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Game of December 28, 2011 at 02:20, 5 players
1. 604 pts yab
2. 455 pts tonikay
3. 424 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ejlmwx   H4    44    44   jewel
 2. ?deeeex   G8    75   119   exeemed
 3. aelmoru   F2    70   189   morulae
 4. adinnpz  10D    37   226   pized
 5. aciilrs   G1    26   252   liras
 6. einosty   1G    39   291   linsey
 7. abenrtv  11C    35   326   venae
 8. egikmqs   D8    32   358   kipes
 9. adioort   8A    27   385   dirk
10. aenrttu   A1    80   465   truanted
11. abgmrsu   5E    36   501   buseras
12. aghintu   2J    52   553   haunt
13. egmnoov  H12    39   592   omov
14. aeiopqt   3I    31   623   qat
15. afglott  F13    23   646   fag
16. efgilnw   6J    34   680   winge
17. dhnoort   O3    49   729   thoron
18. cefioou  C11    22   751   voice
19. bfiopty  15A    39   790   obey
20. adeflot   M6    80   870   gatefold

Remaining tiles: cgiipu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7005 Fileyab         4 26:36  -266  604     1.7005 yab         4 26:36  -266  604 
  2.5409 Filetonikay     1 23:16  -415  455            Group: intermediate
  3.6622 Fileiwhist      1 17:58  -446  424     1.6622 iwhist      1 17:58  -446  424 
  4.6080 FileHasni       1 14:04  -628  242     2.6080 Hasni       1 14:04  -628  242 
  5.4960 FileBiddy       0  7:27  -757  113            Group: novice
                                             1.5409 tonikay     1 23:16  -415  455 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4960 Biddy       0  7:27  -757  113 

On 1st draw, JEW(E)L H4 44 --- JEWEL to adorn or equip with jewels (precious stones) [v]
Other tops: J(E)WEL H4 44
Other moves: X(Y)LEM H4 42, JE(U)X H5 34, JE(U)X H6 34, JE(U)X H7 34, JE(U)X H8 34
JEW(E)L H4 44 yab
WEX H6 26 tonikay

On 2nd draw, EXEE(M)ED G8 75 --- EXEEM to release or exempt [v]
Other moves: EXEE(M)ED 5E 56, DEX(I)E I5 46, EX(O)DE I6 44, DEX I5 43, D(E)X I5 41
DEX I5 43 yab
(A)XED I4 39 tonikay

On 3rd draw, MORULAE F2 70 --- MORULA an embryonic mass of cells [n]
Other moves: MORULAE I8 66, MAULER H10 40, MEAL H12 38, MEOU H12 38, AMOUR F9 37
MOREL H11 35 yab
LAMER H11 35 tonikay

On 4th draw, PIZED 10D 37 --- PIZED
Other moves: DIZEN 10D 35, PIZE 10D 35, WIZ 6H 35, ADZE 10D 34, DAZE 10D 34
DAZE 10D 34 yab
ZED 10F 33 iwhist
ZEA 10F 32 Hasni
ZA I3 30 tonikay

On 5th draw, LIRAS G1 26 --- LIRA a monetary unit of Italy [n]
Other tops: CAPRIS D8 26
Other moves: JAILS 4H 24, JARLS 4H 24, SCIARID 14A 24, ARIL H12 22, ARIS H12 22
JAILS 4H 24 iwhist
SAE 11E 21 tonikay, Hasni
SAC H13 20 yab

On 6th draw, LINSEY 1G 39 --- LINSEY a coarse fabric [n]
Other tops: LENITY 1G 39
Other moves: LYSINE 1G 30, PIONEY D10 30, POINTY D10 30, YIPES D8 28, DEYS H10 24
LINSEY 1G 39 yab
LINTY 1G 24 iwhist
TOY H13 23 Hasni, tonikay

On 7th draw, VENAE 11C 35 --- VENA a vein [n]
Other moves: TRAVE 2J 31, VARE I3 31, BARE I3 29, BRAVED 14B 28, ARET I4 27
TRAVE 2J 31 yab
NAE 11E 21 iwhist
TAE 11E 21 tonikay
TAB H13 20 Hasni

On 8th draw, KIPES D8 32 --- KIPE a woven basket for catching pike [n]
Other moves: SKIM M1 30, SKEG M1 28, EIK H13 26, SEIK M1 26, SIK H13 26
SKIM M1 30 iwhist
MIS H13 22 Hasni
ME 2K 13 yab
MINKS E9 11 tonikay

On 9th draw, DIRK 8A 27 --- DIRK to stab with a small knife [v]
Other tops: DARK 8A 27, DOOK 8A 27, DORK 8A 27, TROAD 2J 27
Other moves: ADIT H12 26, ODOR H12 26, ADO I4 25, ARID H12 25, ORAD H12 25
DORK 8A 27 iwhist, tonikay, Hasni
TOOK 8A 24 yab

On 10th draw, TRUANTED A1 80 --- TRUANT to be absent from school for no valid reason [v]
Other moves: ATTUNE 2I 29, ARET I4 27, TAUTEN 2J 27, TAUTER 2J 27, TRUANT 2J 27
TRUANTED A1 30 yab
ARET I4 27 tonikay
TARE I3 25 iwhist

On 11th draw, BUSERAS 5E 36 --- BUSERA porridge made from millet [n]
Other moves: SAMBUR M1 30, SAGUM M1 26, MAG H13 25, MAGUS 2K 25, MARGS 2K 25
MAG H13 25 Hasni, iwhist
MAR I3 23 tonikay
MURAS 2K 23 yab

On 12th draw, HAUNT 2J 52 --- HAUNT to visit frequently [v]
Other moves: THAGI 2J 36, HAUT 2J 35, HIANT 6J 33, HINAU 6J 33, HATING 4J 31
HAUT 2J 35 yab
HINT 6J 30 iwhist
HAG H13 29 Hasni
TAR I3 15 tonikay

On 13th draw, OMOV H12 39 --- OMOV a voting system of one man, one vote [n]
Other moves: MOOVE 6J 30, OMEN H12 30, MONGOE 6J 29, MONGO 6J 28, MOOVED 14B 28
MOOVE 6J 30 yab
OMEN H12 30 tonikay
MOON 3L 26 iwhist
MOG H13 25 Hasni

On 14th draw, QAT 3I 31 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: PEAT 3L 26, POET 3L 26, PARE I3 25, PEA 3L 24, POA 3L 24
POET 3L 26 yab
PARE I3 25 iwhist
PET I12 20 tonikay
PATE 4J 18 Hasni

On 15th draw, FAG F13 23 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other moves: FAT F13 22, FLOG I11 22, FA F13 21, GOAF 6J 21, GOLF 6J 21
FAT F13 22 iwhist
LOG I12 18 tonikay
RAFT 2A 14 yab
STOAT K5 5 Biddy

On 16th draw, WINGE 6J 34 --- WINGE to whine [v]
Other moves: ELFING 15A 33, WIFE 6J 33, WING 6J 31, WIEL 6J 30, WIG 6J 30
WIFE 6J 33 yab, iwhist
REF I5 23 tonikay
SLEWING K5 22 Biddy

On 17th draw, THORON O3 49 --- THORON a radioactive isotope of radon [n]
Other moves: HOTROD O3 43, HOTDOG 15A 39, NORTH O4 37, DOTH O6 35, ORTHO O5 34
THORON O3 49 yab
DOTH O6 35 Biddy
ROOD O6 25 iwhist
OOH 7L 18 tonikay

On 18th draw, VOICE C11 22 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: ICE I11 20, OOFIER C3 20, VICE C11 20, FEU 7K 19, FIE I11 19
FOE I11 19 iwhist
FICE B7 16 yab, tonikay
FOUR C5 8 Biddy

On 19th draw, OBEY 15A 39 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other moves: BOEP 15A 33, TOEY 15A 33, BEPITY N5 31, PYET 15A 30, YBET 15A 30
OBEY 15A 39 yab
POET 15A 21 tonikay, Biddy
YEP N5 17 iwhist

On 20th draw, GATEFOLD M6 80 --- GATEFOLD a folded insert in a book or magazine [n]
Other moves: DEFLATOR C1 76, TELFORD C3 33, LEOTARD C3 27, LOCA 14A 27, TACO 14A 27
DEFLATOR C1 26 yab
FLOATER C2 22 Biddy
ODE I11 18 iwhist
AD 1N 11 tonikay

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