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Game of December 27, 2011 at 14:07, 6 players
1. 603 pts naomiari
2. 565 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 462 pts dabbler

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?delmnp   H3    26    26   impled
 2. abhiilr   4H    26    52   mihrab
 3. aadeirt   2H    85   137   radiate
 4. bdenosu   K4    94   231   rebounds
 5. afirstz   1L   103   334   zarf
 6. aeeorst   G7    66   400   roseate
 7. ?gjknty   8J    66   466   juking
 8. aempsvx  H11    61   527   maxes
 9. acerttt   1C   124   651   tetract
10. dehinpw  F10    54   705   whid
11. aglnowy  15A   101   806   longways
12. eeinoop   2B    28   834   penie
13. agioors   E6    38   872   orgias
14. clnotuv   8A    27   899   clung
15. eilnovy   F1    33   932   renvoy
16. eefioqt   7M    43   975   qi
17. efiootv   3A    28  1003   oof
18. eilotuv   N7    26  1029   involute

Remaining tiles: eeiiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6064 Filenaomiari    3 16:11  -426  603     1.6064 naomiari    3 16:11  -426  603 
  2.6316 FileGrace_Tjie  1 16:57  -464  565     2.6316 Grace_Tjie  1 16:57  -464  565 
  3.6455 Filedabbler     3 16:53  -567  462     3.6455 dabbler     3 16:53  -567  462 
  4.5931 Fileayoba       1 12:19  -833  196     4.6495 dannyboy    0  1:18 -1007   22 
  5.6495 Filedannyboy    0  1:18 -1007   22     5.6076 Hasni       0  1:39 -1024    5 
  6.6076 FileHasni       0  1:39 -1024    5            Group: novice
                                             1.5931 ayoba       1 12:19  -833  196 

On 1st draw, (I)MPLED H3 26 --- IMPLEAD to sue in a court of law [v]
Other tops: PL(U)MED H4 26, P(A)LMED H4 26, (I)MPEND H3 26
Other moves: D(A)MPEN H4 24, D(I)MPLE H4 24, D(U)MPLE H4 24, L(A)MPED H7 24, L(I)MPED H7 24
P(A)LMED H4 26 naomiari
P(O)EM H8 14 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, MIHRAB 4H 26 --- MIHRAB a niche in a mosque [n]
Other tops: HARL 2F 26
Other moves: BAH G7 25, HILAR G7 25, HILAR I7 25, RAH 2H 25, AHI G6 24
BAH G7 25 Grace_Tjie
HAIL G7 24 naomiari

On 3rd draw, RADIATE 2H 85 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other moves: RADIATED 8A 83, TIARAED 2B 82, AIRDATE 2E 74, RADIATE 2F 74, AIRDATE 2F 73
DART 3L 21 naomiari
DARE 3L 21 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, REBOUNDS K4 94 --- REBOUND to spring back [v]
Other moves: BEDS 1L 42, BEDU 1L 42, BUDO 1L 42, BUDS 1L 42, BEND 1L 41
BEND 1L 41 naomiari, Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, ZARF 1L 103 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: TZARS 1K 99, ZATI 1L 94, ZITS 1L 94, TZAR 1K 50, SIZAR N4 48
ZITS 1L 94 Grace_Tjie, naomiari

On 6th draw, ROSEATE G7 66 --- ROSEATE rose-coloured [adj]
Other tops: ROSEATE I7 66
Other moves: REATES L8 24, ROATES L8 24, SAETER L8 24, SEATER L8 24, REATE L8 22
STEREO N4 22 dabbler
SEATER N4 22 naomiari
TAROS L11 14 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, JUK(I)NG 8J 66 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other moves: YUK(I)NG 8J 54, JUNG(L)Y 8J 51, JUNK(E)T 8J 51, GYTTJ(A) 12D 48, J(U)NKY F11 40
JUK(I)NG 8J 66 dabbler
J(U)NKY F11 40 naomiari
J(O)Y F6 37 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, MAXES H11 61 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: EXAM H12 54, AXES H12 48, VEX G1 46, SEX G1 43, EX G2 42
AXES H12 48 naomiari
SEX N4 40 dabbler
PAXES F4 37 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, TETRACT 1C 124 --- TETRACT a sponge spicule [n]
Other moves: TETRACTS 15A 83, RECTA 1F 68, TECTA 1F 68, REACT 1E 65, TRACE 1E 65
TRACE 1E 65 dabbler
EXACTER 13G 34 naomiari
TET F11 21 Grace_Tjie
GEAR O8 5 Hasni

On 10th draw, WHID F10 54 --- WHID to move quickly and quietly [v]
Other moves: PHEW F10 52, PHEW F7 47, HEWN F8 45, WHINED F5 41, WIPED F6 41
HEW F8 39 Grace_Tjie
HEW F13 24 naomiari
WHEN 2A 24 ayoba
HIP F13 23 dabbler

On 11th draw, LONGWAYS 15A 101 --- LONGWAYS longwise [adv]
Other moves: AGLOW E7 48, YAW E9 48, YOW E9 48, GLOW E8 46, GNAW E8 46
YAW E9 48 Grace_Tjie
AGLOW E7 48 dabbler
OW E10 40 naomiari
SNOWY 15H 15 ayoba

On 12th draw, PENIE 2B 28 --- PENIE a penny [n]
Other moves: IONONE 9I 27, NONI 9I 20, OPINE 2A 20, JEE J8 19, JOE J8 19
OPINE 2A 20 Grace_Tjie
OPEN F5 19 dabbler
PI 14B 18 ayoba
PO 14B 18 naomiari

On 13th draw, ORGIAS E6 38 --- ORGIA a revel of debauchery [n]
Other moves: AGIOS E7 36, GIROS E7 36, GORAS E7 36, GIOS E8 34, GOAS E8 34
GOS E9 32 naomiari
GAS E9 32 dabbler
AGO 14A 18 Grace_Tjie
GOA 3A 18 ayoba

On 14th draw, CLUNG 8A 27 --- CLING to make a high-pitched ringing sound [v]
Other moves: LEUCO 14G 25, TOC 3A 24, VOL 3A 22, LEVO 14G 21, COL 3A 20
CLUNG 8A 27 naomiari, dabbler
VOL 3A 22 ayoba
CON 3A 20 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, RENVOY F1 33 --- RENVOY the sending back of an alien by a government [n]
Other moves: LENVOY 14G 32, IVY F4 30, LEVY 14G 30, VLY F4 30, YE I13 30
IVY F4 30 dabbler
NOY F4 27 naomiari
YEN 3A 22 Grace_Tjie
YO 14B 22 dannyboy
LOVELY B8 20 ayoba

On 16th draw, QI 7M 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FEEN 3C 32, FIQUE C5 28, QUOIF C7 28, TEF 3A 28, FETE 3A 27
QI 7M 43 naomiari, dabbler, Grace_Tjie, ayoba

On 17th draw, OOF 3A 28 --- OOF money [n]
Other tops: TEF 3A 28
Other moves: FE 6N 27, VITE 3A 27, VOTE 3A 27, EF 3B 26, IF 3B 26
FE 6N 27 naomiari, dabbler, Grace_Tjie
FOE 3A 22 ayoba

On 18th draw, INVOLUTE N7 26 --- INVOLUTE to roll or curl up [v]
Other moves: EVOLUTE 14H 24, OUTLIVE C7 24, LEVITE 14G 23, LEVE 14G 21, LEVO 14G 21
EVOLUTE 14H 24 Grace_Tjie
OLIVE L11 20 dabbler
LOVE B8 15 naomiari
VIN N6 14 ayoba

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