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Game of December 28, 2011 at 12:17, 3 players
1. 526 pts yab
2. 504 pts annelhynz
3. 168 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afirstv   H3    26    26   afrits
 2. adelopu   5C    72    98   poularde
 3. ?chiltu   D4    82   180   touchily
 4. eklnorz   G3    51   231   zeal
 5. aeeinrv   E9    22   253   naeve
 6. ?imoorx   F7    56   309   minx
 7. bdegiot   4J    28   337   bogied
 8. aceeort   O4    83   420   decorate
 9. ailnqrt   M3    32   452   qintar
10. aeiorss   K1    38   490   ariosos
11. bemnnos   1K    36   526   ambos
12. efiklnw  C10    36   562   flew
13. aeiprtv  11H    76   638   perviate
14. aeggkny  H11    45   683   peaky
15. adeejno   J4    59   742   bejade
16. eghinry  14H    46   788   keyring
17. hinnotu   8A    30   818   hunh
18. giinotu   G3    25   843   zealot
19. dinoouw  15L    31   874   doun

Remaining tiles: giinow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7007 Fileyab         4 21:49  -348  526     1.7007 yab         4 21:49  -348  526 
  2.6369 Fileannelhynz   0 22:13  -370  504            Group: intermediate
  3.5207 Filecailah      0  7:55  -706  168     1.6369 annelhynz   0 22:13  -370  504 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5207 cailah      0  7:55  -706  168 

On 1st draw, AFRITS H3 26 --- AFRIT an evil spirit in Arabic mythology [n]
Other tops: IFTARS H3 26
Other moves: FAIRS H4 24, F*RTS H4 24, FASTI H4 24, FIARS H4 24, FIATS H4 24
AFRITS H3 26 yab
FIRST H4 24 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, POULARDE 5C 72 --- POULARDE a spayed hen [n]
Other moves: PALUDOSE 8B 62, POULE G3 30, DOULA G3 26, LOUPE G3 26, DOUP G3 25
PEAL G3 25 annelhynz
POULARDE 5C 22 yab

On 3rd draw, TOUCHIL(Y) D4 82 --- TOUCHILY in a touchy manner [adv] --- TOUCHY overly sensitive [adv]
Other moves: (S)CHUIT K5 42, (S)LUTCH K5 42, CHIT(S) K1 40, CUI(S)H K2 40, (S)CHUL K5 40
CHUT 4A 32 yab, annelhynz

On 4th draw, ZEAL G3 51 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEA G3 48, ZOA G3 48, L*Z G1 43, REZ G1 43, FORZE 4H 39
ZOA G3 48 annelhynz
KI 9C 11 yab

On 5th draw, NAEVE E9 22 --- NAEVE a birthmark [n]
Other tops: ALIENER 6F 22, AVENIR 4J 22, ENVIER 4J 22, NAEVI E9 22, NAIVER 4J 22, NIEVE E9 22, RAVINE 4J 22
Other moves: ENVIER C10 21, ALIEN 6F 20, LIVENER 10D 20, VEEP C2 20, EVENER J1 19
RAVEN 4J 18 annelhynz
ZANIER 3G 16 yab

On 6th draw, MI(N)X F7 56 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: O(V)ERMIX 13C 52, XI 6J 50, XI(S) 6J 50, X(I) 6J 49, X(U) 6J 49
XI 6J 50 yab
MIX I1 47 annelhynz

On 7th draw, BOGIED 4J 28 --- BOGIE to swim [v]
Other moves: BETH 8A 27, BOTH 8A 27, BODGIE 4J 26, ZEALOT G3 25, DOTH 8A 24
BOTH 8A 27 yab
BIG I1 23 annelhynz

On 8th draw, DECORATE O4 83 --- DECORATE to adorn [v]
Other moves: OCREATE I8 65, CEDRATE O2 30, CORDATE O1 30, REDCOAT O2 30, ARCH 8A 27
DECORATE O4 33 yab
CORD O1 21 annelhynz

On 9th draw, QINTAR M3 32 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: TRANQ C11 30, TRANQ N11 30, QI M3 22, LATH 8A 21, LITH 8A 21
RATH 8A 21 yab
TAIL 6J 13 annelhynz

On 10th draw, ARIOSOS K1 38 --- ARIOSO a musical passage resembling an aria [n]
Other moves: ARIOSE K1 36, ARIOSO K1 36, OOSIER K3 36, OSIERS K4 36, ROOSAS K2 36
SERAIS 12J 27 yab
SEARS 12K 25 annelhynz

On 11th draw, AMBOS 1K 36 --- AMBO a pulpit in an early Christian church [n]
Other tops: BEMOANS 1G 36
Other moves: BEMOAN 1G 33, MEBOS 12K 33, MOBES 12K 33, BOMBES J1 32, BONNES 12J 31
BEMOANS 1G 36 yab
BOMAS 1H 30 annelhynz

On 12th draw, FLEW C10 36 --- FLEW the floppy upper lip of dogs such as bloodhounds [n]
Other moves: ELF C8 30, FENI C10 30, KNIFE C11 30, INKLE N10 28, KEWL C11 28
FLEW C10 36 yab
KNIFE 11K 24 cailah
FIKE 13B 22 annelhynz

On 13th draw, PERVIATE 11H 76 --- PERVIATE to make a way through [v]
Other moves: PIRATE N9 30, BEPAT J4 27, PATH 8A 27, PAVE B12 27, PITH 8A 27
PIRATE N9 30 cailah
PAVE B12 27 annelhynz, yab

On 14th draw, PEAKY H11 45 --- PEAKY sickly [adj]
Other moves: PEGGY H11 39, PEKAN H11 36, ANKH 8A 33, YANK B12 32, YONT 6J 31
YAK B12 30 annelhynz
KEG I1 25 yab
NAGGY M10 20 cailah

On 15th draw, BEJADE J4 59 --- BEJADE to tire out [v]
Other moves: JOKED 14F 37, NEED 12L 37, JA J1 32, JO J1 32, JAKE 14F 31
JOKED 14F 37 yab, cailah
JEEP C2 28 annelhynz

On 16th draw, KEYRING 14H 46 --- KEYRING as in keyring drive, a pocket flash drive for storing computer data [adj]
Other moves: HYE I13 36, HETING N9 33, HIGH 8A 33, ENERGY I9 32, HIE I13 30
HI I13 24 annelhynz
HIKER 14F 22 yab

On 17th draw, HUNH 8A 30 --- HUNH used to ask for a repetition of an utterance [interj]
Other moves: TAHOU 13G 29, HOUT 13L 26, ZEALOT G3 25, HOUT B12 24, NOUN 15L 23
HOUT 13L 26 annelhynz
HOUT B12 24 yab
OH 15N 18 cailah

On 18th draw, ZEALOT G3 25 --- ZEALOT one who is zealous [n]
Other moves: NOUT 15L 23, TOUN 15L 23, NOG I1 21, TIG I1 21, TOG I1 21
TOUN 15L 23 yab
NOUT 15L 23 annelhynz
OUT 15M 14 cailah

On 19th draw, DOUN 15L 31 --- DOUN (Scots) down [adv]
Other tops: DOON 15L 31
Other moves: DAWN 13G 28, WOOD B12 26, NID 12M 25, NOD 12M 25, AWN 13H 24
DOON 15L 31 yab
NOD 12M 25 cailah
OW 15N 18 annelhynz

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