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Game of December 26, 2011 at 15:13, 2 players
1. 558 pts dabbler
2. 71 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddiruy   H6    80    80   ruddily
 2. aegiiot   G5    23   103   togae
 3. adeiops  11D    90   193   sepaloid
 4. aaefimu  12A    32   225   mafia
 5. ajrstwy   F4    54   279   raj
 6. bcimors   K4    80   359   scombrid
 7. eginoyz   J6    66   425   zo
 8. ?aegios   A8   140   565   oogamies
 9. adegknr  10J    40   605   kiang
10. ehnnort  14A    76   681   enthrone
11. aelnrst   O4    85   766   rentals
12. eehlnow  15H    45   811   howe
13. efiltuw   E2    34   845   flew
14. aeeilnt   N8    72   917   legatine
15. bopqtuy   4A    50   967   quoter
16. ceilprv   C2    84  1051   proclive
17. entuvxy  O13    61  1112   tux
18. bdeeiin   N2    29  1141   beedi

Remaining tiles: inuvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6456 Filedabbler     4 20:41  -583  558     1.6456 dabbler     4 20:41  -583  558 
  2.5422 Filetonikay     0  8:20 -1070   71            Group: novice
                                             1.5422 tonikay     0  8:20 -1070   71 

On 1st draw, RUDDI(L)Y H6 80 --- RUDDILY in a ruddy manner [adv]
Other tops: DRUID(R)Y H6 80, D(R)UIDRY H6 80
Other moves: DRUID(R)Y H4 76, DRUID(R)Y H8 76, D(R)UIDRY H4 76, D(R)UIDRY H8 76, RUDDI(L)Y H2 76
RUDDY H8 28 dabbler
R(A)Y H6 10 tonikay

On 2nd draw, TOGAE G5 23 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: AGIO G6 22, GAIT G7 22, GAIT I7 22, GEAT G7 22, GEAT I7 22
AGE G9 13 tonikay
GATE I3 9 dabbler

On 3rd draw, SEPA(L)OID 11D 90 --- SEPAL one of the individual leaves of a calyx [adj] --- SEPALOID resembling a sepal [adj]
Other tops: OPA(L)ISED 11E 90
Other moves: ADIPOSE I1 70, EPISODA(L) 11A 70, DIP(L)OES 11E 36, APOS I6 31, EPOS I6 31
DOPEY 12D 22 dabbler
PODS F9 15 tonikay

On 4th draw, MAFIA 12A 32 --- MAFIA a secret criminal organization [n]
Other moves: MAFIA 10J 31, AUF F4 30, EF F5 29, IF F5 29, FEM F4 27
IF F5 29 dabbler
FAME F2 19 tonikay

On 5th draw, RAJ F4 54 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: TAJ F4 54
Other moves: WASTRY 13B 53, WARTY 13B 43, ARTSY 13C 40, TRYPS F8 37, WARST 13B 37
MARY A12 27 dabbler
AW 13A 14 tonikay

On 6th draw, SCOMBRID K4 80 --- SCOMBRID a fish of the mackerel family [n]
Other moves: BROMISM A6 39, BROMISM A9 39, COMBIS A10 36, COMMIS A10 36, CRAMBO B10 36
BRIMS I2 21 dabbler

On 7th draw, ZO J6 66 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ENZYM A8 57, ZINGER 4A 52, BONZE 8K 51, MOZE A12 45, ZOOEY 6J 45
ZO J6 66 dabbler

On 8th draw, O(O)GAMIES A8 140 --- OOGAMY the state of having dissimilar gametes [n]
Other tops: GO(R)AMIES A8 140, (O)OGAMIES A8 140
Other moves: GY(R)OSE 12G 40, ABEIG(H) 8J 39, OBA(N)GS 8J 39, OBSIG(N) 8J 39, ABI(D)ES 8J 36
BA(R)GE 8K 24 dabbler

On 9th draw, KIANG 10J 40 --- KIANG a Tibetan wild ass [n]
Other tops: KIANG J10 40, KINGED 10J 40, KINGED J10 40
Other moves: BAKED 8K 39, KIDGE 10J 39, KIDGE J10 39, KINDER 10J 39, KINDER J10 39
KINDER 10J 39 dabbler

On 10th draw, ENTHRONE 14A 76 --- ENTHRONE to place on a throne [v]
Other moves: THO L4 35, BERTH 8K 33, BROTH 8K 33, NORTH L1 29, EATH B11 28
HERO L1 26 dabbler

On 11th draw, RENTALS O4 85 --- RENTAL an amount paid or collected as rent [n]
Other tops: ANTLERS O4 85
Other moves: RENTALS 15F 84, SALTERN 15F 84, ANTLERS 15G 82, ANTLERS 15H 80, RENTALS 15H 80
LEARNS O5 29 dabbler

On 12th draw, HOWE 15H 45 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other tops: HEWN 15H 45, HOWL 15H 45
Other moves: HEW 15H 42, HOW 15H 42, NOH 15F 37, HEEL 15H 36, HELE 15H 36
HOWL 15H 45 dabbler

On 13th draw, FLEW E2 34 --- FLEW the floppy upper lip of dogs such as bloodhounds [n]
Other moves: FEW E3 32, WEFT L1 32, IWI 13A 30, FLUTE N2 28, LIEF E2 28
FLEW N2 27 dabbler

On 14th draw, LEGATINE N8 72 --- LEGATINE pertaining to an official envoy [adj]
Other moves: LINEATE B2 70, AN 13C 23, ANELE 14J 23, ANILE 14J 23, AT 13C 23
ANTE 14J 15 dabbler

On 15th draw, QUOTER 4A 50 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: QUOP B6 40, QUOP N2 36, QUBIT 13K 32, BOY M13 31, BUY M13 31
QUOTER 4A 50 dabbler

On 16th draw, PROCLIVE C2 84 --- PROCLIVE inclined [adj]
Other moves: CRUIVE B2 38, POLICER C3 30, PELORIC C1 28, PELVIC 13J 26, PILFER 2B 26
CLOVER C2 24 dabbler

On 17th draw, TUX O13 61 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: TEX O13 61
Other moves: EX O14 56, VEXT L1 40, VEX 15M 39, YEX 15M 39, EX M12 38
TEX O13 61 dabbler

On 18th draw, BEEDI N2 29 --- BEEDI (Hindi) a hand rolled cigarette [n]
Other moves: ED 13C 26, ID 13C 26, BIDI L1 24, DIENE N2 24, EN 13C 23
BIDE N1 16 dabbler

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