIEFORT an unusually thick coin [n]
Other moves: FIREPOTS 8A 92, FIREPOT L2 85, PROFITED 5G 78, FIREPOT I2 66, PIEFORT I2 66
PROF O1 52 musdrive, raggedy01
TOP O7 21 Andy1990

On 8th draw, DIAPENTE B7 84 --- DIAPENTE a medicine of five ingredients [n]
Other moves: NEAPED O7 39, APED O1 38, NEAPED L3 33, NEPETA O7 33, PANTED L3 33
TAPED O7 30 musdrive, Andy1990
TAPE 15L 18 raggedy01

On 9th draw, NULL(A)H O7 42 --- NULLAH a ravine [n]
Other moves: NULL(A)H L3 38, GA(S)H 8L 35, GNA(S)H 8K 35, UNLA(S)H 8J 35, STROY(I)NG H8 33
(S)HUN O1 31 musdrive
N(I)GH O7 27 raggedy01
THUG 15L 24 Andy1990

On 10th draw, ARUHE O1 52 --- ARUHE (Maori) the edible root of a New Zealand fern. No -S [n]
Other moves: CHARE O1 46, CHAR O1 40, CHER O1 40, CRARE O1 34, CRURA O1 34
CHARE O1 46 musdrive
CHAR O1 40 raggedy01
HA A14 20 Andy1990

On 11th draw, SNAILED 15B 89 --- SNAIL to move slowly [v]
Other moves: ISLANDER F1 65, DELAINES 14A 61, ASIDE 15A 36, ISLAND 15A 36, DESTAIN 15I 35
SNAILED 15B 39 musdrive
STAND 15K 29 raggedy01
SEND 15B 18 Andy1990

On 12th draw, ADULARIA J3 61 --- ADULARIA a mineral [n]
Other moves: LIDO 11E 24, RADULAE C2 22, AFRAID D7 20, LAARI 14D 20, DARI 14E 19
LIDO 11E 24 raggedy01
DAILY 12D 18 musdrive

On 13th draw, ZEX I3 62 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: REZ I1 43, RIZ I1 43, EXIT C8 42, AXE 9B 40, TREZ 15L 39
ZEX I3 62 musdrive
XI 11E 29 raggedy01

On 14th draw, GARVIE C3 26 --- GARVIE a sprat [n]
Other moves: GRAVY 12D 24, VITTAE C3 24, GIRO 11E 23, TRIAGED 4D 22, VAIRY 12D 22
GIRO 11E 23 musdrive
VAG K1 20 raggedy01

On 15th draw, BOGY M1 40 --- BOGY a goblin [n]
Other moves: JIBE D2 39, JOBE D2 39, JOY D2 39, JIAO 4A 38, JO L8 36
JIBE D2 39 musdrive
JOR F6 26 raggedy01

On 16th draw, FRACTI 4A 30 --- FRACTUS a ragged cloud [n]
Other moves: FRIT D1 29, VROT D1 29, FRACT 4A 28, VRAIC 4A 28, CRAFT 4A 26
FRIT D1 29 musdrive
CRAFT 4A 26 raggedy01

On 17th draw, COIF A1 27 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other moves: IWI 11D 23, MEOW I10 20, TWICE 13B 20, OWE A10 19, TICE 15L 18
COIF A1 27 musdrive, raggedy01

On 18th draw, VIEWY 12D 28 --- VIEWY showy [adj]
Other moves: ENVOI 11B 27, VINO 11E 27, WINO 11E 27, INWOVE 12A 26, ENVOY 12D 22
VIEWY 12D 28 musdrive
TOWN 15L 21 raggedy01

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