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Game of December 26, 2011 at 13:43, 3 players
1. 204 pts dabbler
2. 63 pts jimbo
3. 9 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abelnot   H8    74    74   notable
 2. ?ahnopt   8A    89   163   pantheon
 3. eioprru   I9    24   187   peri
 4. adfgiju   E8    32   219   hadji
 5. eeoosty  15H    66   285   sooey
 6. aemnosu   D1    72   357   seamount
 7. ?cddiii   3B    82   439   diacidic
 8. adiloot  14J    28   467   idola
 9. aglortw   H1    30   497   twig
10. aeimstw  14A    80   577   teamwise
11. abelnot  15A    38   615   albe
12. ceersvx   J8    70   685   vexes
13. ceilruv   L9    30   715   viceroy
14. ehiknrt   4H    37   752   gherkin
15. aalnryz   N1    40   792   nyanza
16. eeglqrt   3M    46   838   qat
17. eglortu   A4    63   901   grouplet
18. egnoruu   O5    31   932   orgue

Remaining tiles: ffnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6451 Filedabbler     1  7:49  -728  204     1.6451 dabbler     1  7:49  -728  204 
  2.5757 Filejimbo       0  3:22  -869   63            Group: novice
  3.5410 Filetonikay     0  1:14  -923    9     1.5757 jimbo       0  3:22  -869   63 
                                             2.5410 tonikay     0  1:14  -923    9 

On 1st draw, NOTABLE H8 74 --- NOTABLE a person of distinction [n]
Other moves: NOTABLE H2 70, NOTABLE H3 70, NOTABLE H4 70, NOTABLE H6 70, NOTABLE H7 70

On 2nd draw, PANTH(E)ON 8A 89 --- PANTHEON a temple dedicated to all the gods [n]
Other moves: ANT(I)PHON 8A 86, HEPTA(G)ON 14G 78, PATHO(G)EN 14B 78, PHONATE(D) 14B 78, PHONATE(S) 14B 78

On 3rd draw, PERI I9 24 --- PERI a supernatural being of Persian mythology [n]
Other tops: PORE I9 24
Other moves: EPHORI E6 22, HUPIRO E8 22, UNRIPER C7 22, UPHROE E6 22, URP 7E 21

On 4th draw, HADJI E8 32 --- HADJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HADJ E8 30, HAJI E8 28, JAGUAR 11D 28, JUTE 10F 27, DOF G7 25

On 5th draw, SOOEY 15H 66 --- SOOEY used for calling pigs [interj]
Other tops: SOOTY 15H 66
Other moves: EYOTS 15D 57, TOYOS 15D 57, TYEES 15D 57, EYES 15E 51, OOSY 15F 51

On 6th draw, SEAMOUNT D1 72 --- SEAMOUNT an undersea mountain [n]
Other moves: MANES 14J 43, MANOS 14J 43, MANSE 14J 43, MANUS 14J 43, MEANS 14J 43

On 7th draw, DIA(C)IDIC 3B 82 --- DIACID a type of acid [adj] --- DIACIDIC pertaining to diacid [adj]
Other moves: DIACIDI(C) 3B 76, DIACIDI(C) B6 67, DIA(C)IDIC B6 67, C(E)DI J10 31, I(O)DIC F10 31

On 8th draw, IDOLA 14J 28 --- IDOLUM a mental image [n]
Other tops: OOTID F10 28
Other moves: OOIDAL H1 27, (E)LIAD F8 26, DOAT 14J 23, DOOL 14J 23, DIOTA J6 22

On 9th draw, TWIG H1 30 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other tops: GLOW D12 30, GROW D12 30, SAWLOG 1D 30
Other moves: TWIRL H1 27, AGLOW G5 26, ALOW D12 26, AROW D12 26, TROW D12 26

On 10th draw, TEAMWISE 14A 80 --- TEAMWISE harnessed together [adv]
Other moves: EWTS J9 42, MEWS J8 39, TEWS J8 37, WAMES 13A 37, WASTEL 13C 37

On 11th draw, ALBE 15A 38 --- ALBE albeit [conj]
Other moves: BOTEL 13J 35, LOBATE A10 33, BOLA 13J 31, BOLE 13J 31, BONA 13J 31

On 12th draw, VEXES J8 70 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: REXES J8 67, EXES J9 66, VEX J8 60, REX J8 57, SEX J8 57
EXES 1A 33 dabbler

On 13th draw, VICEROY L9 30 --- VICEROY one who rules as the representative of a sovereign [n]
Other moves: ICE 13K 26, CRUIVE 6B 25, CEL 13L 24, CRUSIE 1A 24, VIES G11 24
CUES 1A 18 dabbler
VICE 8J 12 jimbo

On 14th draw, GHERKIN 4H 37 --- GHERKIN a small cucumber [n]
Other moves: KNISH 1A 36, HIKE 2A 34, HEW 2F 33, KHIS 1A 33, HEME D12 28
HEW 2F 33 dabbler

On 15th draw, NYANZA N1 40 --- NYANZA a lake [n]
Other moves: NYANZA C5 39, ZANILY M1 36, ZAYIN 12B 34, ZAYIN M1 34, ADZ 10D 33
ZANY N2 32 dabbler
YA 15N 20 jimbo

On 16th draw, QAT 3M 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI F2 31, REGENT 1J 27, TEWEL 2F 27, GERENT 1J 24, REDLEG B1 24
QAT 3M 46 dabbler
QI F2 31 jimbo

On 17th draw, GROUPLET A4 63 --- GROUPLET a small group [n]
Other moves: OGLER O5 32, ORGUE O5 31, OGLE O5 29, OGRE O5 29, LOWER 2F 27
GROUT O6 21 dabbler
GULPER A5 9 tonikay

On 18th draw, ORGUE O5 31 --- ORGUE a multi-barreled weapon [n]
Other moves: OGRE O5 29, UNDOER B1 27, ONER O5 25, EON F10 21, GENRO O6 21
GONE 1L 21 dabbler

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